Sunday, January 28, 2007

physics a fresh look This cat had some interesting points to make give it a chance, you may be surprised it ties into the other physics "physic" just couldn't resist, see post below . Just encase this rings a bell I save you the next step,
Color me angry also, I couldn't agree more with this guys observations of physicist in our time

Monday, January 22, 2007

NOT what you do

I find it kind of amazing to listen to all the talking heads, seems like we are going to have to wait for the next election eh? Funny stuff huh. Tomorrow the chimp speaks again, telling us how staying the course isn't staying the course, and what bad bad boys the Iranians are, so bad I'm sure we'll have to stand by and watch Isis Ra EL make the next move. Part of problem is these idiots have already punched the gas to the top, we have crested and are headed to the down hill slide. They have sunken the economy wiping out the middle they just haven't realized it yet. The one thing you should be thinking is how to take care of your selves, you need food water and shelter (warmth), do not rely on the government in fact don't even ask, they can barely take care of them selves. You know some of the people in our government especially the second one the real one, run by national security agency, you know the one that is always sited when your not suppose to know the truth. Is responsible for killing many people, it has clearly committed war crimes and crimes against all humanity and the civilized world as a whole, so you think their going to back up or just push forward. Tally Hoe. They had backed off on the chem trails for a few days locally but their back now and they where laddering them this morning , I expect a change in the weather on the down hill side. As I watch all the talking heads, I'll try to remember that we are all going to ignore the new North American Union,(American Federal Empire), the new currency and laws, while we beg our leaders to debate nonsense, and provide the necessary force to accomplish this New World Order goal. Your part in the plan is to keep from questioning your media control groups just keep fallowing their leads and make sure to shop till you drop, remember success is all about money, you can always buy a new soul on the other side, NOT. NSH 2 work it out

Friday, January 19, 2007

A light house of hope or a beacon of discontent?

A light house of hope or a beacon of discontent?

I suppose I’m some what unsettling as a blogger, you might be concerned about me, maybe the way I think is a little off the line, its OK with me I’m happy I don’t think or sound like most. You shouldn’t worry, I would never go out and try to enforce my point of view with a gun, I would never attack anything or anyone, I would however defend my self, with deadly force if left no other choice. I feel very strongly about free speech and the basic right of human beings. I think if you torture anyone your a criminal and belong in jail with the real human debris, that unfortunately doesn’t believe in not harming others to achieve their goal, be it robbery or extortion, white collar crimes that harm specific groups of people, when ever you cheat the people you should be locked up, I think it is a crime that our government allows individuals to harm large groups of people, then sentences them to a couple months in jail, so that they can enjoy their ill gotten gains once they serve the slap on the wrist sentences and fines. Our government views it quite differently, saying that drug offenders need to do more time then thieves because thieving is the American way, while druggees are causing society to fall apart, I disagree quite strongly with this notion and believe more harm is done to the system by those who abuse it for their own gains, compared to the people who have just given up and tried to unplug from the sickness by hiding in drugs or alcohol. There is a real discontent between what people believe is harmful to our society, generally people who use drugs and alcohol are short changing them selves, many are addicted to a drug not by choice but by genes. In our society it is better to be a predator a pone others stealing their time or wealth and energy, then being some one who is just harming them selfs and those around them that care, or are in their care. If you have kids its is your responsibility to provide a home, as safe place to live and love, its very hard to provide this if you can not love your self enough to walk away from the poisons that bend your mind, that make you unpredictable or unreliable to those who depend on you because they do not have the resources or means to take care of them selfs. Do you think we should be jailing these people or giving them the tools they need to cope with the unequal playing field we have perpetrated on the masses through government and monetary controls. That’s right I said it the government has been set up to provide an unequal field for competition, most of our social ills are do to this fact and none other. We will find out shortly, some of the recent success in congress while it seems helpful will prove to be less then what is expected. This would be a good time to really stand, remember while all the debate gathers time passes and plays are made behind the curtain.

I think every one has just about had enough of the Bush Chaney cabal, hopefully every one has had enough of prisons and torture, because if we don’t shut that down there is no hope for humans and the sick well win. You see I believe we are already in an act of war, a war of the government against the people, actually its more then the government it’s the bankers and global cooperation all owned by the same players. They have used your faith in the system, to keep you from looking at the real goal, you could interpret it as straight out of revelations, why not it is my favorite occult book. My user name implies something, that is I consider the scraps TITOR left on the table were real and have value, I have discussed before how there is always some value even in a lie. I don’t believe everything about JT but I do believe he tried as accurately as he could (with out changing the time line) to pass on a description of what is going to develop right here right now. One thing that used to bother me was the statement JT made concerning the president in 2005 , he stated he thought he was like Abraham Lincoln and was trying to keep the country together. That didn’t exactly seem to be the case, but watching the way things are playing out I find it rather disturbing. One thing, history seems to get convoluted from the truth, one way this happens is through mass media control, if you haven’t noticed Bush Lincoln comparison are definitely a new crop on the control front. You might take note that as we start talking about Lincoln the implications are obvious that our country is headed toward a fractured status, don’t worry don’t panic it's all planned and the papers have been signed. The deal went down in 2004 with the three amigos, Bush ,Fox Mexican President and Canadian prime minister . Papers were signed during the Terry Schivo distraction, another double punch provided by the men of OZ. When history is written it will come out as to be the primary cause of our social destruction which is right around the corner. Remember Bush and Chaney are just pawns on the board they are not the players, they will only be allowed to stay in the game as long as they push the agenda, total control of the population through the problem reaction paradigm. There are prison camps all over the country, FEMA has all the special authority it needs during practically every form of “emergency”, if you not aware of this to bad your listening to Ed Schultz it will rot your brain, just like Rush and Hanity. I’m pretty sure other radio host know this also (REX84) but I hear not one word, with the exception of Randi, that chick is balls to the wall and blows the crap out of most talkers, she works heart and soul , has a reasonable mind and stays focused she is really the only strong voice I hear anymore, I guess I’ll have to go to the web soon. From what I’ve seen we’ll all end up on WWW2 which I guess I have already arrived at, that’s the new government controlled section, oh joy lucky me, I guess I’ve made a bad impression, thank you I’m flattered its nice to see I’m bothering the right people.

Speaking of control lets review a few things again happening right here in California, our governator Arnold is saying the public indifference is responsible for the prison ills. Really let see how that works. in California we are a little progressive and compassionate, we have decided locally that marijuana is a socially acceptable alternative medicine, and in some areas the lowest priority crime. We simply do not want to waste our time or court resources controlling something that should be treated no different then alcohol. The Federal government just can’t rap its small little pea brain around the concept of local governance and just how tired people are of stupid meat heads who create conflict instead of respecting the public right to choose its life styles and cultural values, like personal responsibility and freedom. Nope we have to have idiots from the DEA come and raid our compassionate medical marijuana clubs, we can’t have the people practicing their own form of compassion, they will show you how to “Jackboot” the people and show them their opinion means nothing and the city and state rights are bullshit when it comes to any “johnny Rotten” that wants to throw on a black bullet proof vest, like pot clubs and meth labs are the same thing. You see they just don’t have the brains it takes to understand the concept so you just come in with a heavy hand and have your way, no matter what message that conveys about freedom, and your rights regarding self governance. Hey Arnold Schwarzenegger I say you are a girlie man who can not even stand up for state rights what makes you think you should be allowed to run for president, we should change our laws to let some pussy with shrunken testes and a blank slate for a brain run for president? I’m mean for Christ sake if you can’t fight for your cities rights and state rights why should we believe you have the balls to be our leader, just because your as basic as a box of rocks just like our current leader doesn’t make you any better than the actor in office now. As a matter of fact I believe your just acting like a leader and have absolutely nothing to offer as leadership skills other then the bullshit you have learned to self promote. I expect to hear you on the Fat Head Eds show any day now girlie man. Maybe you two idiots can get together and convince the rest of the country that you have something to offer, while you ignore the CFR and other bone heads, maybe you guys can kick it in the grove, and get in touch with that inner child your dying to drop into Moloch's belly.

So if your paying attention this is not the time to relax, this is a time to stand and demand better, demand answers and start getting people in court, just keep working your way up because the clowns you think are responsible are front men we need to shut down the sickness. If you think I'm wrong there is a nice picture of a security guard in handcuffs over the medical marijuana raid, ask your self what are they trying to say. As you hear words like constitutional crisis, and references to Lincoln watch men in uniforms cuff others in uniforms (mines better then yours attitude), reflect do you really think John Titor lied about the future? JT even told you things that you have not realized, like the fact the coming trouble is based on movements behind the curtain in 2004 and 2005. Get ready to watch what you thought was your government race to the bottom, stay away from any racism or divisions of class, when they try to put you in crisis don't sit back and wait for help, help your selves and others, and if the government steps in like they did in Katrina, tell them to go home. There is an old joke that apparently most have forgotten, “Don't worry I'm with the government and I'm here to help”.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Uttering the wrong thing

Every thing is normal, really? I guess you haven't noticed the shift in propaganda how it has been framed, you see people debating and you think everything is normal but you never realize the whole debate is nonsense. The debate is now how we are going, to leave Iraq, not going to happen, your there for oil and some body is on the hook for allot of money, that's you and me. Yes even though we are the pawns in the game and I'm mean the small ones the profane, the non enlightened. It's our labor that runs the engine, we drive the economy that provides the tax base to support those who mean to control us, as we watch them steel our labor and blood to promote their own agenda. Its amazing to watch and hear, I listen to progressive radio, I guess we we'll see what I'm listening to in the future, it seems as though some of the voices are having effect and must be toned down, I seem to sense some self censorship, its almost a pull back in fear, I don't know if it's the fear of loosing the audience or the sponsors, that's the symptom of fascism. I respect and admire a few on the radio, the strongest voice seems to be Randi Rhodes she seem to be some what aware and a little freer to try to point out the under laying facts, it's hard to fight fascism when your in the belly of the beast. It's funny to listen to progressive radio trying to get people to shop their sponsors, lets see lot of public service messages, where are? what are ?your kids doing get involved, it seems strange that you even have to remind the progressives to to care of their kids, oops don't use drugs, oh and talk to your kids about joining the military? Quite a group of choices, or you can always buy a bed to sleep right through an earthquake and never mind the insanity around you. There have been some good, local adds that had some value to the area and were targeted to likely groups, scale Vipor (we have really hard water locally), to Laughin a Nevada gaming city,( not far and more kick back then Vegas). The last election the oil companies were all over a proposition, I wasn't going to vote for it but the oil companies spent so much to fight it, so I decided I'd listen and voted for it even if it was poorly written , if it was a problem for big oil in California it was good enough for me to vote for especially if you going to take the time to advertise on my progressive choice station. So you can see we do listen to the adds, just how are you suppose to act? Go to my PC, I'm at my PC, I have other tools in my hands during the day while I'm listening to radio, so the auto parts adds, tools vacations things that “blue callers” relates to, oh I for forgot I'm suppose to enjoy the drink responsibly adds, sorry I'm one of those who can't drink responsibly so I gave up drinking, it wasn't working for me any more. You see you can try to hide but it doesn't go away, so you learn to deal with things, like truth and it kind of drives you nuts while you watch everyone running trying to avoid the truth at all cost. You've been bought and sold, both sides are doing it to you , its the nature of our system, the system of winners and losers, and as always currency controls the games, and the government makes sure the playing field in not equal but tilted to the house or bankers and the system so that an elite class can pretend to care while, you waste your lives serving their needs , the need to control you and control all your choices and thoughts. They own the air waves and every thing you see they surround you with their occult symbols that are burned in to the nature of your mind and how it interprets forms and assigns value. (Google cortex there is a link some where down in this blog).

Another way to look at the game is to look at the way they test your knowledge , they are very fond of multiple guess, you know where you have five choices A,B,C,D,E AND SOMETIMES NON OF THE ABOVE. This is framing, and is designed to make you believe your intelligent if you can fallow their failed logic, usually two answers are very close and this is where you are to make your choice, most the time the answer is none of the above, but there is no place to provide the proof of this so you fail their test if you don't pick one of the predetermined framed “logical answers”. If you have seen this and learned to play the game to get ahead or cope with the others you have fallen in their trap, you can crawl back out if you remember how it felt growing up and realizing you were living a lie, you learned to play the game, sometimes grudgingly, because its the only game available, every bodies got to eat even progressive talkers and thinkers. Right now is a good time to talk about success because it's not what you have been taught it is, success is learning to think for your self and in this world construct this is not encouraged so it usually doesn't pay well, you will see them pulling their net lines in and slowly people will be forced to make the choice of poor answers. They are framing you with environmental issues that are beyond your control, however not beyond their control, see Tom Bearden he has testified before congress on the effects of HARRP. Alan watt has just release another blurb and as usual right on topic and pearls before swine. I almost have to apologize some what for being one of the individuals who treads the trails that most should not fallow, I'm not exactly new to the ideas that are covered by Alan I learned them the hard way by learning to read their works through the lines much like Alan, and before Alan I had to pretty much rely on my self to stay grounded, you can do if you realize there is truth and value in many works meant to mislead you, sometimes on purposes and sometimes just to give enough creditability to make the lie believable. Even Alan relates that people use his research to spin others of in lost directions, they do it to all kinds of truth not just the pieces Alan has uncovered, but it would be best if we stay focused on our real problems like media control, and the in ability to question authority any more, you see if you question any thing you are a problem because they have given you all the answers. It is true they have given you all the answers, it's just in small print and they hope you don't take the time to review it. I'll give you a quick example from progressive talk, encase your not aware I'm not real fond of FAT HEAD ED, there is a reason, because he is a sell out and is being pushed forward by the system, he is one of the two answers your suppose to choose from. The example I'll sight you'll have to dig up your self, it was last week John Kerry interview, right at the end before they went for the sports talk to wrap up the interview, what did John Kerry tell you, he has done this before. Once some body decided to make a big deal of it, remember the joke, was it a joke or was it the truth in small print?

Anyway give Alan a click his web site and his latest blurb. anyway learn to support those who are working from the heart and listen you can tell who is in the light and who is not it comes from the heart because it is inside them, people speaking from the heart are rare and should be supported with all the heart you have.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Groovin at the Grove, pirates, skull & Boners

your comments are useful

Comments, I try to go back and review my slide shows once and a while I've learned to set to comment mode, and review what people have to say, it doesn't bother me when the comments are negative, and some times there are questions, which I try to answer. Sometimes when a video gets a really low rating I laugh because I'm assuming some one did not like the implication of the work. I quite possibly disturbed their head, hopefully it wasn't just the tune that they didn't like but the compilation that was unsettling. Yes I guess in this sense I'm a “troll” some one trying to disturb the status quo, you would to if you could see what I see. The last comment I received was interesting, it was basically that the tune was acceptable in a political context, I prefer Tellurian, politics is a false dichotomy a Hegelian dialectic, designed to keep you from paying attention to the movement under the surface of the illusion. While your trying to see if you can get your leaders to lead you never realize they are just killing time, while they set up the back ground for the next move, that move is right around the corner. Your currency and what you think of as your law or country is about to change big time, you can read about this change by reading also Shelley Ann Clark , the plan is right on schedule and the obvious separation of our country in to two groups is part of the plan, the Hegelian dialectic requires this formation. How do you fight a manipulation , you walk away and don't play, I'm not saying that you don't care you care and find others who care, you do this by actively participating in your right to think and act for your self. There are all kinds of things you can do, first ask the controllers what part of “NO” don't they understand, you can e-mail your leaders both political and media let them know your not stupid and your not down with their sickness. You can find things that are cathartic for you, like making slide shows that disturb some sheeple, or writing a poem and posting it, writing and singing a song against the machine, blogging and making your voice and thoughts known , these are the tools of freedom and art in all forms has been the bases for freedom all along. Art makes you think and conveys emotion and information sometimes subliminally, it is a way of saying “NO” over and over, use your time while they prepare their known goal, try to fracture their control arguments, they are all fallacies. Right now is a time for passive resistance, and the right to free thought and speech use it now, tomorrow will be to late.

One last word, they are going to provoke you to try to get you to swing first, don't do it, protest stay calm and cool. Take a defensive stance draw a line at your space, when they violate you make them pay, when you see them violate others stand and make them work. Watch out for false flag groups, these will be the ones that try to make you strike first, your group should be defensive in nature, and realize when you see a group in defensive postures like what happened in Waco with the branch Dravidian's , then show up in mass and just say “NO” . You might need to support groups or people you don't know or particularly like, if they are in a defensive stance you need to step up and help protest in mass. You will know what you need to do when the time comes it will be clearly obvious who the criminals are at that point, no body likes a criminal and there will be no tears when they are removed. Stand your ground, never let go of your weapon, do not use the web to order any arms or hardware, and ammunition, don't even go to web for information on these subjects directly, you do not what them to know what kind of fire power you have or what kind of defensive training or insight you might have, if you have non of these skills, go to an open net work rent or barrow a computer, do not use library- they will know exactly what you have and are working on. If your smart you know you will never out gun them , but you can way out think them, they aren't the brightest encase you haven't noticed. If your on a list, and I can count on the fact that I am, expect them to try take you when your away from your home, they know every move you make and your schedule, your satellite and cable TV habits, where and when your likely to shop, or any other regular movement you make. There are a lot of things you can carry that work as a weapon, you should always carry one at this point, guns are ok but, there are things that are much nastier and very ubiquitous. No one has the right to place their hands on you if you have done nothing, walk away it's the first thing you try before lethal force. Criminals can put on any clothe or shinny metal they choose, it doesn't cover the fact that they are criminals that mean to do you harm, they have already lost they just have not realized it yet..........KNOW YOUR ENEMY.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


The Cognitive Sciences Laboratory adopts a conservative approach to the research of anomalous mental phenomena. We make the assumption that all such phenomena will eventually be understood within the context of physical science. As a consequence we question dualistic, or mystical, approaches to these presently anomalous phenomena.

Toward that end, we have adopted an engineering communication metaphor as a guide for the design of our investigations. In the language of our experimental protocol, a target transmits information through space and time to a human receiver.

here are a couple of good links to keep you thinking

I'm pretty sure this is all the same user- its interesting work and its has value beyond what you see before you

Terms:, Brunardot, and Pulsoid Theory must be cited.

"Seminal motion is not meant to be a theory; it is an attempt to describe the most fundamental motion. Whatever that motion may be.

Cosmic inertia is an attempt to describe something that differs from Newtonian inertia, which is not a force as it is without acceleration. The literature is rife with citations regarding the accelerating galactic recession. The term cosmic inertia is not a personal theory; it is an attempt to describe, a now commonly, observed phenomenon.

There is room for disagreement as to whether a rationalization of superconductivity, and its ramifications, qualifies for TOE; without more input, I don’t believe its requirements are beyond a concept of hyper-relativity, which is controversial; but, certainly within the literature.

I am quite “aware of the significance of emergent phenomena.” More pointedly, the question is: do I understand emergent phenomena?

Rules and fine print can be difficult to interpret when free expressions of ideas are interchanged. I certainly have no intent beyond intellectual inquiry."Brunardot

This is great because its true and very funny

Pachelbel Rant

Uniforms including the one in your mind

NWO resistors heart and soul walk away from the problem now do not lose sight of your soul

LAST CALL.... I ask you to reach down in side and ask your self where you stand...I apologize before we start because this is not going to be pleasant the truth generally hurts, hurting is not always bad it is a sign that you have some soul left, and they have been eating it away since I've been stuck on this rock. Uniforms, please if your in one you need to find another way, there are all kinds of uniforms so this is a very broad brush that I''m going to paint with. First if your in the military, I think you might be a tool in a very big mistake that can not be stopped, I wish and hope with all my heart that you can find away to not show up. I'm sure that you started out thinking your promoting freedom, or protecting our “freedom”, but I see very very bad things coming our way and if you have a heart and a soul we need you right here right now. Lets talk about that heart and soul, we all got one, only some are not listening.

Lets do a quick step back and look at what is going down, I'm mean locally in southern California, right now. In the L.A. Times California 1/13/07, “Officer had been warned in prior case” this guy apparently shot a 13 year old after a car chase, I guess the kid failed to comply, backed the car up and Larry the lizard feared for his life, and in four seconds the kid was dead, 10 shots I think 7 hits, not bad I bet I could do better. See the funny thing here is a panel reviewed the incident and thought there should be some action taken, how ever after the “secret police hearing”, all was cool and Larry is not a problem, despite a previous disciplinary action with a “44” day suspension for witness intimidation in an excessive force case. Sounds about right it would work exactly like that in my town, they would probably give the idiot an award. OK how about this one same section of paper “Use of Assembly badges arrested”? Turns out one of the local political hacks gave out fake badges to people that were on a short list you know big money contributors other special favorites, small group you know the type, I'm Johnny Laws “friend”, I get special. Somebody tried to flash one to get out of a drunk driving incident and in this case I guess it didn't fly, probably didn't give to the right police “charity”. In case I'm wrong and the officer just did what was right, it is you I'm talking to, you need to get out of your uniform and job, you do not want to be in a position where you say you are just doing a job, because your job is changed from protect and serve to oppress and control. If you have any spark of light walk away from this mess before it gets really bad. You know if you started off trying to help, it's getting out of control and all the ass -holes around you are not there by mistake, OK?

You don't think I'm right, I'm sure you respect the people you work with and we all like to think we are trying to do the right thing ,but think about this one. Same paper same section “Defiant O.C. Sect leader gets 10-day jail sentence” there is a nice picture of some Larry law leading grandma off to jail. Turns out bad ass granny, part of “piecemakers” the leader of our terror group 85 year old , was running a tea room and had cakes and sweets, so of course the public “HELL” oops health officials had to take granny and her terror group down, I'm surprised Home Land Security wasn't involved, probably are on paper another “radical Christen sect” taken down score one more for the stat and record book. Quick give us some more money we are making “progress” , really these resistors are dangerous and can not be tolerated, and grand ma is taking business away from “Starbuck's” we can't have granny with her unfair advantage, run her little Christen tea room, who knows what kind of subversive anti state talk is going on there, resistors will not be tolerated in the New World order, we must have “order” I tell you “order” or all is lost...... Are you starting to get it? Get out of your phucking uniforms now and get with the people before , you have to look somebody in the eye and tell them you are just doing your job, its not just a job its your soul step away now. You know in the same paper, there is an article about the E-coli that sickened about 150 people, you know cooperate farms dealing with food that goes all over the country and world, we might want to pretend to look at them, but we really got to clap down on granny and her subversive anti American resistors who will not cooperate, God DAMN law breakers resistor we'll show them. And if you feel there is anything right about anything I've covered here, I hear the AFE (American Federal Empire), in 2015 is the place to be. I'm on the other team.

OK who's lost in space, or cooper pairs go ahead laugh,you won't be laughing long... if you make it past the concept, look at the info available here it is useful. So their timing is a little off they haven't missed by much the error appears to be much less then 1% and this is from the stones that cry out to you. The Sumerian's description of our solar system was taken from the opposite perspective ie. The farthest planet away on the outside of our system is numbered 1 and earth is the 7th, they had names that were descriptive, do you know how Neptune got its name? It is an ice ball not a blue marble, think about it, you should end up with a few questions after you ponder the facts. Don't forget nothing is an accident , why do you think they 86ed Pluto from the list? Relax somebody whispered in Z Sitchins ear possibly through the college of the mind or somebody of Edward Tellers quality with a very advanced degree in the mystery religion. Now think about what I just told you they numbered their system from the outside in why? The hardest planet to observe would be the farthest away, wouldn't you discover that planet last, like we did? Are you starting to get it yet ?

The rest of this might be interesting but hard to fallow, it's encase some one is really looking for a hint- believe me I'd like to meet a Google engineer, these guys have to be cutting edge in A.I., if your aware whats going on, its has to be something to behold. How soon do you think it will be before they turn the knowledge they have gleaned, to control us ? Careful its not called the web for shits and giggles.

So your playing with cooper pairs are you? Do you know the mechanical structure in theory ,why do two oppositely spinning electrons , form a unit that allows unrestricted movement through the lattice or matrix if you prefer? Remember Mr E didn't really have anything until some one verified that mass bent space, the star that appeared behind the sun because light was bent by a force (or is space a medium like water), mass distortion of space, thats a gravity field kids. Remember it's all covered by one concept light or electro magnetic fields are gravity, maybe not exactly the same , thats why we describe light as both a partial and wave the separation is in the relationship of gravity to time. ie light the wave lengths that can't be sensed by our limited bio receivers, think about how they explain the back ground radiation that is constantly present , latent heat from the big bang ? Its non directional.
Realize that HARRP is a phased array that is beating against the upper atmosphere this is causing a vibration something like beating a drum, now imagine if you where beating on the inside of a drum what is happening out side? Now do you think this vibration might be to produce a refractive interface, think about what you know about light and heat, space is cold but even your limited bio sensors can feel the heat after traveling through space, I wonder how efficient that energy transfer is, how much energy is lost in space and what might be the friction or better yet why is there limited friction, they have determined that there are space waves or turbulence.

and lets not forget the TITOR fans

Titor claimed that we could already measure the difference in gravity and time distortion from sky scrapers remember? Ok last link if you made it this far think about this, because the answer your looking for is in here.


Friday, January 12, 2007

Jordan Maxwell Vatican assassins

This is the first of a twelve part series

you can find the rest of the series here at Youtube

Something you should be thinking about now

Funny things your not aware of is L7 and explains why I posted two different versions of "pretend we are dead" DTL 6 on youtube is a totally different flavor and images it depends on your point of view.

Speaking of points of view have you ever gone to the college in your mind or used your minds eye, you don't need special training but you do need to learn to shut down and look very deep in-side. Avoid people who tell you how to target, find your own targets and roads and do not be surprised or scared by what you find. When you start to have the feeling some one is with you resist and move forward alone it is much safer that way, most guides are there to keep you from looking behind the right door. ALAS KLAR- You can start by controlling your dreams it is not very hard at all decide on your destinations, unknown areas locally then check your accuracy, you might be very surprised. Example pick a closest that you have never seen inside, pick the target physically, when you go to sleep target the physical location, picture your self moving into the area then opening the door what do you see.. the trick is remembering the dream but it gets easier with practice, when you start to get good you can fall into a waking sleep in the time it takes you to relax, and pop out clear with one hundred percent recall, the trick is deciphering the symbols shapes and textures, don't forget to work all your senses, your ears and noise, you can even smell things (some very bad things) these take a lot more practice but will increase result accuracy. Every one is hard wired for this ,most will not drop the pressures of this world construct, forget what you know and start learning what you don't know, some of the most basic science advances have come from this technique and you have never been told.... there is a reason why.... you need to find this out for your selves this is something that I can not give you, its like a twelve step program you have to want it your self and you do it for your self not for others.
One last word when you start to succeed, watch who starts showing up in your real world construct, learn your own sarcasm not jokes but sarcasm, when you get good you will know why I told you this, use it and do not let on that you know.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Dangerous minds

I guess I'm waiting for what the chimp has to say about, escalations and surging of troops into Iraq, a must apparently under the New World order Agenda. I guess I should just be grateful that he hasn't actually nuked some other part of the middle east or Africa- yet. I think we can count on Israel stepping up to give the world a treat, I wonder what game or false flag operation they will run to come up with excuses for a retaliatory attack ( or maybe even preemptive again), gas attack maybe? All to preserve the American ideal of life shop till you drop, steal everything on the table , and hurt anyone who doesn't agree with your agenda, whoa yeppy kieyeah mother freaker, I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair. So have you started to feel the heat yet? by the way you do realize that Iraq is a dry run at controlling and manipulating a civil war, it has been done on purpose, they need to practice before they start one right here. The civil war will give them the same excuse that they are using in Iraq right now. The whole thing serves several purposes at once, they love getting a lot done at once it is easy once you have a plan , look at 911, clear the ground to prepare new tower at the hight of 1776 feet (some know exactly how this mocks the victim)easy Asbestos removal, while making tons of money on insurance, and stock options . By the way you remember the first time we lost a bundle of money in Iraq I think it was about 8 billion , I believe that is about the same total that Larry the Lizard collected (two attacks double pay out).
You ever wondered why the insurance companies rolled over, maybe some one covered the bill, they sure didn't take their lumps in the Katrina mess, fought for every scrap on the table and bit any one who didn't have the clout to fight. Then there was the pearl harbor effect, what a great reason to go kick the shit out of somebody and wave the flag, doesn't matter if you kick the shit out of the people behind the attacks, just as long as you can use it as a excuse to take some one else's country and resources, thats why we will never leave Iraq, at least not until some body lights it up with a couple of nukes, when they finally figure out that we are going to get “our” oil no matter who is sitting on it. Oh the chimp just finished, and now the democratic response (we lynched Saddam H) they should be happy for all we have done for them , and hope they forget what we have done to them. (American arrogance at its prime) I'm not sure what exactly the democratic response was, I guess we find out tomorrow, can they stop the idiot chimp? same bat time same bat channel. Obama oh Bable, is now on , sounds good but talk is cheap.I wonder if people would be able to face the facts if we just replaced the stars and stripes with the skull and bones?

There was some interesting things to note, I watch CNN like most watch FOX, I clench at every piece of bullshit they pump, and they are every thing fox is and more, unless your laughing your ass off at the crap that our cooperate elite are trying to manipulate the masses with, KILL YOUR TELEVION. When CNN cut to the corespondent out side the White house you could clearly hear the crowd of demonstrators, not a view of the crowd . I'm sure it was quite impressive and much larger then anyone wants to admit, instead they play pictures of our war heroes going out and enforcing the new world rule and lack of law, thats the rights we hold self evident, not the crap they have been writing to remove the rights of true human beings, to shift control to cooperate fascist America as it has become while achieving their terror control. Un freaking real I don't think the people are ever going to wake up, I'm starting to get a little worried here, after all John Titor claimed that a good portion of the population would wake up to the facts in 2008 and would finally figure out that they were the objects of war and there would be no turning back

QUOTES Courtesy of JT

How can you possibly criticize me for any conflict that comes to you? I watch every day what you are doing as a society. While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the "Universal Law" you subscribe to?

“ John Titor

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election. The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause.

John Titor

I suppose from your vantage point that's a fair assessment. I would call myself more of a centrist. Although I understand the "gun rights" issue here, I cannot relate to it all and it is a common point of argument with my mother.
I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years and she'll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep but it doesn't help. If it makes you feel any better, I never shot anyone who wasn't trying to kill me.
In the last few months, I have had numerous extended conversations online and there are quite a few things I've said which can easily be checked out but haven't. I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow. In my travels, I have discovered that most people really don't want to know about the future because if its different than what they want it ticks them off. Actually, I don't blame them.

Guess who thats right John Titor


The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII.
If you could change one

JOHN TITOR ----THINK ABOUT IT-----Not prepared for a true offensive war?

Saturday, January 06, 2007


The things that count for knowledge, I don't understand. That is a line from Steely Dan that still rattles around in my skull almost weekly now. It seems almost pointless to try to think about anything anymore, what are words for, another line , I think from the Motels, no bodies walking in L.A. You try to pay attention but the words are just changed never the rhythm or the meaning of the pattern. No matter what you think it doesn't matter, that's just the way it's going to be, there is going to be a total police state and there is nothing thats going to stop it. They are wrong, and are preparing for their final push and they know time is growing short, they have already started the weather wars, this is to help usher in their new game. You might want to check out the United nation Agenda 21 pdfs, they have a lot to say about what is going on. Anyway I'm not going to cover the things you should already know, but I do intend to start covering the things you know but don't want to hear, so in respect to you thanks for coming and caring. You may have heard of the story of how to boil a frog, I know the entire concept sucks ,who the freakin hell wants to boil frogs, but then again who wants to shop till they drop. The frog you see is hard to boil if you just try to toss him/her in to a boiling pot , the exposure is to extreme and noticeable to the frog the second that frog hits the hot water, bang survival mode, thats going to be one jumping ass animal. Take that same frog place him/her in a pan of cool water, they will just kick back, you can slowly apply heat and cook that frog to death , never noticing the change, just slow death. I don't want to alarm you but we are all sitting in some very very hot water right now, so what are you planning on doing, trying to sit it out?

Lets see we just wasted Saddam H, oh you say we didn't do it it was the Iraq's, yeah right. You see how hot the water is ? I don't know about you but that was freaking embarrassing (you can always replace the “ea” with “U”) . I didn't really pay much attention to Saddam's trail, after all the boy was a thirty three degree mason, I figured he would just flash the right sign at the right time. Man that was one frog that got his ass boiled quite quickly, and they say there is no honor among thieves, I guess it matters more who your thieving for. I'm not exactly sure the world was served by removing Saddam H from the game, probably quite the contrary. You see the justice that was just applied to Mr H is the same that is coming for all of us sitting in this pot, one world, one control, one rule glory to the elite and the wealthy the bringers of control and order, a totally controlled world with nothing but slaves and controllers, mercenaries who will do anything for money no matter what the form. Maybe you noticed that there was some thing funny about the trail, it seems like the term “Kangaroo court” wouldn't really begin the describe the affair. Lets see how many times did we change judges and lawyers I lost count and figured it would be the cause for appeal in a real court of law, you would think there would be at least one place on this rock where you could appeal for justice,I mean we did go in and take a country on information that was basically fabricated, we made our own lies that justifies our actions (killing Mr. H) I guess you just take it up with god when you get there. I wonder how that went down, I mean Mr H meeting a final higher authority, god Mr. H- Mr. H god,a little masonic hand shake a wink a nod a sly smile, Saddam grimacing and stating he got screwed, and what? god responds glad to be of service. It was in human and that's that , maybe you understand maybe you don't, but your complacency and silence on the mater does not excuse you from the action, yes you and I killed Mr H , by not holding our own government to the rule of humanity, it is sick I tell you very very sick. That was another small event that is signaling the inevitable, no one will soon be able to find fair and human judgment on this rock the newest form of hell.

Did you notice a few other funny things happening with our government lately, say the big changes with our military and control structures they are now totally controlled by warriors, check it out your selves Every one that just got shuffled around the board is x military, all our home land security, intelligence (spy) groups , just in time for bill, “Signed by President Bush on Oct. 17, the law (PL 109-364) has a provocative provision called “Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies.” The thrust of it seems to be about giving the federal government a far stronger hand in coordinating responses to Katrina-like disasters.”

“Admiral McConnell joins his fellow US Military counterparts, US Air Force General Michael V. Hayden, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), former US Marine Hero and present Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Robert Mueller, and Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Lieutenant General Keith B. Alexander, in completing the Military takeover of the entire American Domestic and Foreign Intelligence Services.” from

Well I did hear some good news as of late, Mr. Watt is going to get a new snow blower, if you have been fallowing Alan, you know he has been pumping it out and doing a great job as usual. I was struck by some thing he recently shared and I'm afraid he is probably right again, He said that he had noticed growing up that there seems to be a miss conception that 90 percent of the people are good generally on the inside ( they don't want to control anyone just live a prosperous and peaceful existence ) but in fact it is the other way around and that generally only 10 percent of the people truly care about what is going on inside, the truth that hurts from with in, you know the one you and I can not escape, watching people who enjoy boiling frogs. If you still need a little hint think about this for a while, Mrs Harriet Miers the white house counsel (lawyer), was good enough to be a supreme court justice just not a good enough lawyer to represent the white house against the coming criminal investigations,2933,241534,00.html