Sunday, August 16, 2009

Where you can find me

To my subscribers and friends …..

Thank you for your support and interest in some of my anti propaganda efforts. They are simply to generate thought, I can not control your perception of images or what they might mean to you. What I do instead is provide some basic emotion or narration and place images that relate on different levels. The work is meant to spur your own investigations or allow you to dove tail what you know your selves. Then pondering questions, are there other relations that might not have been noticed or in our subconscious awareness ???. They are not meant as information more as motivation.

Most of us have given up on Google and Youtube because of control issues, most of the time I can not even respond to the flamers, that leave comments because they censor comments.... The following one, censored, essentially a response, not appreciated by the powers that “bee”, They demand to instruct you, on how to behave, to suit their needs …. Oh how freaking special indeed..

“Listen No sweat, I'm sure we are”ALL” trying to break through on different levels …. I probably jumped on you a little hard.. being a little tired of some of the “not so bright” retorts... I do not really play here anymore...I come for specific videos... If you would like a place to chat and retort you can find me at “OUR ROOM for TROLLS @” … You're welcome to post (upload) your videos or link them in Troll Wiki pages.... Peace TR” “”,“

If you would like to retort or interact , tear me a new hole, or just help others in their search for solutions that generate dangerous minds... You'll find me at Troll_Rooms@ grou.(dot)ps … I invite you all to join.. Your support will be appreciated... I get more hits than interactions because many of my lurkers, are not the “jump in and get her done kind”.... Also the idea and methods behind the site constructions are new and unfamiliar to “NEW BEES”... So I could use a few hard core to help me get “Our Room for Trolls” to deeper more dangerous level of thought....Warning the troll room is not censored or controlled in anyway, so you might have to deal with flamers, my favorite target for tooling …..

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Santa Barbara screws the pooch again... the Micheal Jackson saga

Santa Barbara screws the pooch again... the Micheal Jackson saga ….

This was amazing to watch unfold this morning, once again in kind of a haze, listening to progressive local radio 1490. I focus in on the Sheriffs spokes hole, basically pull out his meager manhood, when asked by the media “boys”, how was it going at Never Land Ranch ?.... Well, after your basic, “we have our heads up our butts” and can't even handle trying to intimidate the local media, much less the national and global horde. I guess, this was another one of their ,“first picnic experiences”, because they could not handle the “News Parking”. Lord , how are we ever going to handle the crowd ??... The problem being it is basically a large parking operation, granted, a large one, but still with a little brains and planning not impossible. Except if you are the “Local Authorities”, now that's a freaking oxymoron for you.

Anyway it was pretty clear the "poor little Sheriff" was in the deep end of the pool and not a swimmer and certainly not a thinker, imagine going down in history being the ass hole in charge of parking, that dropped the ball. This on a freaking ranch in the middle of huge empty spaces. like I said, not so brights, you know, your stupid corporate Masonic Monkey Pajama idiots, shouldn't be surprised that actual work and planning, were not acceptable means to accomplish a task. This is what happens when you put followers in positions that require leadership, which never never happens in government on any level. Leadership unless under the command of “fools” is never allowed to go “unpunished” in this “psychotic imitation corporation”, known as government.

Now the real hero in the story, is the “Governator”, “I'll keep coming back as a very bad actor, if you do not heed my mindless empire building and meddling in the “peas-ant” lives and affairs”. This bucket of slim was going to grease the wheels to make it happen, I'll bet, he asked for too big a cut in the top end and spoiled the deal for the rest of the sycophants. Anyway I'm thinking the “bitch's, Are-nodes” phone lite up like a Christmas tree around noon today. Because, that's when it became clear, the “Staples” center could handle the task, if the poor little “Authorities” in little old “Backwater Santa Barbara”, barely better governed than Baghdad, could not muster the nuts to “get her done”. With in an hour you could see the choppers leaving the scene of Jacksons Ranch. There goes the money honey, which is what everything is about now. This being probably the biggest funeral ever seen, major bucks dropping all over for services and taxes. You could see the locals ordering more of everything, for the coming weekend, it would have been a freaking zoo, but a very well money oiled Zoo. I think I heard (in my mind) the owners of the couple of high end lodges, like the “World renown Bacara “ screaming over the phone, after the Saudi princes, German knights, French fags and British twats started to call and cancel stays. I'll bet, the local limousine and bus lines are not to happy , along with local jewelry and high end shopping venues also specialty service providers ( local hookers) . I'm sure the casino and local hotels near the ranch are really really unhappy, it will take the Local Authorities months before they figure out they lost millions in taxes and extortions through fees, tickets, permits, and local service taxes beds , gas , food , taxis ,booze and on and on and on...... You know what's funny, this stupid sheriff is going to be begging, hat in hand in about sixty days for money, to beef up for the events schedule to come down in September... Do you think they will remember the boy who couldn't get the parking done for a funeral, which tends to be rather sedate and somber. After all ,this was not “Fifty Cent” or “Tupoc” or even “Kid Rock”, no this is a light weight fairy with a mentally fluffy slightly brain dead following. You think the hard cores are going to trust this dweeb (sheriff) when it comes down to anything other than donuts and coffee runs??? This freak is history and he'll never even figure out why, now that's a dude that was born and bred to wear the corporate whore unit symbols, Masonic Monkey Pajamas …. I'll bet even the local cops that would have gotten tons of extra over time and hours are secretly cursing this fool under their breath.

What was really really funny, was watching the local authorities, as they started to figure out the “Jackson's” do not owe this area anything and why should they improve the “Never Land Ranch”. I think that's basically collateral for the business debt of Jackson's legal bills (last time Santa Barbara stepped in it) and other obligations. So in a pathetic attempt too save face, they announced that the fire department had not “heard anything” and it was still up in the “AIR”. Not with their heads up their butts, like the “sheriff”... “Call Me” I'm the “Fire Department” not the idiots with the badges, “badges we don't need no stinking badges” besides we can over rule the cops ( at least they think- they have that power- in reality no- the other "badge Monkeys" carry guns and sticks and they will defiantly beat you to a bloody mess at “their pleasure” ).... Freaking morons who can not handle parking..... Chit we (firebugs) can do it all, you should see how good we are at “PARKING”..... Call Me ?? ...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Principles or stones

Today is kind of a sad day for me, and in a lot of ways it has to do with words. I like words and the thoughts they describe, I wish people would realize what they are, symbols for ideas. The problem is in education because they do not teach you to respect and analyze the symbol as defined. It is just like math, they really do not teach you to think about math, only working the steps of the problem, this is exactly backward, I suspect on purpose.

Today the word I'm having trouble with is “principle”, I'm not talking high school type as in “ principal “ the head man. I mean the idea of having a “principle” a thing that is fundamental or primary a basic law or truth. I have few real principles so those that I have, I must guard with the greatest of care, it would do no good to guard the principle if you are not going to use or stand by it. In some places for some men, their word of promise is a principle, you know them as “men of their word”, means you can count on their word to be true.

This principle that I'm having trouble with is “freedom”, there are many types, but the one that is of concern today, is that of “freedom of speech” or the right not to be censored or allow any form of censorship or restriction of ones opinion. I mean “God” placed us all here and gave everyone a unique soul, so should not all voices and ideas be allowed to be judged by all for their merit and value ? This is the principle truth behind the idea of free speech and expression the right to be heard and not censored or suppressed.

Now because of principle I will not be able to share with the few friends that I had come to know a little bit, some were good, some were very good, some were barely there, and others are not so “principled”, but to some degree they shall all be missed. Because of “principles” I must consider them gone. I can no longer click in the site even to read, because I would be supporting censorship, even relating the name of the group is not desirable I would not send anyone there not even the most hated enemy. If I continue with them in any manner I support the idea that censorship is OK.

There are really even bigger problems involved here. Because by continuing in anyway to support, click in, or speak of this control group , it allows them support through advertising or even user count, either by sign up or being a visitor, this will only encourage the wrong principle. Worse yet by realizing this and continuing to use the space, even to keep up with friends only allows that group with evil or no principles to gain power. Probably eventually supporting those with even less principles, who will soon take over this world construct. This is going to happen because of the lack of basic principles and there is nothing anyone can do about it, because we live in a world where most only pretend to have principles, the truth is when they should be used they are dropped like stones.

Like I said I will miss some of them and this can not be helped, I can only account for my freewill and principles. It is a sad thing to sometimes have to stand alone with your “principles” after all it is just a word or idea but that is the point, so is freedom of speech and not supporting those who think it is OK to censor. Funny thing is this is on such a petty level, but it is a reoccurring problem and in principle I should have stopped posting and using the space long before this day. I wonder what is more contagious “denial” or “group stupidity”. There are others that actually have gray matter, and this has not been a hidden kind of problem and yet is was encouraged and accepted. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

The dungeons of our minds

1. The text that you have entered is too long (11761 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long. Where I was going to post soooooo Here we go again..

The dungeons of our minds

snake pit
n. Slang

1. A place of disorder and chaos.
2.A mental health facility.

Welcome to the basement of my mind. Before we start I am the same soul who has posted among you before, this will be apparent soon enough. It is nice to see this place back in the groove so to speak, I'm familiar with many of the cyber identities. The one thing that makes a forum worth attending, is the level playing field. You can not out shout or interrupt anyone. You can only choose to respond or ignore, either way the choice is yours to make, and no one else is responsible. Sometimes this can be very revealing in the form of insight too the strength or motives behind the argument or debate. Words have meaning, despite the current trends and thought patterns, allowing or encouraging the spinning and dilution of ideas or the meaning contained in words. If you care to ponder a moment think of some of the new lexicons . “ Islamofascism” this term coined by a country, that destroys other countries under the color of lies, so that an elite oligarchy of plutocratic corporate fascist can steal more wealth.

All that is wholesome and good, is not. Many of us know why, while many are beginning to awaken. We have a problem, it is in communication of ideas, the control or the formating of ideals as opposed to free thinking. To put it simply the liars on this rock are winning the mind control war,. Some of us have grown very tired and almost withdrawn from the non thinking preprogrammed masses. These herds of people are now on the move, because we are at war. Yes quite simply we are at war if you do not understand this you have not been paying attention or you have actively acted to promote denial either in your own head or in others. These people and groups have clearly laid their plan bare. They mean to reduce the population of this world, to save resources for their future lives of luxury, to be supported by a new slave classes of unthinking servants (serpents) and mind prisoners. They plan on removing five out of six humans on this rock one way or another, they are fully on a roll, using all forms of science and religion (really the same things), monetary and media controls . They are so effective many still can not see or perceive even when you place the evidence of these facts in front of their faces. Many have been preprogrammed for denial and to search for leader figures who truly do not exist .

There are many forces working against you at this time, because problem is the lack of true source truth. You can find these truths intertwined like a snake or a viper in the occult and esoteric ( belonging to the select few. private; secret; confidential. ). They have had control of the development and the common shared ideas and ideals through all ages. They have cleverly manipulated what many think of circumstances. Their symbols and belief systems are slowly being exposed to the few, who are trying to find some meaning in the effects that are proceeding in front of our eyes now. There is a general frame work or pattern that is exposed and clearly visible, it is in the way they create and control ideas. This is a place where you can clearly explore and expose those ideas, among others who may share a similar desire to expose the truth where ever it leads .

Sooner or later I shall say something or make a comment , that you find disturbing or maybe offensive. I general do not make these comments to hurt. All though there are some exceptions to the rule. We all have a limits to patients and sensibilities. I do not really mean to be contentious but truthful in fully exploring and expressing certain ideas, provocations, or annoyances with calmness. . I respect your right to free opinion and speech, but have a low tolerance for the regurgitation of kool-aid pumping propaganda, that is peeled directly from world order control shills. Some of you might find me offensive this is your right and your opinion matters, just do not be surprised if it mean little to me . I realize I'm a bit “unique”, that is my right as a sentient being. Yours also, should you chose to shed your preprogrammed persona and reach inside of yourself to feel the scratching on the inside of your skull. That something is very wrong, and things are changing. You have the power to make the future and that change positive for yourself and others. Or negative for all, but a very few, the elite liars and con men/women. Now lets get to work.

You know we out number these freaks now. If you keep ignoring the truth as they get ready to pull the plug and kill millions you are insane or sick and too self absorbed. You deserve everything that is pointed in your direction, slavery, death, thievery, torture, inequity ....... I for one plan to “See Them Soon”. Ignorance can be cured or corrected while stupid and evil apparently can not. You should understand where you stand and what you stand for. May peace and God be with all of you of heart, but you must take responsibility for the position and circumstance you are in.. May evil reap the fruits it has sown among the innocent with the least amount of pain, but the longer the denial, the greater the pain and injustice. Stand now and stand strong. By passively accepting the chit these a-holes dish out, you are approving. They are wasting your time with this political game you think of as democracy, it is not, it only exist in your mind. There are laws, they are Gods laws, not the states laws. The sooner you realize which is which, the clearer the places of truth and diversion shall be. We are being divided, pick a side, and choose wisely what seems important today will mean nothing tomorrow.
Vi*vip"a*rous\, a. [L. viviparus; vivus alive + parere to bear, bring forth. Cf. Viper.] (Biol.) Producing young in a living state, as most mammals, or as those plants the offspring of which are produced alive, either by bulbs instead of seeds, or by the seeds themselves germinating on the plant, instead of falling, as they usually do; -- opposed to oviparous.

Wiv"er\, Wivern \Wiv"ern\, n. [OE. wivere a serpent, OF. wivre, guivre, F. givre, guivre, wiver, from L. vipera; probably influenced by OHG. wipera, from the Latin. See Viper, and cf. Weever.]

1. (Her.) A fabulous two-legged, winged creature, like a cockatrice, but having the head of a dragon, and without spurs. [Written also wyvern.]

The jargon of heraldry, its griffins, its mold warps, its wiverns, and its dragons. --Sir W. Scott.

2. (Zo["o]l.) The weever. (Trachinus draco),
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This


In Job 20:16, Isa. 30:6; 59:5, the Heb. word eph'eh is thus rendered. The Hebrew word, however, probably denotes a species of poisonous serpents known by the Arabic name of 'el ephah. Tristram has identified it with the sand viper, a species of small size common in sandy regions, and frequently found under stones by the shores of the Dead Sea. It is rapid in its movements, and highly poisonous. In the New Testament _echidne_ is used (Matt. 3:7; 12:34; 23:33) for any poisonous snake. The viper mentioned in Acts 28:3 was probably the vipera aspis, or the Mediterranean viper. (See ADDER.)
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
1. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of Old World venomous makes belonging to Vipera, Clotho, Daboia, and other genera of the family Viperid[ae].

There came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand. --Acts xxviii. 3.

Note: Among the best-known species are the European adder (Pelias berus), the European asp (Vipera aspis), the African horned viper (V. cerastes), and the Indian viper (Daboia Russellii).

2. A dangerous, treacherous, or malignant person.

Who committed To such a viper his most sacred trust Of secrecy. --Milton.

"During a December 1st debate in Chicago with Notre Dame professor and international human rights scholar Doug Cassel, John Yoo gave the green light for the scope of torture to legally include sexual torture of infants.

Cassel: If the president deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?

Yoo: No treaty.

Cassel: Also no law by Congress — that is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo…

Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that."

"Yoo’s memo is a historic document. It is the ultimate expression of Cheney’s belief that anything the president or his designates do — no matter how illegal, barbaric or un-American — is justifiable in the name of national self-defense." the new Sturmabteilung....

"Evidence that could be used to prosecute members of the Bush administration for all sorts of criminality including war crimes. That makes no sense, but of course when you consider that the corporate controlled media creates reality for people it makes perfect sense. Both of these memos were written by former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo and prove that the Bush administration sought to justify torture and ignore the Fourth Amendment under the guise of the phony war on terror. In the memos, Yoo concludes that Bush can torture and spy without a warrant if he is doing these things to protect the country from terrorists. Of course, the majority of the so called terrorists that the media and the government claims we are fighting are actually trained and funded by western governments so the whole thing is a big fraud. That of course is a whole other story. In these memos, it is clear that Yoo shows a blatant disregard for both U.S. and international law."

Friday, August 31, 2007


I know its been a while, somethings are not planned and can not be helped. As we get closer to end game my post will become more secondary, communication on the web is the lowest priority. I was trying to make a point using words to describe a technique or system of mind control. I've made a point that there are words in your head, I've asked if you are aware of where they come from and if they really belong to you? Words are something we take for granted, that they have meaning, if you notice in this time period the spin you put on words makes you more useful to your controllers. Let's continue a little while on with the concept of history, I'll stick with the Assassins. The question of the assassin concept surfaced when I asked what it takes to convince some one to give up their life, for “ some one else's concept” . In the case of the ASHISHIN, it's what you might refer to as a story of “true believers”. They used some basic techniques which are repeated through history and are definitely repeating right now. The people you see before you, in your own country, and in other lands walking around with funny clothing and automatic weapons are definitely ”TRUE BELIEVERS”, apparently they just love being used. To some of us this is particularly sad because these people have heart if they would just learn to reach down and listen to their own true voice they could correct the situation but they are too scared to look inside them selves and find it easier to fallow fools. The people they are fallowing are truly sick and evil, do not care about heart, but use the power of the heart for their own material gain, they use people like toilet paper to wipe the dirt off their over appraised behinds. A fact of history that most choose to ignore, we live for war, so that others can prosper.

With the Ashishin, drugs were used in combination with expectations, another place in history that parallels this concept is the Oracle at Delphi, “KNOW YOUR SELF”, and “NOTHING TO EXCESS” were the epigrams found on the site. It is thought that there is a gas present which can effect “the mind”, like a drug allowing a spiritual “mind altering” state. Lets look a little more closely to the ashishin, they had a preconceived view of their world, their epigram was “ everything is permissible nothing is real “. You have to use your own head here but if you try to think about it and try to place your self in the moment you might learn something. Remember they culled their recruits from the ages of 12 to 25 , hummm 13 year spread , how convenient sure sign of “enlightened influence” in writing of history. At 12 your just really starting to cement your character, by 25 you are what you have been trained to be unless your some one who is not easily trained, self willed, but for most this is the most important period to achieve indoctrination, or the proper societal view. In the Hashshashin world view the indoctrination was straight forward “The members were organized into rigid classes, based upon their initiation into the secrets of the order. The devotees constituted a class that sought martyrdom and followed orders with unquestioned devotion, orders which included assassination.”...”under the leadership of Rashid al-Din Sinan (d. 1193 CE), their most famous da‘i and the original “Old Man of the Mountain” of the Crusaders. It was, indeed, in Sinan’s time (1163—1193 CE) that the Crusaders and their European observers became particularly enchanted by the highly exaggerated reports and rumors about the daring behavior of the Nizari fida’is, who were believed to selectively target and remove their community’s prominent enemies in specific localities. As a result, the Nizari Ismailis became famous in Europe as the Assassins, the followers of the mysterious “Old Man of the Mountain.””

What was the indoctrination technique, one “expectation”, the idea of of paradise or “Heaven”, by fallowing the rules you are accepted into paradise or heaven.”The devotees constituted a class that sought martyrdom and followed orders with unquestioned devotion, orders which included assassination.” why ? “ the future assassins were brought to Alamut at a young age and, while they matured, inhabited the aforementioned paradisaic gardens and were kept drugged with hashish; as in the previous version, Hassan-i-Sabah occupied this garden as a divine emissary.” So if you wanted to keep your position in paradise you fallowed orders unto death if need be, why not nothing is real till you get to heaven right? Well in order to pull this deception off you need a little more then a good story, you need knowledge that no one else has, you need real observations on the human character or nature, you'll find these kinds of things in something known as archives. You see I've already covered the first experience waking in paradise, full of wine woman and song “the good life”, well after you get laid aren't you going to have a few questions that can only be answered by “god”, yep your going to need the knowledge of achieves to pull this illusion off. Now I've already hinted that history has a spin depending on the authors, lets face it history is written by the winners so its askance into the light that is favorable to the presenter and the victor. I pointed out that much of the information comes from some thing considered part fiction, the writings of Marco Polo. “The power of the Hashshashin was destroyed by the Mongol warlord Hulagu Khan, but several Ismaili sects share something of a common lineage, such as the sect led by the Aga Khan. During the Mongol assault of Alamut on 1256 December 15, the library of the sect was destroyed, along with much of their power base, and thus much of the sect's own records were lost; most accounts of them stem from the highly reputable Arab historians of the period. The Syrian branch of the Hashshashin was destroyed in 1273 by Mamluk Saltan Baibars. The Hashshashin, in 1275, captured and held Alamut for a few months but their political power was lost and they were eventually absorbed into other Isma'ilite groups. They continued being used under the Mamluks, Ibn Battuta recording in the 14th century their fixed rate of pay per murder.” but even in references you can see , the archive was of prime importance. Realize that “The Hashshashin were often motivated by outsiders. The murder of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, for example, was instigated by the Hospitallers. It is rumoured the assassins of Conrad of Montferrat may have even been hired by Richard the Lionheart. In most cases they were aimed at retaining the balance of the Hashshashin's enemies. OK so we have archives we have a knight templar connections and “There are also, possibly apocryphal, stories that they used their well-known deadliness for political goals without necessarily killing. For example, a victim, usually high-placed, might one morning find a Hashshashin dagger lying on their pillow upon awakening. This was a plain hint to the targeted individual that he was safe nowhere, that maybe even his inner group of servants had been infiltrated by the cult, and that whatever course of action had brought him into conflict with them would have to be stopped if he wanted to live.” political manipulation? Huummmm. In order to get your people into such situations they have to have skill sets , knowledge or training that is of value to the elites, skills like translators or navigators, banking or sexual expertises or inclinations. If you want a different view of history try figuring out what , Charles Hapgood (noted maps and theories) , and associated with a man , Berry Fell, maybe you might see the relation to the Hashshashin. Let me know if you can manage to put the pieces together, maybe you'll understand how long and how deep this manipulation, and current world goal of “NEW ORDER”, has been on the march. Left , left, left, right, left, from the crusades to Vietnam to Iraq and Iran, war to profit (prophet) who? KILL YOUR TELEVISION BEFORE IT KILLS YOU

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Bush dream speech

A George Bush fantasy speech , I'm game here is my version--


“ As you know last night was an historical event, and it is with deepest regret that we must carry on with out Mr Chaney, it has been confirmed that the remains on the stage were that of Mr Dick Chaney. Before Dick decided to declare Marshal law in response to hurricane ”Barbara” that struck Florida, causing major damage to several high end business districts and looters were spotted with bottled water and snack foods. Mr Chaney decided that the entire “North American Union be placed in Marshal law” to stop the disruption to commerce and the Haliberton ways. Bill Orielly personally met with Mr. Chaney before the last speech he made, and tried to realistically reflect the fact that while the media has managed to portrait the country as supportive to all political agendas the true reflection of the people was quit different, the media can only paint a picture not change the true facts Bill implored Dick. It appears that after a news member actually had the nerve to ask who had given Mr. Chaney the authority to take such controls Mr. Chaney responded with his typical decorum and grace “suggesting that both the reporter and the people who live in North America should fornicate them selves if they did not like it”. Apparently these were the “trigger” words that caused and Al Quida style coordination, attack . The FBI currently estimates that approximately thirty six hundred rounds of various caliber fired from a cacophony of ranges and angles struck Mr Chaney in a little over ten seconds. The result was a little hard to find on the stage but I demanded that the FBI jump into to standard operational mode used during only the most scrupulous of national security investigations techniques. All video cameras , surveillance stations, cell phones, portable data recorders were rounded up by a “crack” FBI team,. They were immediately processed and placed under lock and key. Unfortunately a carafe of coffee fell into the containment area , shorting out a large Gaussian magnet and activating a portable EMP device, during the panic the container accidentally ended up in an industrial trash shredder. The remaining partials are currently under armed guard at Whackinhut and Blackwater facilities. The FBI says it already has 3600 suspects under surveillance and has had these suspects under surveillance since 1970's, apparently Al Quida and specifically Bin Laden has been recruiting in the USA since his early party years with me and my crew. This has been confirmed by a tape of a man who looks kinda like old Binny boy, with a nose job and a few extra pounds, I guess that kidney problem was just temporary, but he said he did it and thats good enough for me. Besides the FBI found several thousand work visas from Dubai along with various shell casings over a considerable area.

After consultation with the remaining members of PNAC, even though they never let me be part of the group I have decided to take their advice. I have been assured that the present Democratic party can continue with the “NEW GLOBAL AGENDA 21” and will continue the steps necessary to bring the United nations to full global dominance ( note my hand tucked into my vest in a Napoleonic manner, along with colors and hand signs associated with the rosy cross) After meeting with Nancy Blowosie and Harry Peid (on him self), senators Clinton, Kennedy and the host of both progressive and regressive radio. It has been determined that you idiots will believe any damn thing we tell you, and that you truly do not give a rats ass about your own futures or that of your prodigy. We have all agreed that the constitution has out lived its usefulness in this new world order, besides the new global elite will be able to suppress any opposition by using gruesome public executions a technique we learned from our newest allies in the fight of global terrorist or American resistors, our newest favored nation trading partner Iran , apparently there is nothing on earth that money can not buy. I also want to assure you there will be fresh non radiated water available after the next terror attack , the CIA assures me it will be a spectacular event far superior to the little show of 911, and should make a few more people spectacularly rich, including my self. I'm going to my ranch in south America to set up a water bottling operation, there will be two types of designer bottles available the republican special , where religious slogans will be delivered to help you feel superior to all others on the planet. There will also be a Democratic design were the information under the cap will contain catch phrases and clever ploys to cover up and make constant and almost believable excuses as to why the democrats are different then the republicans. Remember to stock up on “W's” water available in two designer bottles before you have to go to the camps, the water will also be available in the camps at a significantly higher markup, because the Haliburton rule will be enforced where the prisoners are required to supply their own water for torture purposes. You must continue to shop and ignore common sense or the terrorist win, well they win anyway but we are just trying to extract a few more coins to feed the pig you know. Besides you really do not want to think about whats coming because we have decided we really do not need any of your silly little pathetic child like minds where you actually believe the bullshit we have pumped into your empty heads. Later Dudes UNITED NATIONS UBER ALLIS, god is for cheaters, hell is for fools.”