Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Message in a bottle

Message in BOTTLE, I've been hearing so much about recovery lately I think I will comment. You might ask what would give me the right to comment, well the last drink of alcohol was 4/20/90 , one day at time thats a few days. Before that date I even had a year and a couple months and I listened to some one tell me I wasn't an alcoholic because I didn't drink, sounded good to me and with in a week of hearing that, I had started drinking, I watched my self walk right back into a trap and what saved me was what I had heard trying to get away from alcohol, the battle started in 86, and it took me four years to learn to hang on one day at a time. If your fighting the battle all I can do is share the truth it can get better one day at a time, some days will not feel like it, but over the long haul when you look back you will appreciate every day you didn't drink, even though you might have thought you needed it. You might ask why would you punish your self, is it worth the pain, the answer is yes and you have to live it to understand . The way you learn to stop drinking is by learning the truth, it starts inside, only you would know the insanity and pain associated with the fact that you do not control your drinking it controls you, when you realize you can not continue to live lie, you sit down and shut up and listen to what others are saying about their , experience strength and hope. You will find this in something known as a twelve step program, most believe it is bible based, there is some truth to that, most the concepts can be found in the word. You might be aware I'm a big fan of Mr Alan Watt, who speaks quiet clearly and honestly, and is able to share certain truths. So if your interested yes the twelve steps is part of an esoteric knowledge, I've told you before there are all kinds of hidden truths, I know exactly what kinds of truth can be found by studying the hidden or implied meaning of all our religions represented on our planet, they all come back to the same roots, what survived the last time the earth turn over so to speak.

This knowledge has been hidden but is breaking through on a subconscious level, you might have felt it or just starting to feel it, there is a separation happening, a spiritual separation. If your in pain now you should be listening , the pain is real, I know you think your going nuts that it's not right to feel bad, about the things you can not change, but what you should be looking for and dealing with are the things you might or can change. The world is going absolutely insane, you should be feeling pain because you can change it, not the world but the way you perceive your pain and why. You see they really have not told you what the twelve steps are about, they are about truth and how you take action to find the truth it's an inside game and can only be worked by you and you alone. You might be able to share with others but you will only be able to share the truth you have, not truths you think you have. It kind of ties into to what Alan has stated about ideas and their time and how there are no new ideas just ideas realized on time, I know this is confusing I wish I could explain it better, but there are thing that you will have to discover by your selves. The first thing you have to realize is there is truth to be found, no matter how much lying cheating and stealing you see going on around you, especially from your so called political leaders, they are all worthless on all levels or they would not be in that position in the game now. If your leaders are not just plain evil lying cheating thieves they are in extreme denial, and even farther away from the truth then most of the public, which while Americans like to think they are all heart, are being miss lead used and abused like a battered wife or a dumb hooker with an abusive pimp encouraging an extreme addiction to bullshit.

Look its basically like this , you need to fire your false gods or prophets and start living in truth, it doesn't matter whats going down around you, do not let your heart be swayed away from truth it is inside and you know it when you find it, it will feed you and you will grow , nothing will help you hide you must find truth and realize it when you find it. Truth doesn't come all at once it comes in small steps, some times you find a big truth but it will usually show up after many steps and after turning over many lies. Some times you might meet some one who seems to gather truth fast, do not be fooled while they may have some truths they are also holding many lies, you will come to understand this after you have jounced the truth trail for some time. I will try to start you off with a good footing, that footing is there is a force that answers prayers. You can call this force what ever you choose “god”, “dog”, “higher power” if you've been burned by the false gods before. You should also be aware that this power works through us, thats why you need to find truth and start feeling what it is to have some truth with you especially as you watch your world turn upside down, this can not be stopped only ridden out and when the time comes to pick up the pieces we need people working in truth or we loose it a very big way. This power works through us by placing feelings in our hearts and you have to learn to listen to that feeling, you have to learn to do the right thing at the right time, it is important to hold on to the truth while learning to drop the lies, this will take time and is something that gets easier as you grow in light. Remember it comes slow most things that come of god grow slow it is a lie that grows fast, and lies are easily destroyed when the light of truth is caste a pone it. As you journey you will come to understand that this is the basics to truth , and you will learn to relish the truth you find and savor it, you will learn to support others in truth and will come to understand what it is to be a free thinking free willed sentient human being and just how many people around you are just pretending to be human but are really very very lost souls. You can not live in this world construct and not feel the pain of lies while you watch people trade their lives and souls to a false god of this world , which while it appears to have control of “all” on the construct (this world illusion) it does not, and answers to the same laws of all. May the force be with you, the best prayers are the prayers you pray for others, and if you can not pray for another then pray for more truth in your life, you could use it , we all are living some part of a lie , the trick is to figure it out and deal with it. There is one warning that comes with this truth, watch what you pray for you might get it, and just because a prayer is answered it might not necessarily bring you peace or happiness, and the journey might be very painful. There is no one alive on this rock that is not hard wired right into this force, they (our controllers and deceivers ) like to pretend that they are special and are the ones that have the right to rule the future, they have been deceived by their own because some one has twisted them with a little truth and much deception, the deception is leading to the lose of their souls what little bit is left, and soon everything will appear to be very phucking ugly, inequity and corruption will run out of control , it might even appear that there is no soul left on this rock what so ever , it wouldn't matter if there were only one soul that understood this, you need to learn to let go of the lies and help one another , and there are others no matter how dark it appears.

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