Friday, September 29, 2006


Air almost America today, Miller funny as usual I’m amazed that we can find humor in this situation, but it is going to be important to be able to laugh off the things you cannot change and work on the ones you can. The Ed Head usual also, not sure if this guy really believes what he’s pumping , maybe he’s just being used but it’s the Order of the Rose camp. He has gotten a bit more careful in his “great work” language but don’t be fooled. Today a woman was on, saying she was just plain tired of what was going on and democrats should “filler buster” (I know that’s not correct but neither is torture) and take a stand . She thought that she should have the right to know who was not defending the constitution, a very sound political point of view. Ed responds with a framing question ignoring what the woman had just said and sets her up like this. “Your a boots on the ground democrat, first time caller and your ready to throw the entire party under the bus for just this one issue? She didn’t realized she had been tooled and framed and said she was a fighter and would stay the course, a good democrat. Nice work bringing the herd back together, don’t you think she had a valid point? Should we know who is representing us and throwing us under the DAMN bus. If your going to play with the fat head keep in mind his goal to keep the wool in your eyes. Why doesn’t some one bring up the world can’t wait issue on Oct. 5th , and see what the man has to say ? I can hear it now stay the course stick with me and my other BONE HEAD friends. You notice how this BOY has great access to some of the biggest stooges in government, why do you think that is??? Oh poor old truck driving EDDIE, no time for tee now but you always have more time to talk sports and food then talking about real issues, DOWN TOWN CIRCUS CLOWN. “ Every second counts” except for the three hours of sleep herding, on the only radio coming close to questioning authority. Tool this idiot off the air before he does real damage you have the right to be heard not herded. I will give Ed this much he does appear to take cold calls on an open “mike” , you can tell because allot of the listeners are much sharper the “Head”. The last caller on the show had a good comment on A. Lincoln, and his biggest regret. Ed stopped and thought about it and realized what a piercing truth it was. Lincoln though his biggest failure was the compromise of HABAS CORPUS- where is the body and why are you holding it? Our do nothing political machine just ran the torture for freedom crap through like it was going through a goose. I don’t care who wins control of our government as long as no one incumbent is returned from all parties they are less then zero’s , I guess this is why The FAT HEAD ED likes the clowns they make him look half way smart.

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