Thursday, February 15, 2007

TRUST, who has yours?


This is a small word but big concept, I spent a little time looking for the origin of the word, on line I didn't really find the root because its buried in law reference. I did get a glimpse of the meaning from Webs New World (college ed.) the root appears to come from tree and relates to firmness, this was hard to verify on web, another form traust was listed, firmness drou-sto TREE TRUE + sto , standing < base sta to stand. Other words popped up immediately like honesty integrity reliability justice reliance confidence expectation, you get the idea the word is very important, and with so much written about it , you can see it involves concepts that should be of prime importance to us all. Another word associated with trust is obligation, this implies things that there are rules to trust? Its just another word is it not? Like so many of our words the meaning today seems to be lost and distorted. How about I throw another word into the mix, I would point out that instinct might also be related to the concept or meaning of trust, you've heard the expression trust your gut right?

You can see this kind of relation ship in natural systems, Alan Watt pointed out a while back that animals who have ranges know everything about their range including the feeling of that range or system, they have trust in what they know and are very in tune and immediately spot and distrust changes even the smallest ones. He pointed out that a primary ranger will stop and not continue if they spot even the smallest unnatural change in their range system, this is part of instinct. He also gave you an example of domestic animals that can sense the changes coming in their system or purpose, the example he shared was from observing his neighbors cattle. Alan related that his neighbor had cattle and for the most part the herd would be normal, until the night before the truck was to arrive to cull them off to market, he related that the night before the truck was do to arrive, the herd would mow and be restless to a very noticeable point, it seemed to effect Alan, I had the impression that he could truly feel their painful cries. This is something that should not be ignored, and I hope if your in a similar situation that you to notice and become uneasy. Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case for most people I observe or am surrounded by, but in case your one of the few that still have some feeling left, I hope you spend some time thinking about trust and the words I just placed before you. I'll come back to trust several time it's just to expansive and important to skim over.

The reason the word caught my attention, was something I saw on the news. I was listening to a speech made by our idiot boy king, sir Bushwacko, he was going on about the sanctity of life. The context was for the right to lifer's crowd, and he was repeating how every life, or soul is important and sacred to “god”, I guess he just means the ones that are unborn. I can not fathom how this man is so delusional about what it is he is doing, he holds back science, in the name of protecting life, and willing lies about things guaranteed to destroy lives. I was wondering who trusted this fool or the others he has surrounded him self with and the answer was right there , the born again crowd, “my religion is better then yours” , even if they have no idea what their religion is even based on, the sun rising every day. You can almost see the problem here, the religion is based on trust, practically the only thing you can trust in, the fact that the sun will rise again day after day after day. You know they used to demand human sacrifice usually children in Moloch's belly, yep they used to willing throw their children into the fire to make sure the sun would rise. It's not such a bizarre thing when you watch your government work to the greater good bullshit they have been playing on the population, I wonder if people will ever learn how important trust is and how closely it should be guarded.

If you where to be totally honest with your self you might realize there is only one person you can possibly trust and that is your self. You might be able to trust your family I guess if they actually know you, my mom did know me, all though she did seem to be surprised at the end, she shared how she was worried about me but had decided that I was OK, I mean really OK. I guess she was worried that I might not be able to hang on to the truths that I had learned, and then realized that maybe I had learned truths that she had not realized yet. She sort of came to this conclusion at the end, we were trying to work out a future that addressed real life problems, I thought we had finally come to an understanding, we had talked about annuities and how she had some she had not realized. She didn't want to move, really she didn't want to let go of her house, the last night I saw her I had finally convinced her that she could rent her house to her friends who were having a hard time affording the cost to live in controlled rentals, her friends would make out not having to pay unreal rent and I could get her to an area where it would be easier to care for her, I live in a nicer area anyway, and stairs were going to be a real problem for my mother, which meant her house was not going to practically work. So while I was at ease with our plans my mom must have thought about something that I didn't catch till much later, and that was an issue of trust, and after it was all over I finally figured out that lesson the hard way it didn't take long but it was a lesson that you have to go through, and then you realize there is no one to trust but your self. I had one advantage that I had already been working at this for a while, because if your going to trust your self you have to know your self. I hope that we all can come to know our selves, and its really not as easy as it sounds, other wise there wouldn't be a whole group of people who blindly trust others with their futures and freedom. Think about who you trust and why, and realize that many you do trust do not deserve it.

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