Monday, February 26, 2007


A strong sense of duty can imprison you, that is part of a quote, I’ve save to expand upon. I think it's true, I’m wondering why I placed it in questionable quotes, the ones that sound good but as you examine the statement you find they are fallacies. It does seem that duty might cloud your mind as much as prejudices, any preprogrammed idea usually is developed to control you. When I was a kid we still pledged allegiance to the flag “of the United States of America” , I don’t think they make you do that anymore, have no kids so I can not be sure, it might even be that on California has stopped the practice. We are kind of politically correct, lots of soccer moms, and family vans with ribbons supporting the troops. It’s as though, sporting magnetic signs makes supporting the troops and war, a family value, the stickers are disappearing as of late, they have become rather pas see.( war is not as bitchin and cool anymore) . The sense of duty has not lagged how ever, at least not if you think your duty is to shop until you drop, apparently the best way to support the troops is to keep shopping, that was our first command after 911, don’t worry just keep shopping “keep being good Americans”. You might have the sense that I find this rather amusing especially when you consider most the crap we buy are cheap knock offs produced by the slave populations (mostly political prisoners) in China. So when you shop your really supporting slavery and a government that feels free to lock up its dissidents, and exploit their lives. Capitalist communist what a perfect mix, do not forget not to long ago many died trying to make sure communism didn't spread, throw some corporations at them and now they are our best friends.

I guess our government has the picture, I suppose thats why we have taken the time to build large general population camps, Halliburton has been working on these for years now inside our country. The amusing part is they are empty, I doubt for long. Many are under the mistaken impression that they are to be used by “ICE” that’s our immigration special police, they have started to lean on some of the poorer and most recent , immigrants making a “play attention” show to give the impression that some one in our government actually cares, they don’t ,we have already been bought by our corporations. You know the big ones, the ones that advertise the products you do not actually buy, like GE, Lockheed, Big Oil ( I know you buy gas, but they don't advertise their product but in stead tell us how “good they are” for everything, best we ever ate ) and the mass media propagandist ( all the best that money can buy). While you may be happy that some one is scratching a scab to make you feel as though something is being done , the true effort at the borders is still a “T-ball” game at best, an effort made to quit the debate, while they continue to move on with the real plan. The camps are not for immigrants, but its a nice chance to get them up and running and iron out the bugs before we start throwing masses of our own population into them. They always start with the outsiders, the firing of the flames with small groups. You've heard it before first they came for the criminals ( by who standards, in our case drug crimes), then they came for the religious sects, next it was , the gays and other marginalized groups, soon it will be you. It is something well known, it has happened quite a few times, even a few times here, like with the Japanese descendants during WWII . You remember the first two world wars, the wars to end all war, what a freaking joke, we have practically been at war ever since. Korea, Vietnam, the cold war the first Iraq, Kosovo and second Iraq wars, we just love war or at least the corporations love war, it is where they make their nut so to speak. War is good for the economy, just not so hot for the families who have people actually fighting them. What is really amusing is when people get killed while trying to tell others how to live their lives, how dare they take up arms and try and kill our soldiers, don’t they realize we are just trying to pass on some of our fine values, that it is your duty to make sure corporations can keep cramming worthless crap up your dutiful corporate shopping whore butts. How dare those heathens resist our charming ways and try to fight us off their lands. So far we have only had one war on our soil, and that was to support the corporations also, many think it was to end slavery, no it was to make sure we were all wage slaves, the plantations had a huge advantage free labor, while the manufacturing north had to pay its slaves. You also can not directly tax indentured labor, but you can clearly tax a worker paid in money.

Don’t even try to give me the song and dance about abolishing slavery as the cause for the war it was simple economics. The north got tired of having to compete against a system that had less overhead and was tired of processing the raw materials at cost, while rich southern plantations could freely exploit labor. The reason the slaves had to be freed is because the north needed people to buy the products it was producing. The wealth of the south was locked up on plantations, there are only so many blue jeans and cloth that you can sell to the elite, they needed more consumers. It is the same thing we will be facing very shortly again in this country. You see we no longer make the goods we consume, and we import everything, there is very little that is produced in the USA, and the few things that are, are priced right out of consumers reach for the most part. This is why our auto manufactures will soon be a note in history, there are only so many high end luxury cars that can be afforded, they stopped gearing up to produce cars the masses can afford, you know the ones that get reasonable mileage, and the parts can be replaced by the consumer. It's funny to see all the SUV’s that sold for fifty thousand a pop, driving around with broken parts and dings, that are to expensive to repair, Even funnier to watch people try to sell these gas guzzlers and realize they are going to lose big time in the transaction, mostly because manufacturers have to practically give their current field of over priced pieces of crap away, they are just trying to recoup cost at this point.

The interesting thing is how they convinced all the poor and small middle class (at the time) to die for commerce, I think it was the funny way they twist the sense of duty. These guys never fight their own battles they always manage to con the stupid to do the dirty work, both sides. All in the name of better shopping, after all if your not consuming your just another useless eater. ( you really should click that Watt link its a pretty basic introduction to Bertram Russell, who coined the term useless eater ) Anyway remember it is your duty to die and consume for our corporate leaders , even King Georgie serves them, so your not special either. Try not to think for your self, just do what most people do and imitate others, you can tell you have it right when you are all fallowing the same master. You know you'll be cool and chic, you'll have all the latest crap, and you will never question those who lord their control over you. Oops that reminds me I have to go and grab a cat and rub her fir the wrong way, I'm like that, you lord the fact that you have some kind of special powers that others do not I'm libel to make you prove it, most the time it is just special access to the click or chic thing of the moment. Sorry not impressed by shinny beads, or dullards.
One of the users here asked if I ever enjoy my self, answers yes when time is well spent, some times for me thats rubbing some ones fur the wrong way.......

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I'm new to this forum, but not really a virgin at this, so if something I do pisses you off feel free to try to rip me a new one, I can defend my self . First I'll have to make something clear , it was a notice found on Mr Watts site, I'm in no way associated with Alan, we have never met or communicated in any way . I did pass on a google link, about how symbols are passed through your mind or brain, it was a long video, I didn't realize he was on dail-up , so I'm assuming he never downed it. THE POINT IS I”M NOT ASSOCIATED WITH MR ALAN WATT, he is an inspiring soul, and I do kind of pimp him, because what he says is true, he speaks well and has something of great value to say, I link to his stuff a lot listen to everything he puts out. I've bought his books and videos, they are different, kind of like the notes you get with a lab class, the audio is from short wave and the last 3 or 4 are hard to hear but you can filter them and strain to hear, its worth it. Don't worry my head was fucked up long before I ran across Alan, so he won't phuck up your mind with things you do not need to know. The graphics in my profile on one of the places I post is from the site, “I want you to think for your selves” some of the graphics in my slide show video compilations came from his site also. I'm going to either pull the profile picture or label my stuff clearly as not from Alan Watt, if I've caused Alan any problems I apologize. Part of the problem is I'm very out spoken, big believer in free speech, I look at it allot like William Cooper another hero of mine, I think everyone has a voice that should be heard. You know when this first really hit the fan on 911, Ward Churchill spoke up and many shut him down because we prefer to hide in our propaganda controlled media rather then speak truthfully. Anyway I speak what's on my mind and heart, I'm not intimidated by uniforms of any kind, I find they are generally filled with ass holes .

I guess the real problem is because I have no illusions about what is about to happen, I'm not afraid to die, I'd rather go down trying to rip somebodies head off and shit down their damn neck, then get locked up like a pussy who is afraid to stand against what is clearly against freedom of humanity .I'm in a totally defensive mode if you want some, come try to fuck with me a I'll do everything in my power to show you a brand new world. This kind of bad attitude tends to bleed through , I make no apology for this, sometimes my comments are very disturbing, simply because I do not respect silly clothing, shinny badges and guns, freedom and truth do not respect the person but the idea, if your stupid enough to go out and try to force people to adopted systems and ideas the are meant to control others , in the name of freedom your full of shit and stupid to boot. I consider these people the walking dead, and my empathy is gone for this type of individual. I do not give a shit what kind of flag you wave in front of me, if you can not be human do not expect me to treat you like one. I live in a world where many are not paying attention, it doesn't matter to me most are going to be shocked when they start really moving forward. many watch as they play their game of predictive programming. While most watch in a uneasy state of mind, my mind is at ease and I'm watching very closely, I actually have noticed some very simple facts and know what to expect, their problem is they sense I might not play fair, and that would be a point of view. Make no mistake my local authorities know exactly who I am, they Grinch when they see me, it's that bad attitude they think is unhealthy, the question is for who. In southern Cal, they are going to have a problem, they will burn up most their toy soldier just trying to control the gangs , I figure they are just going to light up what they consider the problem areas big time, this will probably happen this year. They will most likely blame the actions on terrorist , just like 911, and the terrorist will be the same people who have convinced you that two planes knocked down three building at the speed of gravity. If you do not believe this, it's your problem not mine, you probably should not have passed a basic science class, and you certainly should not be teaching one.

Bottom line here some of us are already in defensive mode, just waiting for these idiots to get stupid, its not going to take as long as you would like to think. You should make sure you have the basics, food water blankets, candles etc, start visiting survival sites and get the basics together, your not going to want to deal with the government they consider you worthless and just something to be controlled for a short time, unless your like a fair percentage of folks who do not mind getting fucked with out the kiss, then you can be their slaves until they use you up. This might not sound pleasant but it is truer then true, they have already bankrupted this country, we can't even think about paying back the money they have stolen, much less the interest on the bills. If you think your paying attention to the news you are being fed the worlds largest propaganda matrix, designed to keep you on course, and there seems to be very little awareness as to the facts of the matter. I guess people just do not want to believe this crap is happening and prefer to hide in their worthless consumer lives. The water in this pot is getting very warm indeed and many have already fallen a sleep, they are toast you will just be wasting your time if you try to wake them, that is why they are worthless eaters and they shall be consumed . NSH 12 TRB

Thursday, February 22, 2007

ODE to worthless eaters

work in progress

A lesson in predictive programming,
Push pop stack the beauty of recursion is it is a two way street

INT- “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

EXT- “You mean to imply ugly is a state of mind”

INT- “Only if you look at it Recursively, is that what makes us human?”

EXT- “It's in the eye of the beholder”

INT-”Now you've gone and tricked me”

EXT-”No you did not pay attention, what is your point?”

INT- “Recursion, is beauty”

EXT-”Is it sacred, inescapable a natural law?”

INT- “It is a measurement of time”

EXT-”Seems like a one way street, you can only record the past, you can not see the future”

INT- “Are you sure?”

EXT-”You can only change the future you can not change the past”

INT-”Not according to John Titor, did he change the past or the future?, it is recorded”

EXT-”Well they have hidden the past, and most can not remember what has passed, and those who do not know the past or remember are doomed to repeat it”

INT- “You mean if you know the past you can predict the future?”

EXT-”It is recursive”

INT- “Now you have gone and tricked me again, why do I always fall for it?”

EXT-”You still do not pay attention”

INT- “Maybe not but I can change the future, by remembering the past”

EXT-”You see it is sacred , but is it inescapable a natural law?”

INT- “The events of the past effect the future, what you do today will change the future, like planting seeds”

EXT-”Now you have gone and tricked me!”

INT- “No you did not pay attention, it is recursive”

EXT-”yes but is it in the eye of the beholder?”

INT- “Now I see your point, ugly is at state of mind, if you don't mind your ugly”

EXT-”To some, but not for all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

INT- “Fuck you Bertram Russell”

EXT-”Now I see your point, you've tricked me again, by remembering the past”

INT- “yes but will we change the future?”

EXT-”Now I see your point about John Titor, it is recursive, I think you tricked me again.”

INT- “It is because the past and the future are tied together”

EXT-”What about right now in the moment, where is the Recursion where is the beauty”


EXT-”You see it is sacred , but is it inescapable a natural law?”

INT- “ natural law, yes , inescapable no”

EXT-”you see we agree, fuck you Bertram Russell, IT IS THE BEAUTY OF BEING HUMAN”

INT- “Well then I guess to both of us Bertram would just be an worthless eater”

EXT-” yes but he did plant seeds that seem to have effected the future”

INT- “ Now I see your point ugly is a state of mind, it is recursive”

EXT-”Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

There was a mathematical concept in the dialog if you know what a string is and what equally means , I did take poetic licenses and you have to extrapolate a little, but what do you want a blue and red print that makes purple?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The human condition, as I watch my world spin out of control I ponder the actions that have gotten us to this place in history. In case you have not noticed we are marching right down the biblical path that has been laid before us. This is interesting to observe , especially if you have some idea where our Bible allegories were developed, the bible is an occult resource an esoteric group of stories if you care to know (see google video “Naked Truth”) link . Do not get me wrong there is much of value found in the word if you just understand what it is trying to tell you, most can not even retain the exoteric value, what would Jesus do. I think he would be doing a little more then throwing the tables of the money changers around, this begs the question how would J.C. view our economic conditions. We are under the complete umbrella of propaganda, foisted upon us by our corporate rulers the real power behind our current government representation. We are so absorbed in propaganda that most have no sense of the real goal behind the agenda, a world controlled by elitist money grubbers where there will be no individual rights or freedom for those who are left to serve in slavery to their corrupted and sick controllers. The sickest of the mentally ill are in control of all developments in our science and economic ventures, nothing of value is allowed to grow on the third rock from the sun. It is all extorted and corrupted so that the elite and their sire are to be served in the laps of luxury, at the expense of every one else’s right to be free thinking and sentient humans. The funny thing is to watch how they play the game, always convincing the truly gullible that they are in a struggle for freedom while they place all the energy into building the prisons and control structures required to enslave the planet. You watch them play good cop bad cop, never realizing they shouldn’t even have cops, and left to our own devices we probably would not need as much law enforcement, they certainly are not enforcing fairness, but are tools to support corruption and inequity of the ruling class. You can not have spent any time on this rock and argue that “the law” is designed to make us all equal, as a matter of fact most realize that the inequity found amongst us could only be supported and controlled by a standing army for the elitist, the boys in blue. It is even more amazing to watch how they con the youth to lay down their lives so that the elite can retain their power base . We willfully invade others lives and kill them if they do not play our game; we use any lie that can be swallowed by the masses , and as they are exposed, they foist another lie that is quickly taken as fact by the majority of preprogrammed slaves, and out they run to die for their controllers. I guess people think they have some choice in this game of insanity, they listen to their propaganda machines play the same game good media bad media and the whole while it is the controlled media, never any real thoughts or meaningful truths that could actually promote freedom and thought. Probably the only ones who are close to free thinking are those on the streets, but still they are bombard by postings and advertising, I guess most have come to understand these control endeavors are but a joke on the unwitting participants in the game of winners and losers. The survival of the richest, where the less bread you have the more shit you have to eat. It makes you proud to live amongst such limited intellectual strength that controls the lives of many and saps the strength and hope of all who resist. Many on the street have chosen to hide in drugs or alcohol, usually leading to further self loathing and degradation, because they have lost control over their own bodies ,mind and souls. Some may escape through the esoteric truths found in the twelve steps, only to become free and face the horrific choice of joining the control game perpetrated on the masses. I guess I’m still a little up set by the burning of a woman in San Francisco, the city named after a patron saint of animals, and yet we find animals in our midst even on the street. You know the people who burned this woman alive over a drug debt, really missed their calling they could have made a fine living as uniformed enforcers in the new world order, as established by our corporate controller, they could at least been prison guards or empty shells of human enforcement tools, hell they probably would have made great politicians, city counsel members, even presidential qualities as far a I can discern.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Home grown sarcasm at its BEST

This guy is from the other side of the pond, he has got a great grasp on the reality of this world and hits it every week

Sunday, February 18, 2007

You think , really ?


Lets take a general look at the idea of groups, in our society groups are encouraged, I believe this is promoted by the controllers because its easier to control groups as compared to the rare individual. We always assign more power to the group then the individual, in fact if your an individual and you are wronged our society doesn't care much, but if you belong to a group that complains its been treated unfairly you might get some respect, why? Isn't being treated unfairly as an individual just as wrong as treating a group wrongly? Your probably not aware how you are grouped and the consequences of such grouping. Lets talk about gangs, there is a group that seems to draw problems to them selfs. First why do people join gangs, they want a sense of belonging and sometimes the respect that comes from belonging to a powerful group. What happens when you join a group or gang, you are asked to think and behave as a unit, what is good for the group is good for all, really think about it for a while. Most groups will not hesitate to force the individual to conform to the group standard no matter how the individual feels. We know and have seen many examples of group think that leads to the oppression or harm of an individual, and yet we encourage grouping why?. How many times have you heard of a group getting carried away in group think and encouraging the group to harm the individual. Many crimes against individuals that lead to physical injury or death are blamed on the group think, the encouragement to take actions as a group that individuals would never think of performing on their own. You heard it before the group is self feeding and individuals under peer pressure get carried away and do things that would not happen if the group was not there egging it on so to speak. What do you think a uniform is, that is gang colors, you might want to pretend your group has a special right to oppress and control individual freedom, who gives you this right, well I work for the state or the official government, I have a special uniform and badge that makes me special. I believe the Nazis also thought this way but wrong is wrong is it not. Well I'm not a Nazi I'm and American, and in America we have one of the biggest prison populations in any “free society”, the amazing thing is with all the people in prison we still have a very large number of people who get away with murder and plundering. In America you can get away with murder if your part of a group especially if you claim to be part of the government, hell you can even lie as a group and assign blame to others who had nothing to do with the crime, you remember Iraq don't you, they didn't attack us on 911 but we went and attacked them for revenge, because they could have attacked us. With this kind of thinking you invite the whole world to hate and wish us harm, and why not we don't believe in justice just blind group revenge, we are as bad as any street gang running a muck.

The amazing thing is to watch this going down and the evolution of the group think, we had to attack another country, first we had to attack them because they were supporters of the group that attacked us, really I don't remember Saddam Hussein supporting George Bush and Dicky boy Chaney. Oh that's right you still believe that Osama Bin Laddin attacked America, despite the integral connection between the Bushies and the Bin Laddin group whose family members where spirited out of the country while everyone else was restricted from moving through flights. Then there is the little problem of basic physics and the fact that mechanical energy (the resistance that makes a building stand against gravity) doesn't just disappear for no reason. I read a report backed by 2000 individuals that I wouldn't let teach kids, apparently idiots who could not actually graduate a high school science class, that's freaking embarrassing. Never mind all the evidence that surfaced that shows the government was well aware of the group and their intend attacks, just a lucky break that our world class intelligence agencies couldn't catch snail on a plate of salt. Every thing about the event screams government involvement (our government and non other), and still America is in denial apparently under some kind of occult spell that makes people incredibly gullible and stupid to the point that they do not even understand basic science , much less deductive reasoning . While you watch this you see incredibly simple minds run and support the very people who are proven liars, every thing that comes out of their mouths is a lie, you can't even count them anymore they are so prolific. Welcome to the new America where idiot group think is encourage over the individual who can clearly see the goal and patterns in front of their face, if they only take one minute to step out of the moronic group that they think they need for some silly reason. I guess we encourage lying as a group and will no longer listen to reason or even that little voice that tells you something is very very wrong . I'm suppose to feel sorry for the people who are to stupid to walk away from group think, there is no draft, no one is making you go to another country to suppress and kill them while we steal their resources, after all they are sitting on our oil aren't they? You know you can spew any kind of group think you want but the group is wrong , big time wrong, and now your excuse is you need to kill them over there before they attack us here, gee I wonder why they would like to hurt us, you don't suppose they hate us for our freedom to be totally gullible meat heads with no soul who have to run around and control everyone who is slightly smarter then us? Apparently its is desirable to a line ones self into group think where the cumulative IQ is less then 60, and I'm suppose to feel sorry for such individuals, your out of your freaking minds. Do me a favor don't protect my freedom to think, with your stupid corporate uniform that you feel gives you the right to run around like a moron and tell other people how to live, especially if your working with a brain that can not function on is own. You see I think your are making things worse by behaving like my stupid so called leaders who are laughing their asses off because you are so freaking gullible. We would not be in this mess if America had one ounce of integrity, and realized just how stupid and dangerous group think is. I see it every day another solider killed protecting my freedom, according to who the lairs who killed three thousand innocents so they could have their Pearl Harbor like event to start the idiot ball rolling. Do not look to me for sympathy stupid is stupid it doesn't matter how you dress it up, I could feel sorry for you if you were in that uniform because you had no choice but everyone in every uniform has a choice today , and if your stupid enough to be a corporate tool you get what you deserve. I wonder how many have met their higher power only to find out that they don't get any respect for being blind killers used by lying cheating thieving controllers, you think god cares why your stupid and killing his other free thinking individuals you think you get extra brownie points for being used like a fool.

Maybe god actually respects individual rights and thought. If there is a hell and your in a uniform your well on your way to finding it. I'm sure this has pissed a few people off, good maybe it will make you think because something has to happen here to make people think or we are all going straight to hell because of idiot group think. Pull your head out of your ass and figure out who the enemy really is it's right in front of your face every single day twenty four seven, it's called propaganda and you are living for it and dying trying to protect your controllers right to shove it down your throat every waking moment. To me that is the essence of insanity. You are turning this world into a hell hole in the name of freedom, and that's corporate freedom not individual free thought type of sanctity (god given). Your to afraid to look inside to see the truth , you are a coward controlled by group think and stupidity, and I'm the problem because I'm not afraid to use my freedom to point this out to you. Who is the fool here? America you make me sick because you have no heart and no soul and you refuse to think for your selves, and you think every one should join your stupid little group think tank, what a bunch of hypocritical arrogant ass rags, I would not piss on you if you were on fire. Pretty soon you will turn against your selves feeding the same stupidity, now that's freaking leadership go ahead keep worshiping your lying cheating government, and you will reap what you sow . I'm starting to understand why your controllers look upon you like a herd of cattle to be lead to slaughter, I think even domesticated animals have more feeling left inside them then most of America .

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Profit verses prophet

Profit or prophet

First a shout out to the kids at UCSB, to the thousand plus that showed up to shut the campus entrances down, way to go taking a stand will make the difference. For the highway patrol, nice pictures, looking good little Nazis, way to show your true colors, you know your suppressing the people who are going to pay your salary in the future. For the meat heads in uniform you've just planted a seed that will cost you in the future, when people don't even have enough respect to spit on you, remember you got there by your own volition, good luck on that you stupid corporate tools.

You know I believe you can find good things even in the biggest pieces of bullshit propped in front of you by your corporate controllers. Today (Friday 16th Feb) Fat head ED opened a door I'll bet he soon will wish he never approached, mostly because it is true, not everything he throws out is bullshit, he has to speak some truth or you will never be swayed to his control endeavorer. If your smart you jump on this little fragment of truth and ring it for all it's worth. So you want to know what Eddie boy said that will end up shaking his world, he said “your going to have to pay”, and it was directed to the wealthy corporate controllers, probably not on purpose. But, Ed head couldn't shift it to the middle because there is no middle left. You probably do not want to believe that, but it is true the middle has been cut out and this was done on purpose, by your own government. If Lou Dobbs wants to pretend this is not already the case, go ahead keep dreaming but this war and lack of a true representative government has already holed this ship and it is just a matter of time until it is on the bottom, just as sure as the unsinkable Titanic. See the problem is your corporate controllers have decided to take the money and run they are all leaving this country because they don't want to get stuck with the bill, thats your problem not theirs, they don't give a shit how or where they make their nut, they can easily and willfully exploit any population any where in the world it makes no difference to them who they use or exploit as long as they are on top. The real problem is going to be when most of the people who think they have made the cut find out they got screwed on purpose, even though they thought they made it past the cut line. Do not worry Fat head Ed will be one just like the rest of your corporate tools who have no idea of what is planned and coming down the pipe. You know most these people think they have a higher education, what a joke, most have only been educated enough to fallow some one else's ideas and fabrications not one of them can actually think which is the real purpose of a higher education. It is suppose to supply you with the tools or techniques required to answer the questions you should be asking by your selves. The problem is that higher education has been geared for years to teach anything but to ask the right questions, the few that have made it past this trap are the ones that gave up asking questions of the higher educated and learned to find the answers to the questions that few ask. If you don't know what I'm talking about spend some time with Al Watt, cutting through the matrix, he is a good example of what it is to think.

Back to the nut, so you think you want a change, you want to get out of this worthless war, worthless to you and I but not our corporate elitist who always make a buck on your life and death. The answer was given to you by FAT HEAD ED, make them pay, it is just that simple. You want the war to end in hours, all you have to do is make sure that the cost of the war is placed on the elite and their corporate personages just like they have done to you. If these controllers think that they might have to pay the bill for the crap they are promoting they will shut this war down faster then you can blink your eyes. Start throwing ideas out that will paint these ass wipes as they really are, worthless piles of crap, start with your political leaders, you know the hundred hour crowd that will be telling how much they got done in in the first hundred hours, which they will still be proud of two years from now when they are trying to convince you they can get something done, how many hours are we into this now, don't worry they will be in the same place two years from now, remember that if you get to vote again. Go ahead and try to tell your leaders that you would like to cut their pay one percent for every week this bullshit drags on. It will never happen but if you could get one of your leaders to propose this I guaranty that there will be a thousand bills put forward to stop this faster then a crack whore blow job. If you could get a rule in where your leaders pay is tied to their performance they might actually get something done, other wise it does not matter to them, they still make their six figure incomes for being totally worthless. They don't give a shit , they aren't paying for it, they have made sure of that. If you start talking like corporate America might have to pay the same price for this crap as every other individual, including those who have not even been born yet, you will get the war stopped, the second the controllers realize they might also be on the hook for the bill the war will end.

If your smart you take this simple fact and run with it, start by calling Ed and get him to keep repeating his idea that the elite should pay just like the rest, watch how fast Eddie ends up like Mike Malloy, they will flush him faster then the turd in the only bowl left to use. I'm serious about this idea if you start talking and making the effort to get these ass wipes on the hook for the bill, this war will be over faster then a Taser attack. If you start working this way you will also find out just what kind of characters you have left in your leadership, you will soon realize that you are being lead by the biggest greediest fools on the planet, totally worthless piles of empty flesh that can only walk and talk one hundred percent bullshit. If these idiots actually had to go out and make a living like the rest of America I guaranty we would be more compassionate in nature, because after all people like Kennedy would starve to death if they actually had to try to make a living selling the same crap they try to pass off as leadership. Take the door that Eddie boy just cracked open and blow it off the hinges, and watch what happens, because the minute it appears that this is valid idea that the people could easily support the biggest piles of worthless shit will run from this country, do not worry you do not need them despite what the other idiots think. Take back this country by making it fair, make the people who are profiteering on killing the innocent, pay their own way and you will have a better world. The people who run will be eaten alive by the rest of the world, and will beg to be saved, let them reap the futures they have sown with the seeds of greed, and never look back, this will be the lesson that causes the world to think before it allows the ass wipes to freely plunder our lives and effort. This could be the start of a brave new world a world where the future looks palatable rather then dispirit.

I'm going to leave you with a direct link to one of Alan Watts “blurbs” they are all very good but this one ends, with an observation that was found in a child's school book about chem trails.( ) Alan makes a very pointed observation him self , do your self a favor and find out what and who your dealing with, the agenda. Everything on the site is worth your time to download, and will be of great value if you decide to do something unexpected. ( ) Maybe turning the game back on them is expected the way to find out is to try and see where the resistance comes from, if we hit the right “key” they will panic and lose big time. Many who have fallowed my threads for a while know how I feel about TITOR, to me he is a hero that tried to get as much truth out as he could while working between the lines, there are plenty of out right lies in TITOR's chats but we are right where we are expected to be before the panic that is scheduled. Be very wary of racism and other forms of social control. Do not let others tell you who is your enemy, usually they turn groups against them selves, so when you see them trying to turning the racist dial, do something unexpected and learn to work with your brothers and sisters , turn their silly little plans against them. If you like the idea Eddie boy didn't intend then try to promote it forward, the worst thing that will happen is that the rats on the ship will become quite clear. This will help you to know your enemy.

P.S. Alan is on dial up, he has made his email available, please do not sent attachments and respect Alan's point of view that this is all controlled by hidden controllers that have access to archives that contain the knowledge of the ages . He doesn't really have time to address the outer what ifs that tend to spin many off track, I my self have taken heed and stopped chatting about things that tend to send people off and keep them from discovering the real game and agenda . We do not have time to play they mean to kill us and losing focus only helps them achieve their goals. The things Alan points out are real without question, and maybe in the end we may be surprised who is really responsible, but we will never find out if we can not take control. Alan's knowledge may help you break out and think and do the unexpected, and every time this happens it takes a bite out of their plans of world control, corporate toilet heads and sycophants. If we do not get many into truth we are toast, our youths need the most help, and you will come to understand this as you journey with Alan, because they target and use the predictability of social control mostly on the young who have not learned to question their manipulators. Questioning is something that comes with time after you have been used and fooled many times only to realize that your running out of time trying to figure out the agenda and games they play. May the force be with you and yours

Thursday, February 15, 2007

TRUST, who has yours?


This is a small word but big concept, I spent a little time looking for the origin of the word, on line I didn't really find the root because its buried in law reference. I did get a glimpse of the meaning from Webs New World (college ed.) the root appears to come from tree and relates to firmness, this was hard to verify on web, another form traust was listed, firmness drou-sto TREE TRUE + sto , standing < base sta to stand. Other words popped up immediately like honesty integrity reliability justice reliance confidence expectation, you get the idea the word is very important, and with so much written about it , you can see it involves concepts that should be of prime importance to us all. Another word associated with trust is obligation, this implies things that there are rules to trust? Its just another word is it not? Like so many of our words the meaning today seems to be lost and distorted. How about I throw another word into the mix, I would point out that instinct might also be related to the concept or meaning of trust, you've heard the expression trust your gut right?

You can see this kind of relation ship in natural systems, Alan Watt pointed out a while back that animals who have ranges know everything about their range including the feeling of that range or system, they have trust in what they know and are very in tune and immediately spot and distrust changes even the smallest ones. He pointed out that a primary ranger will stop and not continue if they spot even the smallest unnatural change in their range system, this is part of instinct. He also gave you an example of domestic animals that can sense the changes coming in their system or purpose, the example he shared was from observing his neighbors cattle. Alan related that his neighbor had cattle and for the most part the herd would be normal, until the night before the truck was to arrive to cull them off to market, he related that the night before the truck was do to arrive, the herd would mow and be restless to a very noticeable point, it seemed to effect Alan, I had the impression that he could truly feel their painful cries. This is something that should not be ignored, and I hope if your in a similar situation that you to notice and become uneasy. Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case for most people I observe or am surrounded by, but in case your one of the few that still have some feeling left, I hope you spend some time thinking about trust and the words I just placed before you. I'll come back to trust several time it's just to expansive and important to skim over.

The reason the word caught my attention, was something I saw on the news. I was listening to a speech made by our idiot boy king, sir Bushwacko, he was going on about the sanctity of life. The context was for the right to lifer's crowd, and he was repeating how every life, or soul is important and sacred to “god”, I guess he just means the ones that are unborn. I can not fathom how this man is so delusional about what it is he is doing, he holds back science, in the name of protecting life, and willing lies about things guaranteed to destroy lives. I was wondering who trusted this fool or the others he has surrounded him self with and the answer was right there , the born again crowd, “my religion is better then yours” , even if they have no idea what their religion is even based on, the sun rising every day. You can almost see the problem here, the religion is based on trust, practically the only thing you can trust in, the fact that the sun will rise again day after day after day. You know they used to demand human sacrifice usually children in Moloch's belly, yep they used to willing throw their children into the fire to make sure the sun would rise. It's not such a bizarre thing when you watch your government work to the greater good bullshit they have been playing on the population, I wonder if people will ever learn how important trust is and how closely it should be guarded.

If you where to be totally honest with your self you might realize there is only one person you can possibly trust and that is your self. You might be able to trust your family I guess if they actually know you, my mom did know me, all though she did seem to be surprised at the end, she shared how she was worried about me but had decided that I was OK, I mean really OK. I guess she was worried that I might not be able to hang on to the truths that I had learned, and then realized that maybe I had learned truths that she had not realized yet. She sort of came to this conclusion at the end, we were trying to work out a future that addressed real life problems, I thought we had finally come to an understanding, we had talked about annuities and how she had some she had not realized. She didn't want to move, really she didn't want to let go of her house, the last night I saw her I had finally convinced her that she could rent her house to her friends who were having a hard time affording the cost to live in controlled rentals, her friends would make out not having to pay unreal rent and I could get her to an area where it would be easier to care for her, I live in a nicer area anyway, and stairs were going to be a real problem for my mother, which meant her house was not going to practically work. So while I was at ease with our plans my mom must have thought about something that I didn't catch till much later, and that was an issue of trust, and after it was all over I finally figured out that lesson the hard way it didn't take long but it was a lesson that you have to go through, and then you realize there is no one to trust but your self. I had one advantage that I had already been working at this for a while, because if your going to trust your self you have to know your self. I hope that we all can come to know our selves, and its really not as easy as it sounds, other wise there wouldn't be a whole group of people who blindly trust others with their futures and freedom. Think about who you trust and why, and realize that many you do trust do not deserve it.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

about cooper pairs

Laurence Gardner - Secret Science of the Ancients [Part 1] don't have link
but can be found at Enigma Channel this is the basics if your trying to figure out TITOR

Saturday, February 10, 2007

What are words for?

We need to break out in truth in a very big way, one of the first things you need to realize is that the more some one tells you what they are the less likely they are as they claim. A simple example of this experience is Fox news, you know the “fair and balanced network, it is anything but fair and balanced, everyone knows this even Ruppert Murdock has stated that his network is a media control endeavor. OK so you understand about Fox, but do you understand about the other media whores, they are all playing the same game that's why you wait for action that will never come. If you listen to progressive talk maybe you've heard , Fat Head Ed, you know the great debater, ever hear him debate, ever seen him really debate anything? Think about it and listen there is no debate, if some one has a point or a question that gets to close to the truth they are cut off, because Eddy has no debate or intelligence so he has to rely on his ability to cut off the thought. Have you noticed Ed complain about people not thinking he is left enough, its not a question of left or right, but truth verses control. The media labels you left or liberal if your not down with the idea of running around the world killing people who do not want to play the American game of corporate greed at the expense of innocent lives. Iraq didn't attack us on 911, but still we have gone and destroyed their country, economy and we can not get out because the greed is not through stealing all that is available, not only Iraqi lives and property, but our own youths and economy. It doesn't matter to the global elite as long as they can stuff their fat faces. This is what Eddies job is, to turn you purple the new royal color of the already exposed global New World Order, Eddies not being pushed forward on accident he is there pretending to have debate while shutting down any real thought about exploring the truth, that it is all about some body making money and stealing resources from the Iraqi people. Ed is making quite the name for him self herding sheep and if your listening and have not figured this out your as bad as anyone swelling down the Fox rhetoric. Go ahead try to debate the Fat head, you'll get shut down if you have any point that does not agree with his agenda, he is a war boy and a tool being used against you, play attention you always end up in the same place with Eddie in control. Think about his little claims, he stands for truth, who's truth is that corporate America, we have to deal with Iran, it is the plan and Eddie will lead you right down this road, while he may pretend to zig or zag, he always is headed the same course holding the elitist agenda, don't believe me go ahead and review his past shows you'll see where you are headed right down the New World Order road, with a few pretend stops.

OK how about CNN, same game different players, maybe you like the Dobbster, I have heard Lou bring on the CFR, at least he did a little better then Fat Head Ed, pretending to question what gives them the right to cram their agenda down the American throats. Still no real debate just rhetoric designed to put the agenda out in the open, nothing to stop it or even really question the idea of a North American Fascist order known as the North American Union. While you may think Lou Dobbs is questioning the controllers he is just another Tim Russert, new world order tool to control the debate and effort made on behalf of the corporate elitist who intend to kill you off when they are through milking you like a cow. You do not think so, OK just email or call your media controllers and tell them you think we need a general strike across the United States and see what they say, they will all tell you it can not be done, why? They are part of the corporate control game and if you do not play you are of no use to them, they will do anything to keep you from effectively shutting the game down. Do you remember May 5th when the immigrants got together to protest getting told to leave this country if they were not here legally, our government brought them in to kill the middle class, the only people who might resist the new corporate World Order. The immigrants know they are wage slaves it doesn't matter to them if you have no country other then the corporate elitist agenda, as long as they have jobs that allow them to eat, because our government corrupted their country until they could no longer make a living in their own land. Do you think these people would be streaming into this country if there was anyway to bring their own country up so they could make a living where they grew up , what they considered home. These people at least have enough heart to stand up together, but not U.S. citizens because we are under the illusion that some body actually cares, who the corporate controllers? As long as you sit back and wait for some body else to take action you will continue to lose the life style you have become a custom to, not only that they are stealing your lives and resources to achieve their greedy little game of control, and you'll be living in a country that you have no right to speak out or question anything. Welcome to the New America the one controlled by elitist who make their money on your sweat and blood. The only hope you have of stopping this trend is to strike and shut this country down now, I don't think the people who claim to care have enough soul to pull this off you certainly do not have the balls or the heart that this effort will take because not enough people are aware , and even if you did try you would find out how many Americans only care about them selfs and not the country they live in. If you think I might be right, you need to get this message out now, if you wait much longer the only thing that will happen is that we all end up in camps already built by our controllers , with the immigrates that have come here guarding the camps for the lowest wage. Don't worry the camps are only temporary until they find a way to kill all the worthless eaters that are not down with their corporate sickness. Keep listening to your talking heads, they are going to talk you right to death, some are all ready willing to wait for another election that will never come, fools. Do not get me wrong I have more respect for most immigrants then I do for the lazy self centered ass wipes who where born here, at least they show up and take action for them selves, and they have just been manipulated like most people stuck on this rock . If we want a future that is ours we need to learn from these people and stand for our selves, it is going to have to be a bottom up movement because if we expect corporate greed to do the right thing we have learned nothing from history and there will be no future for any free thinking humans. IT IS TIME TO STAND AND TAKE RESPOSIBLITY OUR SELVES, there are groups that are trying to get Bush into jail where he belongs along with quite a few others, we need a coordinated effort now and everyone needs to show up, or take your punishment as given and stop pretending that you care.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Message in a bottle

Message in BOTTLE, I've been hearing so much about recovery lately I think I will comment. You might ask what would give me the right to comment, well the last drink of alcohol was 4/20/90 , one day at time thats a few days. Before that date I even had a year and a couple months and I listened to some one tell me I wasn't an alcoholic because I didn't drink, sounded good to me and with in a week of hearing that, I had started drinking, I watched my self walk right back into a trap and what saved me was what I had heard trying to get away from alcohol, the battle started in 86, and it took me four years to learn to hang on one day at a time. If your fighting the battle all I can do is share the truth it can get better one day at a time, some days will not feel like it, but over the long haul when you look back you will appreciate every day you didn't drink, even though you might have thought you needed it. You might ask why would you punish your self, is it worth the pain, the answer is yes and you have to live it to understand . The way you learn to stop drinking is by learning the truth, it starts inside, only you would know the insanity and pain associated with the fact that you do not control your drinking it controls you, when you realize you can not continue to live lie, you sit down and shut up and listen to what others are saying about their , experience strength and hope. You will find this in something known as a twelve step program, most believe it is bible based, there is some truth to that, most the concepts can be found in the word. You might be aware I'm a big fan of Mr Alan Watt, who speaks quiet clearly and honestly, and is able to share certain truths. So if your interested yes the twelve steps is part of an esoteric knowledge, I've told you before there are all kinds of hidden truths, I know exactly what kinds of truth can be found by studying the hidden or implied meaning of all our religions represented on our planet, they all come back to the same roots, what survived the last time the earth turn over so to speak.

This knowledge has been hidden but is breaking through on a subconscious level, you might have felt it or just starting to feel it, there is a separation happening, a spiritual separation. If your in pain now you should be listening , the pain is real, I know you think your going nuts that it's not right to feel bad, about the things you can not change, but what you should be looking for and dealing with are the things you might or can change. The world is going absolutely insane, you should be feeling pain because you can change it, not the world but the way you perceive your pain and why. You see they really have not told you what the twelve steps are about, they are about truth and how you take action to find the truth it's an inside game and can only be worked by you and you alone. You might be able to share with others but you will only be able to share the truth you have, not truths you think you have. It kind of ties into to what Alan has stated about ideas and their time and how there are no new ideas just ideas realized on time, I know this is confusing I wish I could explain it better, but there are thing that you will have to discover by your selves. The first thing you have to realize is there is truth to be found, no matter how much lying cheating and stealing you see going on around you, especially from your so called political leaders, they are all worthless on all levels or they would not be in that position in the game now. If your leaders are not just plain evil lying cheating thieves they are in extreme denial, and even farther away from the truth then most of the public, which while Americans like to think they are all heart, are being miss lead used and abused like a battered wife or a dumb hooker with an abusive pimp encouraging an extreme addiction to bullshit.

Look its basically like this , you need to fire your false gods or prophets and start living in truth, it doesn't matter whats going down around you, do not let your heart be swayed away from truth it is inside and you know it when you find it, it will feed you and you will grow , nothing will help you hide you must find truth and realize it when you find it. Truth doesn't come all at once it comes in small steps, some times you find a big truth but it will usually show up after many steps and after turning over many lies. Some times you might meet some one who seems to gather truth fast, do not be fooled while they may have some truths they are also holding many lies, you will come to understand this after you have jounced the truth trail for some time. I will try to start you off with a good footing, that footing is there is a force that answers prayers. You can call this force what ever you choose “god”, “dog”, “higher power” if you've been burned by the false gods before. You should also be aware that this power works through us, thats why you need to find truth and start feeling what it is to have some truth with you especially as you watch your world turn upside down, this can not be stopped only ridden out and when the time comes to pick up the pieces we need people working in truth or we loose it a very big way. This power works through us by placing feelings in our hearts and you have to learn to listen to that feeling, you have to learn to do the right thing at the right time, it is important to hold on to the truth while learning to drop the lies, this will take time and is something that gets easier as you grow in light. Remember it comes slow most things that come of god grow slow it is a lie that grows fast, and lies are easily destroyed when the light of truth is caste a pone it. As you journey you will come to understand that this is the basics to truth , and you will learn to relish the truth you find and savor it, you will learn to support others in truth and will come to understand what it is to be a free thinking free willed sentient human being and just how many people around you are just pretending to be human but are really very very lost souls. You can not live in this world construct and not feel the pain of lies while you watch people trade their lives and souls to a false god of this world , which while it appears to have control of “all” on the construct (this world illusion) it does not, and answers to the same laws of all. May the force be with you, the best prayers are the prayers you pray for others, and if you can not pray for another then pray for more truth in your life, you could use it , we all are living some part of a lie , the trick is to figure it out and deal with it. There is one warning that comes with this truth, watch what you pray for you might get it, and just because a prayer is answered it might not necessarily bring you peace or happiness, and the journey might be very painful. There is no one alive on this rock that is not hard wired right into this force, they (our controllers and deceivers ) like to pretend that they are special and are the ones that have the right to rule the future, they have been deceived by their own because some one has twisted them with a little truth and much deception, the deception is leading to the lose of their souls what little bit is left, and soon everything will appear to be very phucking ugly, inequity and corruption will run out of control , it might even appear that there is no soul left on this rock what so ever , it wouldn't matter if there were only one soul that understood this, you need to learn to let go of the lies and help one another , and there are others no matter how dark it appears.