Saturday, June 30, 2007


Maybe you can help?

As I sit and ponder the human conditions, we watch the herd start moving, the masses all over the world, but mostly the moronic tribe we call our own, the home of the brave land of the free, trod on down the revelation road. I wonder if people really take the time to think, can I ask you ? Do you know who you are? I'm mean if you made a list and put down what makes you , you ? Would the list be a bunch of cool things? Would this very long list of cool things, be things, that are really you or just things you think make you cool ? If you were brave maybe you might list some of the things about your self that are not so cool, in fact you might even be able to spot a few embarrassing characteristic, and if your brave enough to do this then good for you. Now maybe as you do this self examination you can break away and see that most every thing on your list is not really yours? Yep that's right most of it is a preprogrammed agenda, that has been with your generation, and every other generation since the beginning of our “current recorded time”. I point this out because your religions and social organisms have been salvaged from times past, at least seven, and the current form is right out of India and the caste system. Back to your list, one more task, move all the things that you have written down that are going to go with you when you die. Thats right I haven't met any Enochs, so as far as I know no body enters the game through another birth canal, or leaves this world with any thing. Is that true? How about you realize that the only thing that you will leave this world with is the feeling that you tried to make things better some how, and it starts inside.

I urge you not to respond to the preprogrammed plan but take actions to change the future not only for your selfs but for the humans who are to come. Our current government is broken probably well beyond repair, we will need rules and ideals to live by, but should those not be the ideals that serve all people and not just a system stacked in favor of lying cheating and stealing. Because that is the new ideal of our current fascist corporate representation of a “free identity” equivalence to a living sentient human, where the corporation always wins because money is more value then freedom? That is some sick pooh my friends, and it's on the move all around you now. The game is to get you to compete for resources that given a truly free society we would easily be able to provide, but it is not in the money mens interest. You need to learn to stand and understand by your selves , you are under a media propaganda a spell, all media is controlled and they even get you to pay for your dose of current events and propaganda, amazing ! Speak up now or forever have your ideas contained, we are talking soul kitchen here kids. Remember what your going to leave this game with, you are three things, you are mind body and soul (spirit), maybe when you leave you are mind and soul, but you might want to take the time now to make sure your mind and soul are connected in this current life cycle.

Our only hope for a soft landing in the current situation, is to get the criminals in jail and there is plenty of huge big time crime going on inside our government, both sides and many players, all protecting them selves through media control. You can not wait for another election you need to start taking action now , write letters not e-mail, but hard copy to all forms of government representation, demand recalls right now if you can not get a proper response. Write in Blogs that are not erased, e-mail is a delete key, your blog is a statement and one more voice speaking up. Find ways to reach out to others, resist all who feel violence is the answer, it is the answer only in self defense, then you can rip their heads off and defecate down their neck if you have the opportunity and so please. We need to get control over our government and constitution now tomorrow is going to be to late , they are on the move and they are herding you. You need to lose your flags and uniforms which are just forms of control foisted on you by and elite group of sociopaths. You need to find your soul now, I think you should think about making that list and looking at it your self. the future is ours if we have the strength and will to take control, of not only our future but the future of humanity, we can do better and maybe you can help?

There are many ways to help, first you need to find your self. If I were only able to give you one other link to help you understand just a little more it would be this guy, his name is Alan, and you would be well served to to know the things that this man is pointing out to all the free thinkers left on this third rock from the sun. People are looking for a way to break out and support one another, truth is power and percentage of wasted words, is praised in our world construct, Alan does not waste a word. My self I have chosen another medium to lodge my thoughts and use their tools against the machine, my attempts to break through can be very confusing, I do things with purpose that you might not see or understand why, I try to work on at least three levels all the time. My first visual protest, first frame, a test on perspective, it is either an old hag or a beautiful woman, there are tricks of perspective through everything I've submitted to date. there are 146 of these little statements against the machine... but you have to be looking at life a little more closely, and have different questions in your head to understand some of the things that are left on purpose.......

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