Thursday, May 03, 2007

Southern Cal better pay attention

So how was your day? Mine was interesting lots of things to watch and think about, but first can I ask you a couple more questions? If our form of government is so great and you consider the fact that the houses are almost perfectly balanced , why is it we are going to have to wait for another election to start straighting this freaking mess out? Another user has put allot of good work into an issue that is very important, vote on the anti-hate bill H.R. 1592 this Thursday.

kahotep , . I hope you take the time to get involved if you do not- who will- the posts are straight forward ,use your voice or lose your voice the choice is clear.

Now for the tough part , California you need to start paying attention big time, especially southern California, why you ask?

Think, California has one of the largest and loudest voices trying to bring the “Bush Cabal” to justice, with the exception of Nancy Polosi (not worth spelling right , I'd like to see her taken off the table , empty pile of pooh , nothing but stank )

On the the first during an immigration rally the police opened fire, mostly the innocent suffered, lots of wild quotes in media “ missiles lunched from crowd “, try water bottle and plastic pipes, the police kicked the shit out of and shot (rubber bullets, don't worry they will start with lead real soon) at anyone they desired, typical pigs. I've told you before get out of your uniforms before you get in trouble, you are surrounded by ass holes and sick freaken clowns.

This is the kind of thing you find if you look, not very amusing, headed toward sick.

Some of us know the “Bush Cabal”, is up to their elbows in the cold blooded murder that took place on 911, you should not have passed a basic science course if you can not understand this by now. The fact that not one question has been answered or even addressed should be enough even for the dumb blonds to understand.

Bush can not afford to stop, he is going down along with a humongous portion of our malfunctioning government. California is almost sure to feel the next love tap, they don't give a shit about Arnold, he is useless to them and would make a nice idiot on scene like Guleitonme (not worth spelling correctly either)

Where I live there are chem trails every day, they have been really going at it crossing and herring bone patterns, and they have been moving them much farther west, in zones that usually have no air traffic, over pacific ocean... probably focused locally...

We had military helicopters in our local air space over the city for three day running, getting more prevalent, some with gun mounts others with radio tracking gear.

I've spotted numerous flat bed trucks carrying HumVees, down the freeway headed toward LA

You do the math, remember Rodney King, things pop really fast around here.... think and watch.. do not get caught up in the symptoms ( people of color and different origins, it could be you, accident of birth remember?) The problem is our broken government and taking our actions out on the symptoms will not correct the problem, we need to take our government back before they start turning the mobs loose on one another. We do not need to pass anymore laws we need to enforce the ones we have or just give up and go straight to HELL... there is no time left to play this is almost past the point of no return, at best this is going to be painful, at worst no more future for man kind at least not as “HUMANS” with free will.

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