Friday, September 22, 2006


MS. MILLER maybe you could explain one thing- during your show we pretty much realize that everything that comes from the current administration is a lie, you can tell they are lying their lips are moving, they lie about everything except what happened on 911 ???????????????? In high school you might have heard about a concept called potential energy ( that’s the energy supplied by gravity working with mass- it is a simple concept) Now when three buildings are suppose to have been knocked down by two planes, the building falling at the speed of gravity turning to dust indicates an instantaneous release of energy, the buildings seem to have fallen down with no apparent mechanical resistance? this left a heat signature that could be spotted from space not to mention molten steel in the basement.? with no resistance how did this happen? Apparently a group of towel heads in caves have such incredible powers that they can internally control our air space like no other time in history, they made tons of money on stock options, and can control our government so we can not see any of the evidence? Do us a favor and spend more time with your dogs and less with your box o wine.

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