Saturday, February 17, 2007

Profit verses prophet

Profit or prophet

First a shout out to the kids at UCSB, to the thousand plus that showed up to shut the campus entrances down, way to go taking a stand will make the difference. For the highway patrol, nice pictures, looking good little Nazis, way to show your true colors, you know your suppressing the people who are going to pay your salary in the future. For the meat heads in uniform you've just planted a seed that will cost you in the future, when people don't even have enough respect to spit on you, remember you got there by your own volition, good luck on that you stupid corporate tools.

You know I believe you can find good things even in the biggest pieces of bullshit propped in front of you by your corporate controllers. Today (Friday 16th Feb) Fat head ED opened a door I'll bet he soon will wish he never approached, mostly because it is true, not everything he throws out is bullshit, he has to speak some truth or you will never be swayed to his control endeavorer. If your smart you jump on this little fragment of truth and ring it for all it's worth. So you want to know what Eddie boy said that will end up shaking his world, he said “your going to have to pay”, and it was directed to the wealthy corporate controllers, probably not on purpose. But, Ed head couldn't shift it to the middle because there is no middle left. You probably do not want to believe that, but it is true the middle has been cut out and this was done on purpose, by your own government. If Lou Dobbs wants to pretend this is not already the case, go ahead keep dreaming but this war and lack of a true representative government has already holed this ship and it is just a matter of time until it is on the bottom, just as sure as the unsinkable Titanic. See the problem is your corporate controllers have decided to take the money and run they are all leaving this country because they don't want to get stuck with the bill, thats your problem not theirs, they don't give a shit how or where they make their nut, they can easily and willfully exploit any population any where in the world it makes no difference to them who they use or exploit as long as they are on top. The real problem is going to be when most of the people who think they have made the cut find out they got screwed on purpose, even though they thought they made it past the cut line. Do not worry Fat head Ed will be one just like the rest of your corporate tools who have no idea of what is planned and coming down the pipe. You know most these people think they have a higher education, what a joke, most have only been educated enough to fallow some one else's ideas and fabrications not one of them can actually think which is the real purpose of a higher education. It is suppose to supply you with the tools or techniques required to answer the questions you should be asking by your selves. The problem is that higher education has been geared for years to teach anything but to ask the right questions, the few that have made it past this trap are the ones that gave up asking questions of the higher educated and learned to find the answers to the questions that few ask. If you don't know what I'm talking about spend some time with Al Watt, cutting through the matrix, he is a good example of what it is to think.

Back to the nut, so you think you want a change, you want to get out of this worthless war, worthless to you and I but not our corporate elitist who always make a buck on your life and death. The answer was given to you by FAT HEAD ED, make them pay, it is just that simple. You want the war to end in hours, all you have to do is make sure that the cost of the war is placed on the elite and their corporate personages just like they have done to you. If these controllers think that they might have to pay the bill for the crap they are promoting they will shut this war down faster then you can blink your eyes. Start throwing ideas out that will paint these ass wipes as they really are, worthless piles of crap, start with your political leaders, you know the hundred hour crowd that will be telling how much they got done in in the first hundred hours, which they will still be proud of two years from now when they are trying to convince you they can get something done, how many hours are we into this now, don't worry they will be in the same place two years from now, remember that if you get to vote again. Go ahead and try to tell your leaders that you would like to cut their pay one percent for every week this bullshit drags on. It will never happen but if you could get one of your leaders to propose this I guaranty that there will be a thousand bills put forward to stop this faster then a crack whore blow job. If you could get a rule in where your leaders pay is tied to their performance they might actually get something done, other wise it does not matter to them, they still make their six figure incomes for being totally worthless. They don't give a shit , they aren't paying for it, they have made sure of that. If you start talking like corporate America might have to pay the same price for this crap as every other individual, including those who have not even been born yet, you will get the war stopped, the second the controllers realize they might also be on the hook for the bill the war will end.

If your smart you take this simple fact and run with it, start by calling Ed and get him to keep repeating his idea that the elite should pay just like the rest, watch how fast Eddie ends up like Mike Malloy, they will flush him faster then the turd in the only bowl left to use. I'm serious about this idea if you start talking and making the effort to get these ass wipes on the hook for the bill, this war will be over faster then a Taser attack. If you start working this way you will also find out just what kind of characters you have left in your leadership, you will soon realize that you are being lead by the biggest greediest fools on the planet, totally worthless piles of empty flesh that can only walk and talk one hundred percent bullshit. If these idiots actually had to go out and make a living like the rest of America I guaranty we would be more compassionate in nature, because after all people like Kennedy would starve to death if they actually had to try to make a living selling the same crap they try to pass off as leadership. Take the door that Eddie boy just cracked open and blow it off the hinges, and watch what happens, because the minute it appears that this is valid idea that the people could easily support the biggest piles of worthless shit will run from this country, do not worry you do not need them despite what the other idiots think. Take back this country by making it fair, make the people who are profiteering on killing the innocent, pay their own way and you will have a better world. The people who run will be eaten alive by the rest of the world, and will beg to be saved, let them reap the futures they have sown with the seeds of greed, and never look back, this will be the lesson that causes the world to think before it allows the ass wipes to freely plunder our lives and effort. This could be the start of a brave new world a world where the future looks palatable rather then dispirit.

I'm going to leave you with a direct link to one of Alan Watts “blurbs” they are all very good but this one ends, with an observation that was found in a child's school book about chem trails.( ) Alan makes a very pointed observation him self , do your self a favor and find out what and who your dealing with, the agenda. Everything on the site is worth your time to download, and will be of great value if you decide to do something unexpected. ( ) Maybe turning the game back on them is expected the way to find out is to try and see where the resistance comes from, if we hit the right “key” they will panic and lose big time. Many who have fallowed my threads for a while know how I feel about TITOR, to me he is a hero that tried to get as much truth out as he could while working between the lines, there are plenty of out right lies in TITOR's chats but we are right where we are expected to be before the panic that is scheduled. Be very wary of racism and other forms of social control. Do not let others tell you who is your enemy, usually they turn groups against them selves, so when you see them trying to turning the racist dial, do something unexpected and learn to work with your brothers and sisters , turn their silly little plans against them. If you like the idea Eddie boy didn't intend then try to promote it forward, the worst thing that will happen is that the rats on the ship will become quite clear. This will help you to know your enemy.

P.S. Alan is on dial up, he has made his email available, please do not sent attachments and respect Alan's point of view that this is all controlled by hidden controllers that have access to archives that contain the knowledge of the ages . He doesn't really have time to address the outer what ifs that tend to spin many off track, I my self have taken heed and stopped chatting about things that tend to send people off and keep them from discovering the real game and agenda . We do not have time to play they mean to kill us and losing focus only helps them achieve their goals. The things Alan points out are real without question, and maybe in the end we may be surprised who is really responsible, but we will never find out if we can not take control. Alan's knowledge may help you break out and think and do the unexpected, and every time this happens it takes a bite out of their plans of world control, corporate toilet heads and sycophants. If we do not get many into truth we are toast, our youths need the most help, and you will come to understand this as you journey with Alan, because they target and use the predictability of social control mostly on the young who have not learned to question their manipulators. Questioning is something that comes with time after you have been used and fooled many times only to realize that your running out of time trying to figure out the agenda and games they play. May the force be with you and yours

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