Wednesday, September 20, 2006



Progressive radio it is like watching WWF poser wrestling, the only good parts are the "glow girls" with their brass ovaries, mamma Steff and her voice monkey (Jim Ward - who's been trying his best to break through to the truth, its hard when the whole world still thinks it's flat); and of course Randi who seems to be the only media personality that has the time to read the definition of Fascism. Smack in the middle is the tool that is to control the movement of thought FAT HEAD ED. If this guys not Bill Olylees brother he sure wants to be. I was listening to him try to take on a Moslem girl who might have had something worth listening to if the "fat head" wasn't so busy doing his Hannity run em over with gibberish replication (they all fall back on the same control techniques, the weak minded ones). If you listen to this pin head awhile you'll get the game, its almost straight from the MURDOCH play book, you know the one they run on the fair and balanced poohwork. This guy is like the controlled debate, you can't ask any tough questions and if you sound like your going to make ED out to be the poser tool that he is you get run over. This guys easy to understand, he can't let you get any where near the truth about what happened on 911, because if you knew he could not control you and that would make him an ineffective tool, and he would have to suck some other asses to make his bacon. No matter what, this guy is always going to try to pull you back in the game, that is his job, he is not there for debate or truth . He is there so you keep your eye on the poser wrestling match we call government, its an old majik or illusionist stage trick, he keeps you occupied while others are working behind the scenes, and when the surprise is unleashed, he goes imagine that who could have known? The example today was an easy one to spot, we have to stop Iran or they will supply the terrorist!. Really Ed? let me see if I have this right if Iran continues with its nuclear program they will sell terrorist the materials to make a bomb that they will smuggle into the USA. Huuuuummmmmm that seems like a little bit of a run around, because I remember the Russians telling us they lost track of some of their suite case nukes, at least a dozen or so, about 10 years back, so if the terrorist want a bomb why don't they buy one of the ones that's floating free around the planet now. Why go through all that work , is it because our government has already placed these nukes in central locations that will help eliminate the resistance to the NEW WORLD ORDER, whom seem to be the owners of Ed's fat ass. You don't think so? listen to the phases this guy coughs up; level headed squared off, he is down with the idea of the draft so that they get some skin in the game? Right like George W Bush sitting Vietnam out or Chaney with the rich boy deferment, like a draft is going to send the rich to fight, since when? This is the same clown who gave you the other "Bone Head" Kerry to listen to his spew on stay the course, dying for the rich elite is your responsibility.(your patriotic responsibility, are you a nationalist- down with the new corporate Fascist pride- come on you to can be paid to produce bullturds). You notice how people who cry the most about freedom are willing to do the least. This toilet floater has taken at least 15 minutes to focus the few brain cells still stuck from rolling out his empty head, to look in to the 911 events , he couldn't spot anything that raises an eye brow much less trigger electrical synapse to fire brain activity. Why is it that all the "liberal progressive voices " like Colms Franken and Schultz all remind me of "Barny Phief" from Mayberry a couple bricks shy of a load in all aspects. Don Knotts has more balls then any of these NEW WORLD ORDER SLUTS, where is Reverend "Dan" when you need him? TOOL these FOOLS until you get your right to hear the truth, instead of control dialogue, and Fascist cheer leaders.

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