Monday, February 26, 2007


A strong sense of duty can imprison you, that is part of a quote, I’ve save to expand upon. I think it's true, I’m wondering why I placed it in questionable quotes, the ones that sound good but as you examine the statement you find they are fallacies. It does seem that duty might cloud your mind as much as prejudices, any preprogrammed idea usually is developed to control you. When I was a kid we still pledged allegiance to the flag “of the United States of America” , I don’t think they make you do that anymore, have no kids so I can not be sure, it might even be that on California has stopped the practice. We are kind of politically correct, lots of soccer moms, and family vans with ribbons supporting the troops. It’s as though, sporting magnetic signs makes supporting the troops and war, a family value, the stickers are disappearing as of late, they have become rather pas see.( war is not as bitchin and cool anymore) . The sense of duty has not lagged how ever, at least not if you think your duty is to shop until you drop, apparently the best way to support the troops is to keep shopping, that was our first command after 911, don’t worry just keep shopping “keep being good Americans”. You might have the sense that I find this rather amusing especially when you consider most the crap we buy are cheap knock offs produced by the slave populations (mostly political prisoners) in China. So when you shop your really supporting slavery and a government that feels free to lock up its dissidents, and exploit their lives. Capitalist communist what a perfect mix, do not forget not to long ago many died trying to make sure communism didn't spread, throw some corporations at them and now they are our best friends.

I guess our government has the picture, I suppose thats why we have taken the time to build large general population camps, Halliburton has been working on these for years now inside our country. The amusing part is they are empty, I doubt for long. Many are under the mistaken impression that they are to be used by “ICE” that’s our immigration special police, they have started to lean on some of the poorer and most recent , immigrants making a “play attention” show to give the impression that some one in our government actually cares, they don’t ,we have already been bought by our corporations. You know the big ones, the ones that advertise the products you do not actually buy, like GE, Lockheed, Big Oil ( I know you buy gas, but they don't advertise their product but in stead tell us how “good they are” for everything, best we ever ate ) and the mass media propagandist ( all the best that money can buy). While you may be happy that some one is scratching a scab to make you feel as though something is being done , the true effort at the borders is still a “T-ball” game at best, an effort made to quit the debate, while they continue to move on with the real plan. The camps are not for immigrants, but its a nice chance to get them up and running and iron out the bugs before we start throwing masses of our own population into them. They always start with the outsiders, the firing of the flames with small groups. You've heard it before first they came for the criminals ( by who standards, in our case drug crimes), then they came for the religious sects, next it was , the gays and other marginalized groups, soon it will be you. It is something well known, it has happened quite a few times, even a few times here, like with the Japanese descendants during WWII . You remember the first two world wars, the wars to end all war, what a freaking joke, we have practically been at war ever since. Korea, Vietnam, the cold war the first Iraq, Kosovo and second Iraq wars, we just love war or at least the corporations love war, it is where they make their nut so to speak. War is good for the economy, just not so hot for the families who have people actually fighting them. What is really amusing is when people get killed while trying to tell others how to live their lives, how dare they take up arms and try and kill our soldiers, don’t they realize we are just trying to pass on some of our fine values, that it is your duty to make sure corporations can keep cramming worthless crap up your dutiful corporate shopping whore butts. How dare those heathens resist our charming ways and try to fight us off their lands. So far we have only had one war on our soil, and that was to support the corporations also, many think it was to end slavery, no it was to make sure we were all wage slaves, the plantations had a huge advantage free labor, while the manufacturing north had to pay its slaves. You also can not directly tax indentured labor, but you can clearly tax a worker paid in money.

Don’t even try to give me the song and dance about abolishing slavery as the cause for the war it was simple economics. The north got tired of having to compete against a system that had less overhead and was tired of processing the raw materials at cost, while rich southern plantations could freely exploit labor. The reason the slaves had to be freed is because the north needed people to buy the products it was producing. The wealth of the south was locked up on plantations, there are only so many blue jeans and cloth that you can sell to the elite, they needed more consumers. It is the same thing we will be facing very shortly again in this country. You see we no longer make the goods we consume, and we import everything, there is very little that is produced in the USA, and the few things that are, are priced right out of consumers reach for the most part. This is why our auto manufactures will soon be a note in history, there are only so many high end luxury cars that can be afforded, they stopped gearing up to produce cars the masses can afford, you know the ones that get reasonable mileage, and the parts can be replaced by the consumer. It's funny to see all the SUV’s that sold for fifty thousand a pop, driving around with broken parts and dings, that are to expensive to repair, Even funnier to watch people try to sell these gas guzzlers and realize they are going to lose big time in the transaction, mostly because manufacturers have to practically give their current field of over priced pieces of crap away, they are just trying to recoup cost at this point.

The interesting thing is how they convinced all the poor and small middle class (at the time) to die for commerce, I think it was the funny way they twist the sense of duty. These guys never fight their own battles they always manage to con the stupid to do the dirty work, both sides. All in the name of better shopping, after all if your not consuming your just another useless eater. ( you really should click that Watt link its a pretty basic introduction to Bertram Russell, who coined the term useless eater ) Anyway remember it is your duty to die and consume for our corporate leaders , even King Georgie serves them, so your not special either. Try not to think for your self, just do what most people do and imitate others, you can tell you have it right when you are all fallowing the same master. You know you'll be cool and chic, you'll have all the latest crap, and you will never question those who lord their control over you. Oops that reminds me I have to go and grab a cat and rub her fir the wrong way, I'm like that, you lord the fact that you have some kind of special powers that others do not I'm libel to make you prove it, most the time it is just special access to the click or chic thing of the moment. Sorry not impressed by shinny beads, or dullards.
One of the users here asked if I ever enjoy my self, answers yes when time is well spent, some times for me thats rubbing some ones fur the wrong way.......

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