Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Well when last I posted we where examining how the individual can have an effect on changing the future, I'll assume you are still frustrated. Did you take the time to understand how all the people you think are responsible for your woes, are really just reflections of our selves? You probably do not like that idea and I can see where many would take exception to the statement, like Hillary “I'm nothing like Mr Bush” and his wacky agenda. Really do you remember how I started this thread, how the point was to start a conversation about something your not even suppose to be thinking about. You remember the three amigos meeting to continue the agenda of the north American federation, it going to happen weather you choose to acknowledge the facts or not, they pulled it off in Europe with little or no debate , what do you think is going to stop it here , your inquiring minds. This scheduled meeting is going to happen in 20 days, have you even heard one word about it? Have you heard even the smallest discussion or even the smallest reference as to what it actually means, do you some how think that a government brought into existence by our current leadership will have any humanity to offer the people or are you just happy being some one's cattle to herd.

I mean if your not even willing to have a discussion, about the implications of the events, what makes you think your leaders are willing to get down to the nitty gritty to speak of. Do you expect the health care crises to solve its self, why of course we'll just all have health care supplied by the state like Canada. right? And this is going to happen in two other countries, one controlled by total corruption and oligarchy, the other by the military, I'll leave you to ponder which is which. Of course this new social order will instantly become human and decide that the rich are already rich enough, and we can all pool our wealth so that we can have universal health care, and all the private police and armies will just dry up because there will be nobody to control because we are all going to be happy campers. This is going to happen because a big universal government is going to respond to the peoples wishes much better than our little own government that for some reason really thinks the rich elite should run the world with absolutely no thought to whom is actually living on the land. You do not suppose it will be the other way around do you where Canada loses it's health care, I mean where is the money to pay for a new health system through 2/3 of the area under control of our new elite federation. Oh thats right we will all be paying taxes together to this new system, and of course all the local taxes will stay right in your area to help with schools and roads high ways , water lines, sewage public transportation emergency services. Of course once the new federation takes over, and sells all these responsibilities off to the highest bidder they will just recoup the cost by charging the users again simple. Yep thats right this is just one big Rosie picture we are going to paint for our selves, no need to talk about it or even worry our pretty little heads about.

So your asking what can I do , one thing talk about this subject, find out why no one is talking about it. Simple the media does not want to acknowledge the event until it is way past the point of changing the effects , you do this simply by moving ahead inch by inch it's a cinch , especially if no one cares to even talk about it. Are you going to try to blame your leaders after the fact, if your not willing to address the reality in front of us what makes you think your leadership will, it's not exactly like they are listening or responding to you now. You do realize that one of the authors of the PNAC report (referred to in link below) is a full time FOX Pundit , if you do not know who I'm talking about your hopeless. Where do your leaders come from? From the herd, I think not they were culled out long before you voted for them. They are beholding to powers that you refuse to even acknowledge exist, no I do not think it the leaders it's the followers. I mean when your leaders no longer lead or respond to the people, why do you continue to fallow them, do you just like watching train wrecks? You have to start looking in side find out why you do not care and you will have half the answer. There are plenty of examples of people who have already made decisions that affect their safety and freedom, their action where not taken lightly but are effective stands taken by people who have had enough for what ever reason. A prime example is http://www.makethestand.com/ gun fire last night..... There are others who are standing and all know that this must stop and it must stop now, if we allow them to develop total military control, people will just get use to it and it will continue to get worse. Our leaders need to be removed from office now, all of them now not at the next election, now now now . How about we just keep sending them on personnel junkets to Iraq, just do not bring them back, they are so gong ho for this war lets see them get it done personally, and any one who does want to go throw them in jail or shoot them does not matter one way or the other as long as they are gone. Do not even think twice about showing these idiots any mercy , I guaranty they do care one lick about you or me only them selves, and they are all personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocents, no waste not one tear on these worthless punks send them packing now and never let them return, anything short of this and you deserve what you get.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3117338213439292490 kinda dry but you should be able to get the point......... We have no one to blame but our selves for allowing this to happen, in a world where there were hundreds of thousands of individuals like Alan Watt we would not have this problem, unfortunately I do not think the world has enough people who are aware and fighting like Alan, but it can start with you,. And it starts by realizing who you are and who is responsible for you and your right to choose, freedom or death. Some one else has already made that choice without checking with you again... MY GOD WAKE UP.

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