Saturday, February 10, 2007

What are words for?

We need to break out in truth in a very big way, one of the first things you need to realize is that the more some one tells you what they are the less likely they are as they claim. A simple example of this experience is Fox news, you know the “fair and balanced network, it is anything but fair and balanced, everyone knows this even Ruppert Murdock has stated that his network is a media control endeavor. OK so you understand about Fox, but do you understand about the other media whores, they are all playing the same game that's why you wait for action that will never come. If you listen to progressive talk maybe you've heard , Fat Head Ed, you know the great debater, ever hear him debate, ever seen him really debate anything? Think about it and listen there is no debate, if some one has a point or a question that gets to close to the truth they are cut off, because Eddy has no debate or intelligence so he has to rely on his ability to cut off the thought. Have you noticed Ed complain about people not thinking he is left enough, its not a question of left or right, but truth verses control. The media labels you left or liberal if your not down with the idea of running around the world killing people who do not want to play the American game of corporate greed at the expense of innocent lives. Iraq didn't attack us on 911, but still we have gone and destroyed their country, economy and we can not get out because the greed is not through stealing all that is available, not only Iraqi lives and property, but our own youths and economy. It doesn't matter to the global elite as long as they can stuff their fat faces. This is what Eddies job is, to turn you purple the new royal color of the already exposed global New World Order, Eddies not being pushed forward on accident he is there pretending to have debate while shutting down any real thought about exploring the truth, that it is all about some body making money and stealing resources from the Iraqi people. Ed is making quite the name for him self herding sheep and if your listening and have not figured this out your as bad as anyone swelling down the Fox rhetoric. Go ahead try to debate the Fat head, you'll get shut down if you have any point that does not agree with his agenda, he is a war boy and a tool being used against you, play attention you always end up in the same place with Eddie in control. Think about his little claims, he stands for truth, who's truth is that corporate America, we have to deal with Iran, it is the plan and Eddie will lead you right down this road, while he may pretend to zig or zag, he always is headed the same course holding the elitist agenda, don't believe me go ahead and review his past shows you'll see where you are headed right down the New World Order road, with a few pretend stops.

OK how about CNN, same game different players, maybe you like the Dobbster, I have heard Lou bring on the CFR, at least he did a little better then Fat Head Ed, pretending to question what gives them the right to cram their agenda down the American throats. Still no real debate just rhetoric designed to put the agenda out in the open, nothing to stop it or even really question the idea of a North American Fascist order known as the North American Union. While you may think Lou Dobbs is questioning the controllers he is just another Tim Russert, new world order tool to control the debate and effort made on behalf of the corporate elitist who intend to kill you off when they are through milking you like a cow. You do not think so, OK just email or call your media controllers and tell them you think we need a general strike across the United States and see what they say, they will all tell you it can not be done, why? They are part of the corporate control game and if you do not play you are of no use to them, they will do anything to keep you from effectively shutting the game down. Do you remember May 5th when the immigrants got together to protest getting told to leave this country if they were not here legally, our government brought them in to kill the middle class, the only people who might resist the new corporate World Order. The immigrants know they are wage slaves it doesn't matter to them if you have no country other then the corporate elitist agenda, as long as they have jobs that allow them to eat, because our government corrupted their country until they could no longer make a living in their own land. Do you think these people would be streaming into this country if there was anyway to bring their own country up so they could make a living where they grew up , what they considered home. These people at least have enough heart to stand up together, but not U.S. citizens because we are under the illusion that some body actually cares, who the corporate controllers? As long as you sit back and wait for some body else to take action you will continue to lose the life style you have become a custom to, not only that they are stealing your lives and resources to achieve their greedy little game of control, and you'll be living in a country that you have no right to speak out or question anything. Welcome to the New America the one controlled by elitist who make their money on your sweat and blood. The only hope you have of stopping this trend is to strike and shut this country down now, I don't think the people who claim to care have enough soul to pull this off you certainly do not have the balls or the heart that this effort will take because not enough people are aware , and even if you did try you would find out how many Americans only care about them selfs and not the country they live in. If you think I might be right, you need to get this message out now, if you wait much longer the only thing that will happen is that we all end up in camps already built by our controllers , with the immigrates that have come here guarding the camps for the lowest wage. Don't worry the camps are only temporary until they find a way to kill all the worthless eaters that are not down with their corporate sickness. Keep listening to your talking heads, they are going to talk you right to death, some are all ready willing to wait for another election that will never come, fools. Do not get me wrong I have more respect for most immigrants then I do for the lazy self centered ass wipes who where born here, at least they show up and take action for them selves, and they have just been manipulated like most people stuck on this rock . If we want a future that is ours we need to learn from these people and stand for our selves, it is going to have to be a bottom up movement because if we expect corporate greed to do the right thing we have learned nothing from history and there will be no future for any free thinking humans. IT IS TIME TO STAND AND TAKE RESPOSIBLITY OUR SELVES, there are groups that are trying to get Bush into jail where he belongs along with quite a few others, we need a coordinated effort now and everyone needs to show up, or take your punishment as given and stop pretending that you care.

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