Sunday, January 14, 2007

your comments are useful

Comments, I try to go back and review my slide shows once and a while I've learned to set to comment mode, and review what people have to say, it doesn't bother me when the comments are negative, and some times there are questions, which I try to answer. Sometimes when a video gets a really low rating I laugh because I'm assuming some one did not like the implication of the work. I quite possibly disturbed their head, hopefully it wasn't just the tune that they didn't like but the compilation that was unsettling. Yes I guess in this sense I'm a “troll” some one trying to disturb the status quo, you would to if you could see what I see. The last comment I received was interesting, it was basically that the tune was acceptable in a political context, I prefer Tellurian, politics is a false dichotomy a Hegelian dialectic, designed to keep you from paying attention to the movement under the surface of the illusion. While your trying to see if you can get your leaders to lead you never realize they are just killing time, while they set up the back ground for the next move, that move is right around the corner. Your currency and what you think of as your law or country is about to change big time, you can read about this change by reading also Shelley Ann Clark , the plan is right on schedule and the obvious separation of our country in to two groups is part of the plan, the Hegelian dialectic requires this formation. How do you fight a manipulation , you walk away and don't play, I'm not saying that you don't care you care and find others who care, you do this by actively participating in your right to think and act for your self. There are all kinds of things you can do, first ask the controllers what part of “NO” don't they understand, you can e-mail your leaders both political and media let them know your not stupid and your not down with their sickness. You can find things that are cathartic for you, like making slide shows that disturb some sheeple, or writing a poem and posting it, writing and singing a song against the machine, blogging and making your voice and thoughts known , these are the tools of freedom and art in all forms has been the bases for freedom all along. Art makes you think and conveys emotion and information sometimes subliminally, it is a way of saying “NO” over and over, use your time while they prepare their known goal, try to fracture their control arguments, they are all fallacies. Right now is a time for passive resistance, and the right to free thought and speech use it now, tomorrow will be to late.

One last word, they are going to provoke you to try to get you to swing first, don't do it, protest stay calm and cool. Take a defensive stance draw a line at your space, when they violate you make them pay, when you see them violate others stand and make them work. Watch out for false flag groups, these will be the ones that try to make you strike first, your group should be defensive in nature, and realize when you see a group in defensive postures like what happened in Waco with the branch Dravidian's , then show up in mass and just say “NO” . You might need to support groups or people you don't know or particularly like, if they are in a defensive stance you need to step up and help protest in mass. You will know what you need to do when the time comes it will be clearly obvious who the criminals are at that point, no body likes a criminal and there will be no tears when they are removed. Stand your ground, never let go of your weapon, do not use the web to order any arms or hardware, and ammunition, don't even go to web for information on these subjects directly, you do not what them to know what kind of fire power you have or what kind of defensive training or insight you might have, if you have non of these skills, go to an open net work rent or barrow a computer, do not use library- they will know exactly what you have and are working on. If your smart you know you will never out gun them , but you can way out think them, they aren't the brightest encase you haven't noticed. If your on a list, and I can count on the fact that I am, expect them to try take you when your away from your home, they know every move you make and your schedule, your satellite and cable TV habits, where and when your likely to shop, or any other regular movement you make. There are a lot of things you can carry that work as a weapon, you should always carry one at this point, guns are ok but, there are things that are much nastier and very ubiquitous. No one has the right to place their hands on you if you have done nothing, walk away it's the first thing you try before lethal force. Criminals can put on any clothe or shinny metal they choose, it doesn't cover the fact that they are criminals that mean to do you harm, they have already lost they just have not realized it yet..........KNOW YOUR ENEMY.

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