Monday, December 25, 2006
what would JC do ?
Merry Christmas- I guess if you made it past the shopping and relatives, you can look forward to a new year with friends, I wonder how many will even remain sober enough to remember it. Looks like its going to be a big year I expect that we will be in Iran by the end of February, some incident will happen that tips the mob to favor this action. It was an amazing year wasn't it?, record cooperate earnings, insurance companies laughing their ass off, big oil laughing its ass off, wall street with a maniacal laugh. Lets see, parts of New Orleans still with out power and water, waiting for the rich boys to buy out at pennies on the dollar?,nefarious . A never ending war that is about to go bigger, at billions a week plus that bonus blood, and we are all getting freer and richer and wiser, oh joy to the world the bell rings on. So I guess in a couple of weeks when congress gets back, we'll have a few more players, I hope their voices make the difference but it will probably be a compromise, you can keep dying and paying for their war, it cost to keep a society on its edge, bread and circuses don't come cheap you know? I guess I really want to know just who would Jesus torture or imprison. I'm trying to remember some wise words I've heard recently, that when you are expected to do one thing do another, don't provide the expected resistance but learn to bend like the reed. In my state the governator , needs to build more prisons or the court will step in and make them act humanly, also read that 6000 prison guards made more then 100,000 this year (with over time). I can see a couple of teachers changing careers to feed their families, it's probably not that big a change just bigger badder kids, most very disillusioned. I hope these people aren't in jail for being psychopathic liars, because if a judge kicks them loose our government will double, I think the cooperate world is just about full up.
Winter triangle and your chem trail presents
Alan Watt told you something about this
MERRY “X” MASS – if you live where I live you can see a perfect example of what is going on, watch and see if they cross them, and if they do watch for the change usually next morning.
MERRY “X” MASS – if you live where I live you can see a perfect example of what is going on, watch and see if they cross them, and if they do watch for the change usually next morning.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
"X" mass Druids, Opus Dei
Christmas do you know where the symbols come from
Druids and O.D.---- Opus Dei-- ebook worth read -if you read it all
according to Diogenes Laerius, was comprised in their three precepts—to worship the Gods, to do no evil, and to act with courage.
this doctrine was the belief in one God. Their veneration for groves of oak, and for sacred fountains, was an expression of that
natural worshiop which sees the source of all good in the beautiful forms with which the earth is clothed.
The sanctity of the mistletoe, the watch-fires of spring and summer and autumn, traces of which observances still remain amongst us,
were tributes to the bounty of the All-giver, who alone could make the growth, the ripening, and the gathering of the fruits of the
earth propitious. The sun and the moon regulated their festivals, and there is little doubt formed part of their outward worship.
“But there are some remains which have the appearance of works of art, which are, probably, nothing but irregular products of
nature,—masses of stone thrown on a plane surface by some great convulsion, and wrought into fantastic shapes by agencies of
dripping water and driving wind, which in the course of ages work as effectually in the changes of bodies as the chisel and
the hammer. Such is probably the extraordinary pile of granite in Cornwall called the Cheesewring, a mass of eight stones rising
to the height of thirty-two feet, whose name is derived from the form of an ancient cheese-press (Fig. 47). It is held, however,
that some art may have been employed in clearing the base from circumjacent [sic] stones. Such is also a remarkable pile upon a
lofty range called the Kilmarth Rocks, which is twenty-eight feet in height, and overhangs more than twelve feet towards the north
I'll drop you in here
if you fallow through you may learn something about how the stones cry out.. pay attention to everything including the dress of the Gaul
Druids and O.D.---- Opus Dei-- ebook worth read -if you read it all
according to Diogenes Laerius, was comprised in their three precepts—to worship the Gods, to do no evil, and to act with courage.
this doctrine was the belief in one God. Their veneration for groves of oak, and for sacred fountains, was an expression of that
natural worshiop which sees the source of all good in the beautiful forms with which the earth is clothed.
The sanctity of the mistletoe, the watch-fires of spring and summer and autumn, traces of which observances still remain amongst us,
were tributes to the bounty of the All-giver, who alone could make the growth, the ripening, and the gathering of the fruits of the
earth propitious. The sun and the moon regulated their festivals, and there is little doubt formed part of their outward worship.
“But there are some remains which have the appearance of works of art, which are, probably, nothing but irregular products of
nature,—masses of stone thrown on a plane surface by some great convulsion, and wrought into fantastic shapes by agencies of
dripping water and driving wind, which in the course of ages work as effectually in the changes of bodies as the chisel and
the hammer. Such is probably the extraordinary pile of granite in Cornwall called the Cheesewring, a mass of eight stones rising
to the height of thirty-two feet, whose name is derived from the form of an ancient cheese-press (Fig. 47). It is held, however,
that some art may have been employed in clearing the base from circumjacent [sic] stones. Such is also a remarkable pile upon a
lofty range called the Kilmarth Rocks, which is twenty-eight feet in height, and overhangs more than twelve feet towards the north
I'll drop you in here
if you fallow through you may learn something about how the stones cry out.. pay attention to everything including the dress of the Gaul
Friday, December 22, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
This young man does a tremendous job sharing the truth, it's as real as it gets and you should take the time to view the entire statement, he takes a little while to relax because you can feel the pain here. This thing made me cry because I know how hard it is to face the facts, but do your self the service to view this and maybe it will open a window in your mind. A window that will help you shine light on your soul, yes yours. Mr. Macbeth thank you sir your a very brave and bright soul thank you for making the truth available for all of us, I'm sure you shared straight from the heart.
Do your self a favor and read the comments on this video, and you will really start to understand the mentally that you will be facing right here at home. You want bravery fight for the truth, we need some good people to step forward now get this out to your radio HEADS
This young man does a tremendous job sharing the truth, it's as real as it gets and you should take the time to view the entire statement, he takes a little while to relax because you can feel the pain here. This thing made me cry because I know how hard it is to face the facts, but do your self the service to view this and maybe it will open a window in your mind. A window that will help you shine light on your soul, yes yours. Mr. Macbeth thank you sir your a very brave and bright soul thank you for making the truth available for all of us, I'm sure you shared straight from the heart.
Do your self a favor and read the comments on this video, and you will really start to understand the mentally that you will be facing right here at home. You want bravery fight for the truth, we need some good people to step forward now get this out to your radio HEADS
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Every body has got to eat
I guess I should share a little about me and what I do for a living, or more precise how I get money to eat and live like the rest of the herd. I have worked in a couple of different areas, when in high school, victim of catholic school ( not catholic, that's a whole other trip in it self) I worked for my self and a telephone company, I cleaned the place where I worked, ran vacuum, cleaned windows, dusted, cleaned the bathrooms you know janitor stuff. I got the job because I knew the head office girl who hired contractors I was my own contractor under cut bids, and made good money for my age of fourteen. I was working part time in the company running telephone wires and stripping and rewiring switches, making up cables, kind of grunt and trainable labor. So I had money in my pocket and things to do that kept me out of a certain amount of trouble. I ended up graduating with my class but had attended a couple of quarters junior college, while my class mates (H.S.) where at Disney land on grad night I has studying for finals the next day at college. The story of my life never in the right place, at the right time. These were the character building years and anyone who knows me could attest that I am a character.
I had done well on SATs , and had gotten into UCSD, worked as an ice cream scooper in La Jolla at Swenson's ice cream parlor, while freshmen in college, great place to work if your going to get baked, back to the dorms with all the ice cream and chocolate, that had to be cleaned out, it was a whole in the wall . I ended hooking up with a girl, who brought me to UCSB, for a “great full dead” concert, decided I wanted to be an Eco science geology type of person rather then a doctor, I couldn't be a doctor, really don't like the condescension that goes with that territory. Santa Barbara was pretty much an earth first kind of town ,at least that was an impression they were trying to convey at the time. I worked for a bank, first in data operations, then as a swing shift computer operator, sorted checks ran reports for distribution from a center, (off site of bank), it was above a night club called “Peppers” , needless to say I had a fake I.D, but still staid out of trouble; hard to work full time, attend school full time and still find time for trouble , but you can guess I tried hard. I wound up working for a large computer operation center, printed MSL listings, I ended up leaving right at graduation. It was the first time I had not had a job lined up, and I just wanted to kick back and enjoy Santa Barbara. My room mate worked as a carpenter and drywaller, he dragged me to a few jobs, I'm pretty handy and soon I was working as a laborer pretty much full time, I learn damn fast and soon I was working with the big boys doing commercial work, and drinking like a fish, use to come with the trades. With in five years I was pretty much either a trouble shooter or foreman on the job, one of my old bosses (owner of big company) asked me why I always seemed to get the most interesting tasks. If it was different, I was doing it, usually by my self with support when required. I learned how to build, everything from houses to five story buildings , tilt ups , barns, manufacturing plants, schools, public works projects, parking lots , block buildings ,bridges, elevator shafts, banks just about everything found in the area, anything concrete wood or steel, all trades from plumbing and electrical HVAC, painting, if its in a building or involves construction or moving large objects I've done it , or something close to it, and can figure out what I need to get it done. I'm pretty competent and confident in my abilities most who know me , know I can do the most outrages things without really , any assistance , so I can make a living working with my hands, it's kind of an art form and I had twenty years of real life experience before I took my current position, an advanced janitor so to speak in a continuing performance art setting.
Yep I work for a performance art endeavor, and it allows me to make contact with very interesting folks indeed. I see a lot of different kinds of things where I work, some are simply amazing. The group I work for or with, has nation wide and global, partners so to speak, we share a lot of attributes that many never notice, and very few are even aware of, if you end up working in a place like I do, you have to remember , that reality means nothing and performance or how the performance is accepted is of prime importance. This group seems to have unlimited resources, it can't really make mistakes, and there is no credibly accepted method of evaluating the value of the performance. Really our only real concern is that no one gets hurt during the performance and this includes the actors, those behind the scenes and the public because by the very nature of performance art it involves the public as viewers and some times interactive participants. I can't tell you exactly who I work for, it is one of the largest businesses in the area, if I told you I wouldn't be able to blog, I don't think my employer would like it, and I'm sure they are very aware of my thoughts and blogging activities, I get all kinds of little subtle warnings. I have a tendency to speak my mind it gets me in trouble allot of the time, but who cares, I have a right to my thoughts, and I have a pretty good union, other wise they would have canned me long ago. As a matter of fact they have all ready taken a pretty good shot at it but, we managed to come to a sort of understanding, I don't really bother them, just do my job, and try not to laugh out loud during most of the performances, however I do tend to speak up during sharing moments, if they ask for comments, and on occasions when they don't want comments. Oh well that's just my nature, there are others who share this nature they tend to remain quiet, they are more concerned with keeping the performance alive, don't rock the boat so to speak, we are all floating in sewer water. Allot of really great individuals that I have much respect for, have run from our little group screaming, because if you let it get to you it will hurt your head. I stay out of morbid curiosity, plus I've got a very short commute on bike, and my job does have a certain amount of satisfaction, because it involves safety issues and my repair abilities. I also get a kick out of watching the users absorb the performance ,and not really understand the true nature of the art.
There are small rewards involved in my work mostly it is in seeing the public enjoy the art work and make use of the performance that is offered, the best sub group of users is the future travelers that are just learning about the performances, Today I had to repair a spring that is very popular with this sub time traveler group, it is not really designed for people like me, but it is a big hit with a certain crowd. I was happy that another in our group had caught the problem before it couldn't be (fairly) easily repaired. In the past I have had to remove the spring and it seems to never return once it is removed , I think the art counselors have to approve it and its very hard for them to act. When I first started working for the group, we had more people involved in the art now we have many more art counselors and can't really afford the people who really make the performance happen, this is a national and global trend. You can't have art just happening with out a group of counselors, it kind of reminds me of our health care system, it keeps getting bigger and more expensive with fewer and lessened expectations. Today was a good day because I know tomorrow some users will be enjoying their spring. Yesterday was a trip indeed because some one vandalized one of our art pieces, a Christmas symbol, and it had to be dealt with and of course the counselors had to get involved , but you know our motto , “we shall not cut and run in our war on Christmas”, quick call Bill Oreilly the war continues
and this ones worth paying attention to also it involves another piece of what I consider local competition in performance art. You'll really have to be sharp and pay attention to spot this performance piece
I had done well on SATs , and had gotten into UCSD, worked as an ice cream scooper in La Jolla at Swenson's ice cream parlor, while freshmen in college, great place to work if your going to get baked, back to the dorms with all the ice cream and chocolate, that had to be cleaned out, it was a whole in the wall . I ended hooking up with a girl, who brought me to UCSB, for a “great full dead” concert, decided I wanted to be an Eco science geology type of person rather then a doctor, I couldn't be a doctor, really don't like the condescension that goes with that territory. Santa Barbara was pretty much an earth first kind of town ,at least that was an impression they were trying to convey at the time. I worked for a bank, first in data operations, then as a swing shift computer operator, sorted checks ran reports for distribution from a center, (off site of bank), it was above a night club called “Peppers” , needless to say I had a fake I.D, but still staid out of trouble; hard to work full time, attend school full time and still find time for trouble , but you can guess I tried hard. I wound up working for a large computer operation center, printed MSL listings, I ended up leaving right at graduation. It was the first time I had not had a job lined up, and I just wanted to kick back and enjoy Santa Barbara. My room mate worked as a carpenter and drywaller, he dragged me to a few jobs, I'm pretty handy and soon I was working as a laborer pretty much full time, I learn damn fast and soon I was working with the big boys doing commercial work, and drinking like a fish, use to come with the trades. With in five years I was pretty much either a trouble shooter or foreman on the job, one of my old bosses (owner of big company) asked me why I always seemed to get the most interesting tasks. If it was different, I was doing it, usually by my self with support when required. I learned how to build, everything from houses to five story buildings , tilt ups , barns, manufacturing plants, schools, public works projects, parking lots , block buildings ,bridges, elevator shafts, banks just about everything found in the area, anything concrete wood or steel, all trades from plumbing and electrical HVAC, painting, if its in a building or involves construction or moving large objects I've done it , or something close to it, and can figure out what I need to get it done. I'm pretty competent and confident in my abilities most who know me , know I can do the most outrages things without really , any assistance , so I can make a living working with my hands, it's kind of an art form and I had twenty years of real life experience before I took my current position, an advanced janitor so to speak in a continuing performance art setting.
Yep I work for a performance art endeavor, and it allows me to make contact with very interesting folks indeed. I see a lot of different kinds of things where I work, some are simply amazing. The group I work for or with, has nation wide and global, partners so to speak, we share a lot of attributes that many never notice, and very few are even aware of, if you end up working in a place like I do, you have to remember , that reality means nothing and performance or how the performance is accepted is of prime importance. This group seems to have unlimited resources, it can't really make mistakes, and there is no credibly accepted method of evaluating the value of the performance. Really our only real concern is that no one gets hurt during the performance and this includes the actors, those behind the scenes and the public because by the very nature of performance art it involves the public as viewers and some times interactive participants. I can't tell you exactly who I work for, it is one of the largest businesses in the area, if I told you I wouldn't be able to blog, I don't think my employer would like it, and I'm sure they are very aware of my thoughts and blogging activities, I get all kinds of little subtle warnings. I have a tendency to speak my mind it gets me in trouble allot of the time, but who cares, I have a right to my thoughts, and I have a pretty good union, other wise they would have canned me long ago. As a matter of fact they have all ready taken a pretty good shot at it but, we managed to come to a sort of understanding, I don't really bother them, just do my job, and try not to laugh out loud during most of the performances, however I do tend to speak up during sharing moments, if they ask for comments, and on occasions when they don't want comments. Oh well that's just my nature, there are others who share this nature they tend to remain quiet, they are more concerned with keeping the performance alive, don't rock the boat so to speak, we are all floating in sewer water. Allot of really great individuals that I have much respect for, have run from our little group screaming, because if you let it get to you it will hurt your head. I stay out of morbid curiosity, plus I've got a very short commute on bike, and my job does have a certain amount of satisfaction, because it involves safety issues and my repair abilities. I also get a kick out of watching the users absorb the performance ,and not really understand the true nature of the art.
There are small rewards involved in my work mostly it is in seeing the public enjoy the art work and make use of the performance that is offered, the best sub group of users is the future travelers that are just learning about the performances, Today I had to repair a spring that is very popular with this sub time traveler group, it is not really designed for people like me, but it is a big hit with a certain crowd. I was happy that another in our group had caught the problem before it couldn't be (fairly) easily repaired. In the past I have had to remove the spring and it seems to never return once it is removed , I think the art counselors have to approve it and its very hard for them to act. When I first started working for the group, we had more people involved in the art now we have many more art counselors and can't really afford the people who really make the performance happen, this is a national and global trend. You can't have art just happening with out a group of counselors, it kind of reminds me of our health care system, it keeps getting bigger and more expensive with fewer and lessened expectations. Today was a good day because I know tomorrow some users will be enjoying their spring. Yesterday was a trip indeed because some one vandalized one of our art pieces, a Christmas symbol, and it had to be dealt with and of course the counselors had to get involved , but you know our motto , “we shall not cut and run in our war on Christmas”, quick call Bill Oreilly the war continues
and this ones worth paying attention to also it involves another piece of what I consider local competition in performance art. You'll really have to be sharp and pay attention to spot this performance piece
Sunday, December 17, 2006
This guy is really pumping it out and is pretty funny sarcasm rules.
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What is their goal, that was the question
I like to post in places that have interaction, I've been moved along with a few others to a new site- one of the threads is a question of end game... to hard to answer in one shot but.....
(poster) I agree to respect your idea of passive resistance by not joining in on the insanity.
Violence is never an answer unto its self it is a tool used judiciously for survival. I am assuming you would never encourage people to put on funny uniforms and kill others because you think your flag is cooler then theirs. While you and I might have trouble understanding the end game lets take a brief look at the players. We don't know who they are, but we have a real good idea who is working for them, you can often judge a man by those he chooses to spend time with, birds of a feather flock together idea. Lets start with John Negroponte, I'm not going to spend much time on this piece of human debris, lets just say that where ever this idiot goes , so does death and torture, I guess he thought Sally Fields could really fly, why else would you toss nuns out of helicopters? You see some of these people would torture small animals and humans, practically any helpless victim they feel like. I'm sure you can not really understand this I think no one who is sane can. It's really hard for most humans to believe we really have such a**holes on this planet, much less that they control our lives. We are talking about the truly mentally ill running our governments on almost all levels, they have encouraged this type of illness, it's built into our competitive system of winners and losers, instead of a society where we help the weak and those in need. It is fed by greed and the “winner take all” mentality . The few times that true humans have tried to make the right choices our controllers have stepped in and removed that choice, usually through monetary controls. They use their money power as a weapon, and it's very effective in a society where competition has been manipulated to a level of daily existence, how long will you last with out a job or some kind of income? Many work very hard just for the money required to remain in the game. Greed is the simple answer to the idea of a drooling populace that has no free will or even the thought of such ideas. It is just much cheaper then building robots, plus you don't have to maintain them, just clone more. You can design them for the tasks required , big and strong to move things, small and wiry for small applications, some with modified vision to work in the dark. Mr Watt thinks they might even try to chip people and give them fake lives so that they can pretend to be James Bond, or Howard Hughes , while cleaning septic tanks. I suspect they need to control every living soul on this rock because if there was one soul left that thought this idea was bullshit, they would have to worry some one might try to stop it. Of course they are worried this person might be irrational, such as my self, and decide their rule isn't real, and my life means nothing to me if I am not free.
Micheal Tsarion made a point in a video I think “2012 the future of mankind”. He said that these guys, the hidden ones, had been trapped here on our rock, and that they wanted off. Apparently there are juicier targets or pleasures to be found out side our known realm. This could be the ultimate goal, to get off this prison, (our world) at least that's how they view it, they certainly have a prison mentally , so there might be something to this idea. I would gladly support their effort to leave the world, only if they promised never to return, however their character does seem to be deception, so I'm not sure it would be wise to trust an agreement they have made. I also might be hesitant to release morons that think nuns can fly on the universe, probably bad karma in the long run. I'm not sure what I would do if I ran across one, I might have to assume some actions where done for survival reasons, how ever I think they have been less then fair or judicious, I think they might just be versions of our selves in the future if we do not stand now. Lets just say enough is enough and we need to expose the truth, can we agree on that point?
I like to post in places that have interaction, I've been moved along with a few others to a new site- one of the threads is a question of end game... to hard to answer in one shot but.....
(poster) I agree to respect your idea of passive resistance by not joining in on the insanity.
Violence is never an answer unto its self it is a tool used judiciously for survival. I am assuming you would never encourage people to put on funny uniforms and kill others because you think your flag is cooler then theirs. While you and I might have trouble understanding the end game lets take a brief look at the players. We don't know who they are, but we have a real good idea who is working for them, you can often judge a man by those he chooses to spend time with, birds of a feather flock together idea. Lets start with John Negroponte, I'm not going to spend much time on this piece of human debris, lets just say that where ever this idiot goes , so does death and torture, I guess he thought Sally Fields could really fly, why else would you toss nuns out of helicopters? You see some of these people would torture small animals and humans, practically any helpless victim they feel like. I'm sure you can not really understand this I think no one who is sane can. It's really hard for most humans to believe we really have such a**holes on this planet, much less that they control our lives. We are talking about the truly mentally ill running our governments on almost all levels, they have encouraged this type of illness, it's built into our competitive system of winners and losers, instead of a society where we help the weak and those in need. It is fed by greed and the “winner take all” mentality . The few times that true humans have tried to make the right choices our controllers have stepped in and removed that choice, usually through monetary controls. They use their money power as a weapon, and it's very effective in a society where competition has been manipulated to a level of daily existence, how long will you last with out a job or some kind of income? Many work very hard just for the money required to remain in the game. Greed is the simple answer to the idea of a drooling populace that has no free will or even the thought of such ideas. It is just much cheaper then building robots, plus you don't have to maintain them, just clone more. You can design them for the tasks required , big and strong to move things, small and wiry for small applications, some with modified vision to work in the dark. Mr Watt thinks they might even try to chip people and give them fake lives so that they can pretend to be James Bond, or Howard Hughes , while cleaning septic tanks. I suspect they need to control every living soul on this rock because if there was one soul left that thought this idea was bullshit, they would have to worry some one might try to stop it. Of course they are worried this person might be irrational, such as my self, and decide their rule isn't real, and my life means nothing to me if I am not free.
Micheal Tsarion made a point in a video I think “2012 the future of mankind”. He said that these guys, the hidden ones, had been trapped here on our rock, and that they wanted off. Apparently there are juicier targets or pleasures to be found out side our known realm. This could be the ultimate goal, to get off this prison, (our world) at least that's how they view it, they certainly have a prison mentally , so there might be something to this idea. I would gladly support their effort to leave the world, only if they promised never to return, however their character does seem to be deception, so I'm not sure it would be wise to trust an agreement they have made. I also might be hesitant to release morons that think nuns can fly on the universe, probably bad karma in the long run. I'm not sure what I would do if I ran across one, I might have to assume some actions where done for survival reasons, how ever I think they have been less then fair or judicious, I think they might just be versions of our selves in the future if we do not stand now. Lets just say enough is enough and we need to expose the truth, can we agree on that point?
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Ghost in the Machine, Arthur Koestler
I have been questioned as to my motives as of late, I suppose many others are having to justify their actions. I make no apology for my attempts to crack a little sense into the mix, I know quite well that we have nothing to hang on to, non of what is past is ours, at least we do not have all the truths. We have been manipulated in many ways, and we have come to the down side of the roller coaster, you might have felt the shift, many had notice that we were approaching the top, but now is a time a quickening decline, its going to get very ugly soon they have no choice and neither do you, it would be a good time to find some of your faith hopefully it is not based on others and on a known religion. I think you can tell people by their fruit, some are working very hard right from the heart, I'm sure Alan Watt is one, he has some new work, you really need to take your own time and find what this man has to offer, I know many things that parallel everything this man has said, he always reminds me of things I've forgotten, things I would be wise to remember considering where I play, his last couple of pieces were jam packed, he really did ring my bell with and If you don't know whom I'm talking about here is his site One thing that Alan tells you over and over do not under estimate the amount of knowledge they have at their figures hidden well , through the kind of deceptions referred to as Machiavellianism. Many areas you might consider safe are very controlled, corruption is every where but you can spot it by a reoccurring idea , the deception is always for the greater good. It is the same story today as yesterday, do not believe it. What is at stake this time is a finally , this shall be done to the death, and is not a joke. Your really going to need to keep your wit, try to keep your humor, it is a sign, primates use it to mark safe feeling, it is relaxing and beneficial to the group, and will relieve built up tension. It would be very wise to control your emotions, and learn to help those around you, even if you think they are not of your group, the first thing they will do is pit pigeon holed groups against one another. Anyway it is biblical , everything has some value left in it , and you have heard it said , the gate is narrow, and a rich man will have a hard time finding the value, but you can find your way by paying heed to the fruit that is produced, remember even J.C. Knocked over a table, when confronted by pure B.S. Work with people who are sharing from the heart learn to see the world from another mans eyes, its called empathy and when you find others who can practice this human attribute, fallow help and defend this ideal, it will save your soul, if not your life. Ask your self why do terrorist pick such stupid targets, or better yet why are some groups targeted, some one is in control and it is not you or I. With the exception of government ass wipes looking over my shoulder, I leave you with this its funny as hell , Billy O lylee, is having trouble with his Bertram Russell program, the hypocrisy is most amazing to watch. And I agree with Ms Miller, you guys way under estimate what eight year olds are thinking, Alan had a good comment on avoiding having your kids drugged, I have no kids or any others to worry about, but I have to say that we are talking about their future, and the world has taught most to be bad parents, in the name of love. We can not expect to live in a world of truth or peace if we keep lying to our selves and our youth (future).
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Honestly where is your head at ?
Intellectual honesty the death of excellence by the herd mentality found in the the United States of America as of December 2006. Today the senate confirmed Gates with only two opposing votes, what a glorious day for the New World Order. I guess it was a question of anybody but Rummi, which is like saying anybody but Jack the ripper, bring in Charlie Manson. Its amazing to watch this crap go down in our country, obviously nobody cares, at least not any of our leaders, ( hats off to the two that voted against), didn't Hillary look all tough? Yeah right and Gates isn't a deceitful sack of crap, and war is peace , freedom is the New World Order, mindless pride is intelligence, the government never makes mistakes and is always there to help, and if you believe any of that shit, your freakin genius, and I'm Tinker Bell. I might as well be living in a kinder garden for adults, that is controlled by Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney's , magic kingdom media, to bad its the land of make believe. I guess we can still pretend we are free and are fighting the evil forces of the world like, honesty, integrity and intelligence. You know I'm sure that even though our founding fathers were Masons even they are rolling in their graves over the rampant stupidity found in our leader ship. Don't worry we will not be in Iraq much longer, we will be moving on Iran as soon as you wipe the crap off of your representatives faces, they couldn't wait to get right in and start eating shit after all you are what you eat . I guess there are still some people who believe you won an election, in your dreams, you didn't win a thing, the republicans purposely shot them selves in the leg and then carefully slit their vain to bleed just enough to lose their power position, why you ask? gee, so you to could get some of the credit for being full of crap. They couldn't go down holding all the power so they handed off to you, so you can get your hands dirty. Come on get with the program, did you think this control is a one party deal? There is no red or blue, left or right it is all the same , a world goal of corporate control and manipulation, to serve their never ending thirst for power and control over every living soul on this rock, and they just took another big step forward. I wonder how many people are actually troubled by what has just transpired, I wonder how many people actually have enough brains or common sense left to even think about it. Do you know why Osoma Bin Ladin is still alive, because he took credit for the events that transpired on September 11 2001, you think that first tape from the government was real, look again no way in hell, but OBL got the message , shut up and take the credit or your a dead man. If Osoma Bin Ladin were to speak out and tell the world he didn't have a thing to do with the events he would be dead in less then 12 hours, probably much less then 12. If the CIA knew he was about to spill the beans he probably wouldn't live long enough to make it to a recording device. Don't worry nobody is going to stop or slow the march of the new corporate elite and the banking controllers of this world, no way no how. They are all owned like a two dollar crack whore, jonesing just to feel one moment of relief. You know there are quite a few people out side of our little corporate propaganda machine that can see how far we have slidden in our stupidity and ignorance. Don't let that bother you, just go out and shop this stuff doesn't mean anything you can probably still get the newest gaming machine, or suck down drinks until you forget your name, or stuff meth up your nose until you can see the inside of your own empty head. Thanks America your a prize, a real 17th street slut, with a hankering for money and a quick trick, so you can fork it over to your corporate pimps, and they won't have to beat you to hard with a coat hanger.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Reading test and mind candy links how the cortex works but before you click it try this link first. number 10 on page it is a reading test you will feel like you just passed Evilian's Woods Speed reading class.. try it then click the above link and think about what is said and how it relates to Tsarion videos below ? number 10 on page it is a reading test you will feel like you just passed Evilian's Woods Speed reading class.. try it then click the above link and think about what is said and how it relates to Tsarion videos below ?
JAFO, Just another f*cking observer, a witness to the flip that is currently underway , its like watching a tsunami, right now the surf has receded to a point no one has ever seen. Many are rushing down to examine what is exposed only to be shortly covered by an unstoppable wall of water, I guess what I'm trying to say is its time to find higher ground. They are starting to herd you , you can see and feel the little nips at your hooves, subtitle nudges to limit your thought and voice, its through a couple of channels, don't mine them , just find a way to step out of line. If you feel you are being manipulated and moved or controlled in minor ways you are being grouped in major ways. How do you fight back, first you have to understand what you are fighting, first you are probably fighting your own mind. I've heard Alan Watt bring it up a number of times and it is truer then true, that we are fighting our selves trying to hang on to some reality that has never been real. I was catching up on some of Alan thoughts, they tend to run very parallel to mine, not that I won't wonder off to look at the side trails, I guess I'm still sight seeing, but its my nature I ask to many odd ball questions. I also tend to find value in their lies, the lies the controllers have told them selves that justifies their actions, Alan has them down as mentally ill, sociopaths, people who can lie with out blinking, these are the professionals you find them all over government on all levels, and you find them retired in NGOs (non governmental organizations ), like the CFR, Bilderbergs , Trilateral commission, allot of green movements, and so called patriot groups, AARP , things that are always sending you letters asking to support this and that, It's a game and allot of these groups are just engineered voices to make you think your ideas and voice is important, you'll never notice that some how they always lose and seem to put up a good fight but they need you to contribute to help with just one more push , or one more lunny toon idea that must be stopped, always seems to miss the mark by just a little, just enough to lose the issue. Oh well you tried your voice and thoughts just don't seem to matter, don't worry they never did get over it. So you ask what am I doing, I am speaking (writing, and combining images to sound) that are meant to provoke thought, not answer questions but get you to ask questions. There is one little problem I don't think you know how to stand up and keep questioning until you embarrass the fools that are lying to you, usually people can be stopped with general criticism, oh you most be mentally inferior to ask such silly questions. In one of the slide shows that I've left to tool Fat Head Eddie Schultz (you remember from Hogan's heroes,” I know nothing”), I included a link to the NASA HOAX FOX video on google, you should take a few minutes to revue it even if you think the entire event was staged, the reason I posted it isn't so much that the government is willing to lie and murder to cover it's lies, but how it defends its lies. If you view the piece, it's straight forward and there is no conspiracy except for NASA response. There is a clear presentation of evidence that shows that there is a problem with their story, first no stars? No blast crater or dust but there does seem to be wind , repeating scenes scale markers scribed on lenses clearly show photo manipulations, silhouette shots that are fully and obviously back lit, the evidence is over whelming that something is very wrong with their game. NASA spokes whole response, you have to be “nuts to think we didn't land on the moon”, sorry you have to be nuts to listen to some one who makes no attempt what so ever to address the questions or the subject matter, “oh there is just so much we just don't address it, its all bad science and miss guided interpretation”, this is said with a straight face, never ever thinking about addressing one of the issues put forward. Apparently some will accept this kind of treatment, I don't , I'm not amused and I'm not amused by people who still fall for this kind of lack of thoughtful reasoning. It is exactly the same game they are playing with the 911 events, If your still confused over the events of 911 and need a basic lesson, I've left three easy to understand links, one the computer reads for you so you have no excuse, it is about eight grade science, and definitely not beyond the average sports fan, if you can remember the rules of the game, and keep score you shouldn't have any trouble digesting the evidence. I guess there are people who just don't care, obviously , if I have to see the second “bone head” John Kerry, all over the media, even after he showed you his true colors, and if you hear people tell you what a great job Tim Russert is doing they are right , he's doing a great job pushing the shills of the NWO foisting their crap in your face, just like the wanna be Fat Eddie Schultz. I'm going to leave you with Micheal Tsarion from youtube I think there are three in this series, they are a good presentation of the occult symbols all around you, you should be aware of these things, its part of the majik that they use to control you, it's built into your language and is a sign for all those who think they are controlling you for the greater good religion, (Babylon mystery).
10 seconds no mechanical resistance
EXPLAIN PLEASE- I've read your claims mechanical resistance does not magically disappear , explosives seem to be the only answer, they think they have destroyed the evidence they haven't, they don't even have a decent lie, why aren't people in jail now, how long are you going to allow these people to steal your lives?
Thursday, November 30, 2006
heroes link
Remember our true leaders and HEROES taking a stand for truth is very hard today and even harder if you are in the system . We need to support these people for the stand they have taken to no longer serve a deception. While it is still easy for us to speak out many have no support in their daily lives, they are surrounded by people who refuse to think for themselves. These are some of the most courageous people who have ever served this country and standing for truth should be admired and not shunned.
Assumptions I have to admit I’ve left you to make several of them, starting with my user name, I told another user who asked if I believed in Titor, why I use the AKA. My response was clear , the event happened and no I don’t believe everything JT said, first of all there is no way you would expose your root so to speak. I do believe that what JT said will come to pass, I believe we are already at war and most do not understand. You need to understand that everything around you is corrupt, including JT. I have stated before that I thought JT to be a cyber trap of sorts, I had the impression they were looking for some thing. I’m sure they are looking for something , you, yes you. I think what will come to pass with Titor is that after 2008, when they start moving on the new North American Union, just like the E.U. there will be considerable resistance which is slowly being ratchet up by useful idiots like FAT HEAD ED, race baiting. The web is to help pin point their resistance, and also move them to undesirable situations. I think allot of people will show up to Titor after the fact when things can no longer be ignored. Allot of people will move out , and think about survival until, 2015 when the saviors of our country stand up, the Russian? Are you starting to learn to see between the lines? I’m pretty sure if you think the Russians are going to attack the NWO, with their current leader ship, your sniffing glue. What is more likely to happen, is a bunch of people standing around realizing they are not going to get the help they thought was coming, you ask how I could come to this conclusion, it would take a long time but if you get what Alan Watt is telling you , you know the answer already. Its happened before many times herding the groups , even sub groups like - time traveler believers, no problem with time travel I’m sure that’s the machines we call UFOs. If we are in control of one we are in a world of hurt, because something is very wrong. Assumptions, once again some of my work is meant to provoke thought not steer you, only make you ask questions, there are no dumb questions just dumb answers, just look at the (official 911 explanation) government and media controllers explanations of events during 911 and after. Now you can assume I believe in UFOs, sure do, seen one under my boat either that or the freakiest new bio- luminescent animal yet to be discovered. I left a video (CFM13) its more of a response to where I blog (where I can expect a reaction). I’m kind of recursive in my work , I like to keep more then one use for what I’m working with, I use their tools and try to turn them against what I know to be a lie, life as you have been taught to know it. I'm going to point one other thing about that video candy for m ON key, there is a blurb right from Miers link, ask your self why I did that? I’m hoping you learn HOW TO SPOT the language and manipulation of the “GREAT WORKS” read it very carefully it should be spooky familiar, if not spend more time with people like Alan Watt until you understand the deceivers we are dealing with, most of their words and works are to deceive even them selves. You should really pay attention to what Alan says they are trying to achieve , I’m pretty sure they did ,and that’s the problem. Pick your Heroes carefully and look for people who are sharing from the Heart and trying to find truth where ever they can. You can find truth in a bad examples but you have to have a firm footing inside your self. Do not be afraid to be ridiculed or out caste, even by those you might love or maybe people you have some respect for. Your going to really need to guard your inside person, learn the goal ,the language, and the art of manipulation . Question everything be as honest with your self and others as you possibly can, you will get better and find your faith hope and freedom ,it will come from inside not out side. However you have to pay attention to the outside no matter how corrupt because if you don’t your dead meat literally. You need to learn to stand for your self now , there is no help coming this battle is yours and mine, and if you do not stand soon on your own we all lose.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
MY NAME AKA is TITOR RIGHT....... you should know I find you rather less then straight forward, I do not believe you promote the truth..... YOU WILL NEVER ADDRESS THIS , I AND OTHERS KNOW YOU ARE NOT BEING TRUTHFUL OR THOUGHTFUL.
hey FAT HEAD ED did you forget my QUESTION
you sir are an accessory AFTER THE FACT AND AN ENABLER and you shall go down in history as part of the sickness...... LIVE WELL FOOL TOMORROW WILL REMEMBER YOU AS YOU DESERVE.. click upper right menu for all post
hey FAT HEAD ED did you forget my QUESTION
you sir are an accessory AFTER THE FACT AND AN ENABLER and you shall go down in history as part of the sickness...... LIVE WELL FOOL TOMORROW WILL REMEMBER YOU AS YOU DESERVE.. click upper right menu for all post
titles for youtube post TFF
I thought while I was tooling that HEAD of yours EDDIE you might like to meet a real MAN OF HONOR ... all » stand for truth.
EDDIE you reminded me of some one did you used to be a spokes person for NASA or is this just a relative of yours
In case you forgot here are those links again hope Holmey has figured out how to use that mouse yet, help him with the big words OK
EDDIE you reminded me of some one did you used to be a spokes person for NASA or is this just a relative of yours
In case you forgot here are those links again hope Holmey has figured out how to use that mouse yet, help him with the big words OK
video titles for youtube submissions
No room to comment at youtube so here is description found on same video on google- if they ever put it through.
I thought while I was tooling that HEAD of yours EDDIE you might like to meet a real MAN OF HONOR stand for truth.
Your belief in the premise that you need a draft to get skin in the game to stop the war, is like watching a man with his house on fire running to the garage and coming out with a can of gas. You would probably ask why? and if he told you he was going to his neighbors house to light it on fire so the fire department would get there sooner , you would think he's nuts, and you WOULD BE RIGHT... you need a debate how about 2 planes destroying 3 buildings?
In case you forgot here are those links again hope Holmey has figured out how to use that mouse yet, help him with the big words OK
WHY ARE YOU HERDING SHEEP? Can't wait to hear more from CFR or your BONE HEAD friends
What next sniffing Air Plane Glue with the bildeburgs carry on turkey
old article plans have not changed
I thought while I was tooling that HEAD of yours EDDIE you might like to meet a real MAN OF HONOR stand for truth.
Your belief in the premise that you need a draft to get skin in the game to stop the war, is like watching a man with his house on fire running to the garage and coming out with a can of gas. You would probably ask why? and if he told you he was going to his neighbors house to light it on fire so the fire department would get there sooner , you would think he's nuts, and you WOULD BE RIGHT... you need a debate how about 2 planes destroying 3 buildings?
In case you forgot here are those links again hope Holmey has figured out how to use that mouse yet, help him with the big words OK
WHY ARE YOU HERDING SHEEP? Can't wait to hear more from CFR or your BONE HEAD friends
What next sniffing Air Plane Glue with the bildeburgs carry on turkey
old article plans have not changed
ALAN WATT always on target, more insight to the cave, films you might want to experience
Just look at progressive radio, people speaking from their heart and waking up people, Randi Rhodes verses sheep herders that foist the CFR and Bilderberg agenda on their listeners like FAT HEAD ED
WHILE they are getting ready to jail all those who will not fallow their plan, some have already taken a stand and are paying for truth with their freedom.,HPIC:2006-45,HPIC:en&q=War+Vet+Sgt%2e+Ricky+Clousing+
Just look at progressive radio, people speaking from their heart and waking up people, Randi Rhodes verses sheep herders that foist the CFR and Bilderberg agenda on their listeners like FAT HEAD ED
WHILE they are getting ready to jail all those who will not fallow their plan, some have already taken a stand and are paying for truth with their freedom.,HPIC:2006-45,HPIC:en&q=War+Vet+Sgt%2e+Ricky+Clousing+
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Heroes and freedom fighters
This popped up in my related links on google and I could not be anymore proud of that , I think people are starting to stand in light and we should support these people how ever we can please add more links of people who take a personnel stand for truth , especially if they have to pay with their freedom. Army interrogator and Iraq War Vet Sgt. Ricky Clousing explains why he left the military prior to turning himself in. Army interrogator and Iraq War Vet Sgt. Ricky Clousing explains why he left the military prior to turning himself in.
Friday, November 24, 2006
If your not familiar with the concept, it's simple your society is in a cave facing the back wall and is focused on the shadows. There is activity out side the cave and it caste shadows that you are trying to establish as the bases of your world. Some times somebody turns around and starts to walk toward the lighted entrance of the cave, usually they are ridiculed just for turning away from the shadows. Should the individual actually start walking to the light , the leaders will physically restrain the individual . If the individual is clever he may make his way to the entrance at night while the others sleep and no shadows are caste. This individual might make it out side the cave an choosen to never go back but that might be a mistake because at that point it might just be a case of a world against one, it a dangerous place outside the cave, many wonders and many dangers. This individual might have people he is attached to back in the cave, maybe he will try to go back in and drag his friends out and any others whom have grown tired of the shadows. This individual is now a real danger for the people who control the cave dwellers, he might be turned over by his friends who think the only life is in the shadows. If he just comes back alone and starts asking questions he must be dealt with the controllers of the cave can not afford to let people leave, so they will make claims of a heretic or terrorist , and have the crowd rip them to pieces. I know this and still I stand by the edge of the cave shouting back that you are being deceived, some one in another thread noted that I might have actually tried to grab others and drag them out, I don't know if this is good or bad, I don't believe you can force anybody to think with words, how ever you may crack their heads, and penetrate the mind , I think of it as brainoil the stuff you spray on like WD40 to loosen the rusty metal traps that most think is their mind. Now back to the cave, I know what I have to offer is not what you want to hear but reality is reality, there is an entrance to the real world and we should all go together, you might think your happy in the cave, but I must share this observation, while traveling to the entrance I saw others sharpening a great number of knives. I have noticed the crowd get restless with the shadows and they are starting to push one another to get a better view of the shadows, they are starting to hand out these sharpened knifes, and they expect you to trim back your own population so they can stand and admire the shadows with out interference. The problem with the cave analogy is, we all produce waste and this place is getting rancid (hence the need to trim population) Also in this cave it is getting harder to find people who can actually gather the real commodities , food and water, fresh air, these processes are putting a burden on our controllers and they don't want to live in less then luxury. They are pulling their useful idiots from the walls and placing them around the edges to discourage anyone leaving, they are afraid that if you make it out side the cave and find food water and shelter ( that's all the cave is is comfort from the real weather and elements) that others might be encouraged to fallow, especially some of the more intellectual members, which is where they cull their real useful idiots from, beware of wolves in sheep's clothing, guard your mind and keep moving toward the entrance you can spot it by the real light creeping in , do not be fooled by shinny mirrors and reflective beads the light is outside not in the cave. Oh by the way they have been doing this for thousands of years and they have, used the labor of those they have deceived to expand their cave, so by now the entrance is quite a distance indeed and almost totally hidden. There is illumination coming from out side, but there are also many torch lights that appear brighter, so some times as your walking toward the true illumination it seems to get darker, but if you sense light coming out of the darkness move toward it, if its not moving its real, and remember it is in cycles and disappears for awhile but always returns to the same positions.
If your not familiar with the concept, it's simple your society is in a cave facing the back wall and is focused on the shadows. There is activity out side the cave and it caste shadows that you are trying to establish as the bases of your world. Some times somebody turns around and starts to walk toward the lighted entrance of the cave, usually they are ridiculed just for turning away from the shadows. Should the individual actually start walking to the light , the leaders will physically restrain the individual . If the individual is clever he may make his way to the entrance at night while the others sleep and no shadows are caste. This individual might make it out side the cave an choosen to never go back but that might be a mistake because at that point it might just be a case of a world against one, it a dangerous place outside the cave, many wonders and many dangers. This individual might have people he is attached to back in the cave, maybe he will try to go back in and drag his friends out and any others whom have grown tired of the shadows. This individual is now a real danger for the people who control the cave dwellers, he might be turned over by his friends who think the only life is in the shadows. If he just comes back alone and starts asking questions he must be dealt with the controllers of the cave can not afford to let people leave, so they will make claims of a heretic or terrorist , and have the crowd rip them to pieces. I know this and still I stand by the edge of the cave shouting back that you are being deceived, some one in another thread noted that I might have actually tried to grab others and drag them out, I don't know if this is good or bad, I don't believe you can force anybody to think with words, how ever you may crack their heads, and penetrate the mind , I think of it as brainoil the stuff you spray on like WD40 to loosen the rusty metal traps that most think is their mind. Now back to the cave, I know what I have to offer is not what you want to hear but reality is reality, there is an entrance to the real world and we should all go together, you might think your happy in the cave, but I must share this observation, while traveling to the entrance I saw others sharpening a great number of knives. I have noticed the crowd get restless with the shadows and they are starting to push one another to get a better view of the shadows, they are starting to hand out these sharpened knifes, and they expect you to trim back your own population so they can stand and admire the shadows with out interference. The problem with the cave analogy is, we all produce waste and this place is getting rancid (hence the need to trim population) Also in this cave it is getting harder to find people who can actually gather the real commodities , food and water, fresh air, these processes are putting a burden on our controllers and they don't want to live in less then luxury. They are pulling their useful idiots from the walls and placing them around the edges to discourage anyone leaving, they are afraid that if you make it out side the cave and find food water and shelter ( that's all the cave is is comfort from the real weather and elements) that others might be encouraged to fallow, especially some of the more intellectual members, which is where they cull their real useful idiots from, beware of wolves in sheep's clothing, guard your mind and keep moving toward the entrance you can spot it by the real light creeping in , do not be fooled by shinny mirrors and reflective beads the light is outside not in the cave. Oh by the way they have been doing this for thousands of years and they have, used the labor of those they have deceived to expand their cave, so by now the entrance is quite a distance indeed and almost totally hidden. There is illumination coming from out side, but there are also many torch lights that appear brighter, so some times as your walking toward the true illumination it seems to get darker, but if you sense light coming out of the darkness move toward it, if its not moving its real, and remember it is in cycles and disappears for awhile but always returns to the same positions.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Email the sword available to all
This is the Email I sent Fat HEAD ED SCHULTZ at
MY NAME AKA is TITOR RIGHT....... you should know I find you rather less then straight forward, I do not believe you promote the truth..... YOU WILL NEVER ADDRESS THIS , I AND OTHERS KNOW YOU ARE NOT BEING TRUTHFUL OR THOUGHTFUL. 9 minutes of your time and you will not address the most important fact that has changed America forever, you sir are an accessory AFTER THE FACT AND AN ENABLER and you shall go down in history as part of the sickness...... LIVE WELL FOOL TOMORROW WILL REMEMBER YOU AS YOU DESERVE..
I urge you to find people who are herding sheep and start tooling them make them respond..... You can be heard and not herded if you chose ... take back your media by shaming them with the truth make them pay for their lies and the liars they support
MY NAME AKA is TITOR RIGHT....... you should know I find you rather less then straight forward, I do not believe you promote the truth..... YOU WILL NEVER ADDRESS THIS , I AND OTHERS KNOW YOU ARE NOT BEING TRUTHFUL OR THOUGHTFUL. 9 minutes of your time and you will not address the most important fact that has changed America forever, you sir are an accessory AFTER THE FACT AND AN ENABLER and you shall go down in history as part of the sickness...... LIVE WELL FOOL TOMORROW WILL REMEMBER YOU AS YOU DESERVE..
I urge you to find people who are herding sheep and start tooling them make them respond..... You can be heard and not herded if you chose ... take back your media by shaming them with the truth make them pay for their lies and the liars they support
really nice video
Can not really state the facts any clearer then this, question is what are you going to do stay in denial or start tooling the control freaks like FAT HEAD ED SCHULTZ and the other masonic meat heads that cover their bone heads. Putting on a CFR talking toad to herd sheep is not ignorance , but being an accessory after the facts, or more precise an accessory to obscure the facts, and in Eds case he can hide them behind his fat head.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
I'm used to pissing people off. So here goes, this is going to hit you the wrong way also, the subject is pride. As I watch the gradual decline of our “society” I ponder some of the observations I've made that bring sadness to my heart. Pride goes before the fall I've heard told, and if thats true we are in for a world of hurt. I wonder what people are so proud of, the ability to live your lives in peace , even the ability to speak “your piece”. That doesn't seem to be our future, why can't we work our problems out? Is it the government that is causing the problems, are they rigging the game so you always lose? Why after so many elections and political games have we not been able to take control of our futures, is it because we have no plan and they do? The “ram pit “pride being expressed by most Americans today is quite sick from my point of view. Are you proud to live in a society so self absorbed that it can not see its own future , even after they have shown the plans. Is it appropriate to sit back and wave the flag, to support our troops who are giving their lives for a lie? Who really is responsible for 911 , and why can we not get the answers to simple questions, is this something to be prideful in? Its like watching an alcoholic tell you they are not a drunk and don't have any problems , with the exception of you! Your the problem because your not proud to be deceived and used .Controlled and manipulated by a cabal that intends to turn the masses into engineered slaves to serve the elite, in their pursuit of eternal life at your expense and labor of course. Is that something to be proud of, the fact that you've been trained to fallow, wow best sheep they have ever eaten. They have done it before many times in fact, you can spot it by the pride that goes before the fall. All you have to do is look its in front of your face every day. Is being used something to take pride in? you will see liars here pay attention.
I'm used to pissing people off. So here goes, this is going to hit you the wrong way also, the subject is pride. As I watch the gradual decline of our “society” I ponder some of the observations I've made that bring sadness to my heart. Pride goes before the fall I've heard told, and if thats true we are in for a world of hurt. I wonder what people are so proud of, the ability to live your lives in peace , even the ability to speak “your piece”. That doesn't seem to be our future, why can't we work our problems out? Is it the government that is causing the problems, are they rigging the game so you always lose? Why after so many elections and political games have we not been able to take control of our futures, is it because we have no plan and they do? The “ram pit “pride being expressed by most Americans today is quite sick from my point of view. Are you proud to live in a society so self absorbed that it can not see its own future , even after they have shown the plans. Is it appropriate to sit back and wave the flag, to support our troops who are giving their lives for a lie? Who really is responsible for 911 , and why can we not get the answers to simple questions, is this something to be prideful in? Its like watching an alcoholic tell you they are not a drunk and don't have any problems , with the exception of you! Your the problem because your not proud to be deceived and used .Controlled and manipulated by a cabal that intends to turn the masses into engineered slaves to serve the elite, in their pursuit of eternal life at your expense and labor of course. Is that something to be proud of, the fact that you've been trained to fallow, wow best sheep they have ever eaten. They have done it before many times in fact, you can spot it by the pride that goes before the fall. All you have to do is look its in front of your face every day. Is being used something to take pride in? you will see liars here pay attention.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
hope it helps
Where do you find hope? There are many who are awakening, this is happening for several reasons, one is the effort put forth by individual heroes and some groups, these people and groups are trying to put the truth out through a world of corruption . We have sold our souls so to speak , but don't feel bad you can get it back if you please. You might have sold it because you feel it is worthless, its not worthless just sick. The sickness is not even your fault but the result of a very long game of deception and manipulation. We have all been lied to from our first perceptions of life, yes it started when we where little bitty babies, and our parents gave us language, the tool that changes the future. Language only has one use, that is to change the future, starting by knowing the past. You might not believe this but it's true our language was given to control us, our tools to describe this physical formation we call the world , earth or space, have been limited from the start. most of our language and systems were foisted on us from a small group or cabal that has controlled the world from the very beginning, all our language is based on law and the occult. You might not think these are the same but they are and they have used clever tricks to keep you from realizing this.
From the very beginning people have been manipulated into artificial zones known as cities, this was for safety reasons, at least this is what you have been taught, but most the time it is just to control the populations efforts and labors to support this elite cabal that claims the right to decide the destiny of earth. A caste system where there are just enough workers to continue the sciences, so that this elite can become immortal, and never have to lift a finger, because they have studied our psychological responses and can play us like a musical instrument. Oh yes you must become aware we are nothing more then cattle or food for these little deceivers, they feed off our time and energy to promote their agenda, you want to stop or change the direction that the world is going you'll have to unplug. I wish I could say this is easy, but we all know it is not, the controls have been in place for a long time and people don't want to face the awful truths, they would rather hang on to their artificial system then do the work them selfs. If you have been paying attention, you can see were we got our first warning, in the word, whats one of the first group prayers that is answered? You might recall the "Jewish " peoples wanted a king like all the others around them, and gods response, Ok but I warned you? You have heard it before watch what you pray for.
Now I'll come back to the idea of hope, it comes from inside you, when you connect to the truth you will have hope. At first it seems very hopeless and dark but you must be able to pass through this to find true light. The light that is being caste across the planet now is artificial but you can connect with real truth, and real answers if you look in side. You must know your self, because we are connected to truth, and your life experience is to help you confront this truth, you are responsible for your actions. There will be no excuses that you were deceived or just fallowing orders given by the people attempting to bring the world to total submission. You might run up against this idea in your journeys and interaction from other people, you can think of it as the greater good religion of this rock. If you want to know just how far off this idea is from the truth, think of the Aztecs where they would sacrifice them selves in honor, or prisoners and slaves(cattle), for their gods, mostly to insure the future ,good weather, good crops, favors from the gods, the power to war?. You might not realize but your still being sacrificed for the greater good "elites who want to live for ever". You don't think so look at Egypt for a little while, they killed their servants when they died, so they would have service in the after life. The goal has been the same for thousands of years to use science to prolong the lives of the elite and provide the science that allows a small group to control the cattle, which don't even like to be compared to sheep. They have used the same game all through their ages, systems of control, fear is the primary tool, the fear of loosing your life your wealth your family and friends your comfortable system of pleasures, entertainment security.
They have reached a point where science can match their wills, and they have enough science to try and control the whole world. There is just one little problem, individuals with their own souls and light that are not going to cooperate, free thinkers that have been watching and know the plan and the time. The one thing they don't want you to discover is that you have the ability and right to change your future. They are relying on their useful idiots, the ones that would control others to climb the ladder of the pyramids, which will never reach the top, thats why the cap stone is separated, the main portion is controlled by an elite ruling class that has separated them selfs from the masses and given the illusion that if you march up their pyramid you will be close to them, but you will always be separate. This is the biggest lie, they are no better then you or I and in fact are much more dysfunctional, they can't even work for them selfs they need you the useful idiots to service them. The problem now is useful idiots, you need to separate your self from them, allot of people are going to give their lives to save a system that is artificial and is purposely being flipped. While this is going on they will hide in their little caves and underground cities they have prepared for them selfs, they plan on missing the coming storm, the terror they are creating and the cosmic influences that they can not control. The only thing I can tell you that might help you understand is that there is a force that answers prayers, I believe this force is in direct contact with everything that has a soul, it works by whispering to other souls, to teach them to reach out and help others. You need to start listening and feeling with your heart and your gut, your not going to like my example but do you remember WACO and the branch Davidian, do you remember a feeling in the gut that something was terribly terribly wrong, did you feel it? Do you know why you felt it, did it hurt?, god never acts without giving a few warnings, you need to be able to feel what is right and what is wrong, there is no truth to the greater good religion, god respects the individual enough to give all free will, learn to use it or lose it. There are some that will never understand this , they are not willing to admit there is a problem with cold blooded killing of individuals that do not subscribe to their beliefs, there for you wave a flag and claim a right under law, what law? Everything they ever told you was a lie and you should have seen or felt it during Waco , there is no world where that was right for any reason, and you will see it repeated again. What are you going to tell me that David K was a danger to the world because people believed in what he had to say or the way they choose to live, don't you see who the danger to the world is ?
From the very beginning people have been manipulated into artificial zones known as cities, this was for safety reasons, at least this is what you have been taught, but most the time it is just to control the populations efforts and labors to support this elite cabal that claims the right to decide the destiny of earth. A caste system where there are just enough workers to continue the sciences, so that this elite can become immortal, and never have to lift a finger, because they have studied our psychological responses and can play us like a musical instrument. Oh yes you must become aware we are nothing more then cattle or food for these little deceivers, they feed off our time and energy to promote their agenda, you want to stop or change the direction that the world is going you'll have to unplug. I wish I could say this is easy, but we all know it is not, the controls have been in place for a long time and people don't want to face the awful truths, they would rather hang on to their artificial system then do the work them selfs. If you have been paying attention, you can see were we got our first warning, in the word, whats one of the first group prayers that is answered? You might recall the "Jewish " peoples wanted a king like all the others around them, and gods response, Ok but I warned you? You have heard it before watch what you pray for.
Now I'll come back to the idea of hope, it comes from inside you, when you connect to the truth you will have hope. At first it seems very hopeless and dark but you must be able to pass through this to find true light. The light that is being caste across the planet now is artificial but you can connect with real truth, and real answers if you look in side. You must know your self, because we are connected to truth, and your life experience is to help you confront this truth, you are responsible for your actions. There will be no excuses that you were deceived or just fallowing orders given by the people attempting to bring the world to total submission. You might run up against this idea in your journeys and interaction from other people, you can think of it as the greater good religion of this rock. If you want to know just how far off this idea is from the truth, think of the Aztecs where they would sacrifice them selves in honor, or prisoners and slaves(cattle), for their gods, mostly to insure the future ,good weather, good crops, favors from the gods, the power to war?. You might not realize but your still being sacrificed for the greater good "elites who want to live for ever". You don't think so look at Egypt for a little while, they killed their servants when they died, so they would have service in the after life. The goal has been the same for thousands of years to use science to prolong the lives of the elite and provide the science that allows a small group to control the cattle, which don't even like to be compared to sheep. They have used the same game all through their ages, systems of control, fear is the primary tool, the fear of loosing your life your wealth your family and friends your comfortable system of pleasures, entertainment security.
They have reached a point where science can match their wills, and they have enough science to try and control the whole world. There is just one little problem, individuals with their own souls and light that are not going to cooperate, free thinkers that have been watching and know the plan and the time. The one thing they don't want you to discover is that you have the ability and right to change your future. They are relying on their useful idiots, the ones that would control others to climb the ladder of the pyramids, which will never reach the top, thats why the cap stone is separated, the main portion is controlled by an elite ruling class that has separated them selfs from the masses and given the illusion that if you march up their pyramid you will be close to them, but you will always be separate. This is the biggest lie, they are no better then you or I and in fact are much more dysfunctional, they can't even work for them selfs they need you the useful idiots to service them. The problem now is useful idiots, you need to separate your self from them, allot of people are going to give their lives to save a system that is artificial and is purposely being flipped. While this is going on they will hide in their little caves and underground cities they have prepared for them selfs, they plan on missing the coming storm, the terror they are creating and the cosmic influences that they can not control. The only thing I can tell you that might help you understand is that there is a force that answers prayers, I believe this force is in direct contact with everything that has a soul, it works by whispering to other souls, to teach them to reach out and help others. You need to start listening and feeling with your heart and your gut, your not going to like my example but do you remember WACO and the branch Davidian, do you remember a feeling in the gut that something was terribly terribly wrong, did you feel it? Do you know why you felt it, did it hurt?, god never acts without giving a few warnings, you need to be able to feel what is right and what is wrong, there is no truth to the greater good religion, god respects the individual enough to give all free will, learn to use it or lose it. There are some that will never understand this , they are not willing to admit there is a problem with cold blooded killing of individuals that do not subscribe to their beliefs, there for you wave a flag and claim a right under law, what law? Everything they ever told you was a lie and you should have seen or felt it during Waco , there is no world where that was right for any reason, and you will see it repeated again. What are you going to tell me that David K was a danger to the world because people believed in what he had to say or the way they choose to live, don't you see who the danger to the world is ?
Friday, November 10, 2006
OK no more cheerleading go to the end of page this is a good example of, staying on coarse know who and what you are dealing with CENSORSHIP AND MEDIA CONTROL are being used against you now you need to break free the guys always on target lots of new stuff consider purchasing some of his work its solid and full of little notes that tie together, big picture guy with lots of references he can save you much time gathering information you need to know. The question is not who or why but how are you going to resist if you don’t even know who your enemy is? Wake up things are going to start moving right along . SAME GOAL SAME GAME SAME PLAYERS the guys always on target lots of new stuff consider purchasing some of his work its solid and full of little notes that tie together, big picture guy with lots of references he can save you much time gathering information you need to know. The question is not who or why but how are you going to resist if you don’t even know who your enemy is? Wake up things are going to start moving right along . SAME GOAL SAME GAME SAME PLAYERS
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
It's absolutely madding to deal with the human species today , there are so many things that are broken or about to brake , things don't even seem to work on the most basic level. Where I live you can't even drive on the road at certain times, it's amazing the thundering herd the dash to brake lights , the morons that can't drive or can't recognize one way streets, stop signs and lights. Then you have the businesses that you wonder how they can get anything done, I'm mean from fast food, auto parts , gas to the stupid market, its really bad in my neighbor hood. I go to the auto club today to save time, take an offer to renew go cashier she puts my name into computer and tells me to sit and wait for somebody from insurance to deal with me, as I'm sitting there looking at the crowd waiting to take care of DMV matters , which was the reason I wanted to save time. There is the line of faces about six in line at desk another three or four as the door opens and another enters the line to check in. I ponder am I really going to save time, I was a member up till last renewal, I didn't renew because the place kept getting slower and I was getting tired of these idiots trying to pitch me their insurance, which every time I checked was three to four hundred more then I was paying. I'm setting there realizing all I wanted to do was pay my dues, check in , and show an insurance card, that had been holding up a matter. All I have to do is show some DMV authority that I have my insurance card which I've had all along, but misplaced a couple of times . I had renewed on line, insurance cards seem to be some kind of on-line problem, I mean in a day and age where they track your every freaking purchase, on-line transaction, track what you doing practically every minute of the day, you can't get your insurance verified on-line, even if you only deal with your insurance on-line. Progress I'm less then impressed.
Then there's the meter maids busy little bees in our town , which is down with extorting a buck where ever it can, you see it's a business not a city. Basic purpose is to make your life an endless mind numbing choir of moving cars for street sweeping , this is to keep the creeks clean which we have a habit of remodeling. Yep that's right we remodel our creeks , this place is all about remodels. I guess the creeks don't work, water must be having a hard time making it down hill. Actually it's about renaturalizing the creeks, I guess after a couple of hundred years of nature doing its thing it didn't get it quite right. You see we remodel the natural water features, don't get me wrong we got plenty of creeks covered in concrete. Those aren't the problem apparently its the ones mother nature has been in charge of that are the culprits and are destroying our beaches. I guess it must be some kind of special science were you improve what is natural so you don't have to really address the problems. I mean no problem that the freeway drains in to our creeks and bird refugee, I mean street sweeping will fix it even if we don't sweep all the streets, the ones we do kick that dust right up and you can easily wash it off your house and cars right back into the street. Of course its only the poor sections of town that get the special treatment, no parking 1 AM to 4 AM . You know we all got tickets one night I mean every body couple hundred cars , no warning no notice, you see they had put up signs, and stopped for a while to placate the richer areas that were complaining about signs. So I guess they got mad came back to my neighbor hood and unleash the dogs. I fought the tickets (three all my cars were parked in front of my house), you have to jump through five hoops just to get to court, first a couple of letters, which where pretty basic, hey? how about the warning you were suppose to give us, the one you told the paper you where going to do? the one that said you were giving before you gave out tickets, you were going to give us a couple of warnings. Screw that you live on the poor side of town. They used to just play shoot the fish in the barrel, most in the area are poor working class some came out late to move cars .( OOPS shouldn't had that beer, bang big bucks big trouble) or send your buddy or wife who doesn't have papers bang again . This went on for a while, all the peasants scaling around moving their cars and making trouble in the wee hours, it was freaking pathetic a real rulers holiday. I'm starting to really find the freaks in uniform unsettling authoritarians. Make the problem and solve it at the same time, easy pickings and definitely more than happy to service the needs of the city , must feed on poor feed on poor, more more more.
Anyway it pissed me off so I jumped through all the hoops, and got to court. First they try to tell me I'm in the wrong court. Well I got me here this piece of paper, show it to the court guard, yep its like its got this address and court number, oh I guess you weren't expecting me ? Judge looks at me says city is not here, I respond its OK I'll wait had to take the day off for this anyway. So they call around and can't find anyone, their all out to lunch sucking down drinks, can't be bothered to show up. Judge looks at me says your lucky day you win , then adds "usually you wouldn't" , this meat head hasn't even heard what I have to say yet, must think I'm some kind of idiot fighting a parking ticket, hasn't heard shit and knows it all. So I ask to get on the record nope , don't need to, you won. But I want to get on the record! nope he has already ruled I've won and that's it. I mean I might have showed up not looking like I had anything to offer, came in work clothes. I guaranty if I had gotten on the record the city would have some splanin to do. I guess that's why they couldn't show up. I have news paper clippings and clipped notices of record , about 7 code sections, and another 5 subsections all covering the issue, which was the warning, and counted that they broke the laws of the state of California at least three times. There are specific section covering the entire matter including times and zone allowed plus public input and restrictions in residential neighbor hoods.
Well their playing the same game in the harbor and anchorage and this time I'm going to be on the record. Did the California coastal commission think I spent 3 bucks for certified mail for shits and giggles, geez what's up with you clowns ? If I where you I'd at least take the time to respond, and I know there are a few others out there that aren't happy with your dog a pony shows . So ignore me at your own risk I've learned a few things and this is going to be fun. I don't care who I piss off, rules are rules and they apply to your silly ass just like mine . You are willfully committing crimes and endorsing the sale of public property , everything I stated in my first letter to the army corp. of engineers ....and more. YOU WILL SHOW UP ALL OF YOU, stupid is as stupid does. see yawl. PULL your heads out of the sand SANTA BARBARA.
Shout out to Stephanie Miller on KING- "you go with that" nice, agreed- way to stand MOMMA.
And the ED HEAD did OK, at least compared to the morons on the split screen, geez what a looser that clown was, really made Ed look pretty sharp. I didn't realize there were even bigger "BONE" heads....... that cretin gave BILLY OLYLEE credibility.
DEMOCRATS in elections keep your mouth shut so we can get our county back. Let the idiots have the stage they are killing them selves. NANCY PELOSI SHUT YOUR HOLE some of the real conservatives are thinking of going your way but not if your shooting for the same bury your head in the sand bullshit that you've been pulling off, you worthless shill.
It's absolutely madding to deal with the human species today , there are so many things that are broken or about to brake , things don't even seem to work on the most basic level. Where I live you can't even drive on the road at certain times, it's amazing the thundering herd the dash to brake lights , the morons that can't drive or can't recognize one way streets, stop signs and lights. Then you have the businesses that you wonder how they can get anything done, I'm mean from fast food, auto parts , gas to the stupid market, its really bad in my neighbor hood. I go to the auto club today to save time, take an offer to renew go cashier she puts my name into computer and tells me to sit and wait for somebody from insurance to deal with me, as I'm sitting there looking at the crowd waiting to take care of DMV matters , which was the reason I wanted to save time. There is the line of faces about six in line at desk another three or four as the door opens and another enters the line to check in. I ponder am I really going to save time, I was a member up till last renewal, I didn't renew because the place kept getting slower and I was getting tired of these idiots trying to pitch me their insurance, which every time I checked was three to four hundred more then I was paying. I'm setting there realizing all I wanted to do was pay my dues, check in , and show an insurance card, that had been holding up a matter. All I have to do is show some DMV authority that I have my insurance card which I've had all along, but misplaced a couple of times . I had renewed on line, insurance cards seem to be some kind of on-line problem, I mean in a day and age where they track your every freaking purchase, on-line transaction, track what you doing practically every minute of the day, you can't get your insurance verified on-line, even if you only deal with your insurance on-line. Progress I'm less then impressed.
Then there's the meter maids busy little bees in our town , which is down with extorting a buck where ever it can, you see it's a business not a city. Basic purpose is to make your life an endless mind numbing choir of moving cars for street sweeping , this is to keep the creeks clean which we have a habit of remodeling. Yep that's right we remodel our creeks , this place is all about remodels. I guess the creeks don't work, water must be having a hard time making it down hill. Actually it's about renaturalizing the creeks, I guess after a couple of hundred years of nature doing its thing it didn't get it quite right. You see we remodel the natural water features, don't get me wrong we got plenty of creeks covered in concrete. Those aren't the problem apparently its the ones mother nature has been in charge of that are the culprits and are destroying our beaches. I guess it must be some kind of special science were you improve what is natural so you don't have to really address the problems. I mean no problem that the freeway drains in to our creeks and bird refugee, I mean street sweeping will fix it even if we don't sweep all the streets, the ones we do kick that dust right up and you can easily wash it off your house and cars right back into the street. Of course its only the poor sections of town that get the special treatment, no parking 1 AM to 4 AM . You know we all got tickets one night I mean every body couple hundred cars , no warning no notice, you see they had put up signs, and stopped for a while to placate the richer areas that were complaining about signs. So I guess they got mad came back to my neighbor hood and unleash the dogs. I fought the tickets (three all my cars were parked in front of my house), you have to jump through five hoops just to get to court, first a couple of letters, which where pretty basic, hey? how about the warning you were suppose to give us, the one you told the paper you where going to do? the one that said you were giving before you gave out tickets, you were going to give us a couple of warnings. Screw that you live on the poor side of town. They used to just play shoot the fish in the barrel, most in the area are poor working class some came out late to move cars .( OOPS shouldn't had that beer, bang big bucks big trouble) or send your buddy or wife who doesn't have papers bang again . This went on for a while, all the peasants scaling around moving their cars and making trouble in the wee hours, it was freaking pathetic a real rulers holiday. I'm starting to really find the freaks in uniform unsettling authoritarians. Make the problem and solve it at the same time, easy pickings and definitely more than happy to service the needs of the city , must feed on poor feed on poor, more more more.
Anyway it pissed me off so I jumped through all the hoops, and got to court. First they try to tell me I'm in the wrong court. Well I got me here this piece of paper, show it to the court guard, yep its like its got this address and court number, oh I guess you weren't expecting me ? Judge looks at me says city is not here, I respond its OK I'll wait had to take the day off for this anyway. So they call around and can't find anyone, their all out to lunch sucking down drinks, can't be bothered to show up. Judge looks at me says your lucky day you win , then adds "usually you wouldn't" , this meat head hasn't even heard what I have to say yet, must think I'm some kind of idiot fighting a parking ticket, hasn't heard shit and knows it all. So I ask to get on the record nope , don't need to, you won. But I want to get on the record! nope he has already ruled I've won and that's it. I mean I might have showed up not looking like I had anything to offer, came in work clothes. I guaranty if I had gotten on the record the city would have some splanin to do. I guess that's why they couldn't show up. I have news paper clippings and clipped notices of record , about 7 code sections, and another 5 subsections all covering the issue, which was the warning, and counted that they broke the laws of the state of California at least three times. There are specific section covering the entire matter including times and zone allowed plus public input and restrictions in residential neighbor hoods.
Well their playing the same game in the harbor and anchorage and this time I'm going to be on the record. Did the California coastal commission think I spent 3 bucks for certified mail for shits and giggles, geez what's up with you clowns ? If I where you I'd at least take the time to respond, and I know there are a few others out there that aren't happy with your dog a pony shows . So ignore me at your own risk I've learned a few things and this is going to be fun. I don't care who I piss off, rules are rules and they apply to your silly ass just like mine . You are willfully committing crimes and endorsing the sale of public property , everything I stated in my first letter to the army corp. of engineers ....and more. YOU WILL SHOW UP ALL OF YOU, stupid is as stupid does. see yawl. PULL your heads out of the sand SANTA BARBARA.
Shout out to Stephanie Miller on KING- "you go with that" nice, agreed- way to stand MOMMA.
And the ED HEAD did OK, at least compared to the morons on the split screen, geez what a looser that clown was, really made Ed look pretty sharp. I didn't realize there were even bigger "BONE" heads....... that cretin gave BILLY OLYLEE credibility.
DEMOCRATS in elections keep your mouth shut so we can get our county back. Let the idiots have the stage they are killing them selves. NANCY PELOSI SHUT YOUR HOLE some of the real conservatives are thinking of going your way but not if your shooting for the same bury your head in the sand bullshit that you've been pulling off, you worthless shill.
Monday, October 02, 2006
TRUTH SPOKEN CLEARLY well spoken , mind candy of truth found in these words.
Friday, September 29, 2006
ED Schultz
ED Schultz , you know I would with out mercy tool this guy, today no, he hit the mark on a couple of important issues and didn’t have to cover any democratic asses, lucky to day we have a large hypocrite republican that bites the dust. The listeners as usual helped quite a bit but Ed did a good job painting the brood and general picture of the republican camp. He also seems to be listening a little better or more, he supports open "mike" and I didn’t catch him trying to herd his callers today, maybe he figured they didn’t need it. He did talk fish today but it was in a political context, and he had some good questions and seemed to genuinely want to know what and why. (even offered to test a fish , good , science not always bad ) Habeas corpus was brought back up and ED did realize that this is a very big issue, he told you the cold hard facts. This is not America anymore, at least not the one that many thousands died defending our rights. Imagine all the fallen soldiers rolling in their graves, for the way the population at large is so self centered, ignorant and lazy when it comes to defending freedom. I guess I would tool Ed a little on one of his later callers , who tried to make ED aware of the "bone head club", but I really think Ed already hangs out at the grove, so you can’t expect him to bite the hand that feeds him. For the caller and others who fallow, keep up the pressure and maybe ED boy will get off his denial ass and start looking at the facts that are freely available to all that have the mind to find out, Bohemian Groove, Franklin sex cover up. Hey ED BOY do you know who KAY GRIGGS is, maybe you should find out, then maybe you’ll be able to talk with some of your more informed listeners.
Air almost America today, Miller funny as usual I’m amazed that we can find humor in this situation, but it is going to be important to be able to laugh off the things you cannot change and work on the ones you can. The Ed Head usual also, not sure if this guy really believes what he’s pumping , maybe he’s just being used but it’s the Order of the Rose camp. He has gotten a bit more careful in his “great work” language but don’t be fooled. Today a woman was on, saying she was just plain tired of what was going on and democrats should “filler buster” (I know that’s not correct but neither is torture) and take a stand . She thought that she should have the right to know who was not defending the constitution, a very sound political point of view. Ed responds with a framing question ignoring what the woman had just said and sets her up like this. “Your a boots on the ground democrat, first time caller and your ready to throw the entire party under the bus for just this one issue? She didn’t realized she had been tooled and framed and said she was a fighter and would stay the course, a good democrat. Nice work bringing the herd back together, don’t you think she had a valid point? Should we know who is representing us and throwing us under the DAMN bus. If your going to play with the fat head keep in mind his goal to keep the wool in your eyes. Why doesn’t some one bring up the world can’t wait issue on Oct. 5th , and see what the man has to say ? I can hear it now stay the course stick with me and my other BONE HEAD friends. You notice how this BOY has great access to some of the biggest stooges in government, why do you think that is??? Oh poor old truck driving EDDIE, no time for tee now but you always have more time to talk sports and food then talking about real issues, DOWN TOWN CIRCUS CLOWN. “ Every second counts” except for the three hours of sleep herding, on the only radio coming close to questioning authority. Tool this idiot off the air before he does real damage you have the right to be heard not herded. I will give Ed this much he does appear to take cold calls on an open “mike” , you can tell because allot of the listeners are much sharper the “Head”. The last caller on the show had a good comment on A. Lincoln, and his biggest regret. Ed stopped and thought about it and realized what a piercing truth it was. Lincoln though his biggest failure was the compromise of HABAS CORPUS- where is the body and why are you holding it? Our do nothing political machine just ran the torture for freedom crap through like it was going through a goose. I don’t care who wins control of our government as long as no one incumbent is returned from all parties they are less then zero’s , I guess this is why The FAT HEAD ED likes the clowns they make him look half way smart.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
in time plug in at 1.40 you'll get whats going on
you really need to spend some time with Alan Watt cutting through matrix- very good on the spell caste - highly recommend
also Micheal Trasion and 2012 the future of mankind its on google it sure would be nice to See these two play well together you know the concept.
Synonyms: accessory, adjuvant, agreeing, ancillary, associated with, associative, attendant, attending, belonging, coefficient, coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, coincident, coincidental, collateral, complementary, concordant, concurrent, conjoined, connected, contemporaneous, contemporary, coordinate, corollary, coterminous, coupled with, fellow, in tempo, in time, incident, isochronal, isochronous, joint, satellite, synchronal, synchronous, synergetic, synergistic
Antonyms: accidental, chance, unrelated
THE TWIST-- one more hint from my boy J TITOR
did I mention TITOR lied about some things and not others do you know what he lied about........
CFM 3 place your head to your right shoulder. Can you see a LIAR..... no time machine that can reach back 2000 years......hummmmmmmm OPP..... hint hint goose
object width="425" height="350">
I've had to correct all my post today I hope I finally got it write so I to am an idiot but at least I'm trying and this guy being an MBA makes me feel better how about you - I know I'll figure the link thing out sooner or later got it right at beginning-
you really need to spend some time with Alan Watt cutting through matrix- very good on the spell caste - highly recommend
also Micheal Trasion and 2012 the future of mankind its on google it sure would be nice to See these two play well together you know the concept.
Synonyms: accessory, adjuvant, agreeing, ancillary, associated with, associative, attendant, attending, belonging, coefficient, coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, coincident, coincidental, collateral, complementary, concordant, concurrent, conjoined, connected, contemporaneous, contemporary, coordinate, corollary, coterminous, coupled with, fellow, in tempo, in time, incident, isochronal, isochronous, joint, satellite, synchronal, synchronous, synergetic, synergistic
Antonyms: accidental, chance, unrelated
THE TWIST-- one more hint from my boy J TITOR
did I mention TITOR lied about some things and not others do you know what he lied about........
CFM 3 place your head to your right shoulder. Can you see a LIAR..... no time machine that can reach back 2000 years......hummmmmmmm OPP..... hint hint goose
object width="425" height="350">
I've had to correct all my post today I hope I finally got it write so I to am an idiot but at least I'm trying and this guy being an MBA makes me feel better how about you - I know I'll figure the link thing out sooner or later got it right at beginning-
between the lines
Couple of comments about the JOHN TITOR events. I believe in time travel, I think that what most people believe to be UFOs are really time devices. You should really read titor your self and don’t take it at face value but learn to look at the entire picture, this includes language style, look for things that are broken or shortened. In general your going to have to learn to find answers in what is said verses what is not said, titor was warming you up for the fact that you will only get real information by learning to hear (see- view) or realize what is implied, if you know how titor worked it will help you understand what is coming at you through all media forms. TITOR lied through his teeth on a bunch of real stuff , the question was why, he didn’t need to lie about anything? right?. OK you need a hint - how about you think of one small part of the story the fax to ART BELL (no comment on A.B.......and that should be enough). If you take the time to find the fax and read it , you might realize some things on your own. One thing was this was suppose an after thought from original post, he jumped back to send fax to Art, now the whole time titor is chatting people are begging for a future prediction (near future event to verify story). Titor never gives the crowd what it wants, a lot of people decide this makes him a fake. So TITOR who will not give a future prediction just paints the shadow and a few lines to define it , you don’t think so. If you read the fax answer me one question what was it TITOR said that was a stand out difference in time line-from fax.
JT fax ART smell “Some interesting outcomes of this are; you meet yourself. I have done it often. Even taken a younger version of myself along for a few rides before returning myself to the new timeline and going back to mine.
You can alter history in the new universe
that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. The oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York.
are you getting it yet? remember the paradox...each time you travel you create a new world time line because the machine is now in the time line. Your going to move your past self? To a past or future time this doubles the paradox right?
You might also note the comment on saving information off the “BOX” I have discussed this before you are no longer safe on the web what you think is the web has been mirrored but not quite world wide yet.... the key term being yet. You just need to realize that contact through the web needs to be really through the lines and some people are being tracked more then others, believe me I have nothing to lose and know exactly what is going on here.
there are some who are never going to realize how bad things have gotten until it is way to late, their are people who watch the television and never see between the lines. People who have learned to read between the lines have learned that this applies to all media, because it is all generated for control. If you could teach your self to see through the lines of the titor event you might just be able to figure out what your bible(the WORD) is trying to tell you.
JT fax ART smell “Some interesting outcomes of this are; you meet yourself. I have done it often. Even taken a younger version of myself along for a few rides before returning myself to the new timeline and going back to mine.
You can alter history in the new universe
that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. The oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York.
are you getting it yet? remember the paradox...each time you travel you create a new world time line because the machine is now in the time line. Your going to move your past self? To a past or future time this doubles the paradox right?
You might also note the comment on saving information off the “BOX” I have discussed this before you are no longer safe on the web what you think is the web has been mirrored but not quite world wide yet.... the key term being yet. You just need to realize that contact through the web needs to be really through the lines and some people are being tracked more then others, believe me I have nothing to lose and know exactly what is going on here.
there are some who are never going to realize how bad things have gotten until it is way to late, their are people who watch the television and never see between the lines. People who have learned to read between the lines have learned that this applies to all media, because it is all generated for control. If you could teach your self to see through the lines of the titor event you might just be able to figure out what your bible(the WORD) is trying to tell you.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Micheal T
I think you can see this coming now .... Michael Tsarion gives a talk at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles
By the way there are two Alan Watts one has been around a while and is dead (zen side). The other Alan WATT(matrix) is alive and very much active in trying to educate as many as have the mind to listen. I've bought his work and trust me I don't support many so called thinkers and their works, but this guy has "real cliff notes "- I highly recommend your support of his work, this gentle man has a real good handle on everything I've tried to cover in my attempt at throwing cold water in the the faces of the sleeping masses. Don't get lost in who is pulling the string but more why and what your going to do to become unbound and break away from the DEVIants (devil ants) the pale ones.(Kay GRIGGS) There is more fact in mythology then our media today , try not to be pinned by beliefs that are not your own. Use your heart and ask your higher power for the truth and you shall have the tools you need to remain free. We are all trying to apply the breaks to the coming train wreck, dig your mind in now , you can only hide from your self not the world there is no place to run, but places to remain save for a short time. I think democracy is the "devils cry given to us by devi-ants who live inside the earth(Mount Weather) ) and they would really like us to bee hav in their bee hive they call the cities of light. Artificial control to steal your time your energy and your mind.
By the way there are two Alan Watts one has been around a while and is dead (zen side). The other Alan WATT(matrix) is alive and very much active in trying to educate as many as have the mind to listen. I've bought his work and trust me I don't support many so called thinkers and their works, but this guy has "real cliff notes "- I highly recommend your support of his work, this gentle man has a real good handle on everything I've tried to cover in my attempt at throwing cold water in the the faces of the sleeping masses. Don't get lost in who is pulling the string but more why and what your going to do to become unbound and break away from the DEVIants (devil ants) the pale ones.(Kay GRIGGS) There is more fact in mythology then our media today , try not to be pinned by beliefs that are not your own. Use your heart and ask your higher power for the truth and you shall have the tools you need to remain free. We are all trying to apply the breaks to the coming train wreck, dig your mind in now , you can only hide from your self not the world there is no place to run, but places to remain save for a short time. I think democracy is the "devils cry given to us by devi-ants who live inside the earth(Mount Weather) ) and they would really like us to bee hav in their bee hive they call the cities of light. Artificial control to steal your time your energy and your mind.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
PLAY HOUSE DOWN 1 Titor right Brainoil
Here's to MIKE MALLOY and all the others that suffer corporate manipulation at the hands of PIN HEADS. Corporate shills- are destroying America- another one bites the dust, Your heroes are being silenced don't lose track of the truth- Air America is part of the controlled media game backed with posers like FAT HEAD ED. Pick your own heroes don't let morons run the show, part of the players not the solution. CORPORATE AMERICA YOU WILL NOT SILENCE TRUTH. |
Friday, September 22, 2006
MS. MILLER maybe you could explain one thing- during your show we pretty much realize that everything that comes from the current administration is a lie, you can tell they are lying their lips are moving, they lie about everything except what happened on 911 ???????????????? In high school you might have heard about a concept called potential energy ( that’s the energy supplied by gravity working with mass- it is a simple concept) Now when three buildings are suppose to have been knocked down by two planes, the building falling at the speed of gravity turning to dust indicates an instantaneous release of energy, the buildings seem to have fallen down with no apparent mechanical resistance? this left a heat signature that could be spotted from space not to mention molten steel in the basement.? with no resistance how did this happen? Apparently a group of towel heads in caves have such incredible powers that they can internally control our air space like no other time in history, they made tons of money on stock options, and can control our government so we can not see any of the evidence? Do us a favor and spend more time with your dogs and less with your box o wine. |
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
PLAY HOUSE DOWN PHD 4 BrainOIL TITOR right Announcing a Day of Mass Resistance: OCTOBER 5, 2006 BRING THIS TO A HALT! You need to take control of your lives now or lose them- If your having a problem understanding what is going on here try ALAN WATT (MATRIX) NWO ICKE JONES WATT MAXWELL HILDER MARRS COOPER |
KISS Ten Brainoil TITOR right
NWO , MIND CONTROL , Deception , 6500 years of manipulation and illusions when will we STOP THE INSANITY , Alan Watt , Jordan Maxwell , Alex Jones , Icke , WATCHERS , FREEDOM , LIBERTY OR DEATH , |
Save the BBQ, is a hot progressive issue? Whats the matter truth to hard to handle? Meat heads like ED can't really let you think about truth because he has told you his product comes first - not the truth. KEEP spreading the fertilizer BEAN HEAD you make FOX seem inclusive. NWO , MIND CONTROL While ED head and Miles Obin lyin were telling you any clown could have flown planes into the pentagon and towers they seem to leave quite a few facts unquestioned if these BOYS are skilled observers, we might as while turn the air lines over to PETER PAN and TINKER BELL if we have not already, in the mean time INDY MEDIA is questioning the science of the official propaganda reports , Deception , 6500 years of manipulation and illusions when will we STOP THE INSANITY , Alan Watt(matrix) , Jordan Maxwell , Alex Jones , Icke , WATCHERS , FREEDOM , LIBERTY OR DEATH , TEXE MARRS, Anthony Hilder, Out of Box ,The Prophecy Club, Lone Lantern, Class War, civil war |
Progressive radio it is like watching WWF poser wrestling, the only good parts are the "glow girls" with their brass ovaries, mamma Steff and her voice monkey (Jim Ward - who's been trying his best to break through to the truth, its hard when the whole world still thinks it's flat); and of course Randi who seems to be the only media personality that has the time to read the definition of Fascism. Smack in the middle is the tool that is to control the movement of thought FAT HEAD ED. If this guys not Bill Olylees brother he sure wants to be. I was listening to him try to take on a Moslem girl who might have had something worth listening to if the "fat head" wasn't so busy doing his Hannity run em over with gibberish replication (they all fall back on the same control techniques, the weak minded ones). If you listen to this pin head awhile you'll get the game, its almost straight from the MURDOCH play book, you know the one they run on the fair and balanced poohwork. This guy is like the controlled debate, you can't ask any tough questions and if you sound like your going to make ED out to be the poser tool that he is you get run over. This guys easy to understand, he can't let you get any where near the truth about what happened on 911, because if you knew he could not control you and that would make him an ineffective tool, and he would have to suck some other asses to make his bacon. No matter what, this guy is always going to try to pull you back in the game, that is his job, he is not there for debate or truth . He is there so you keep your eye on the poser wrestling match we call government, its an old majik or illusionist stage trick, he keeps you occupied while others are working behind the scenes, and when the surprise is unleashed, he goes imagine that who could have known? The example today was an easy one to spot, we have to stop Iran or they will supply the terrorist!. Really Ed? let me see if I have this right if Iran continues with its nuclear program they will sell terrorist the materials to make a bomb that they will smuggle into the USA. Huuuuummmmmm that seems like a little bit of a run around, because I remember the Russians telling us they lost track of some of their suite case nukes, at least a dozen or so, about 10 years back, so if the terrorist want a bomb why don't they buy one of the ones that's floating free around the planet now. Why go through all that work , is it because our government has already placed these nukes in central locations that will help eliminate the resistance to the NEW WORLD ORDER, whom seem to be the owners of Ed's fat ass. You don't think so? listen to the phases this guy coughs up; level headed squared off, he is down with the idea of the draft so that they get some skin in the game? Right like George W Bush sitting Vietnam out or Chaney with the rich boy deferment, like a draft is going to send the rich to fight, since when? This is the same clown who gave you the other "Bone Head" Kerry to listen to his spew on stay the course, dying for the rich elite is your responsibility.(your patriotic responsibility, are you a nationalist- down with the new corporate Fascist pride- come on you to can be paid to produce bullturds). You notice how people who cry the most about freedom are willing to do the least. This toilet floater has taken at least 15 minutes to focus the few brain cells still stuck from rolling out his empty head, to look in to the 911 events , he couldn't spot anything that raises an eye brow much less trigger electrical synapse to fire brain activity. Why is it that all the "liberal progressive voices " like Colms Franken and Schultz all remind me of "Barny Phief" from Mayberry a couple bricks shy of a load in all aspects. Don Knotts has more balls then any of these NEW WORLD ORDER SLUTS, where is Reverend "Dan" when you need him? TOOL these FOOLS until you get your right to hear the truth, instead of control dialogue, and Fascist cheer leaders.
Progressive radio it is like watching WWF poser wrestling, the only good parts are the "glow girls" with their brass ovaries, mamma Steff and her voice monkey (Jim Ward - who's been trying his best to break through to the truth, its hard when the whole world still thinks it's flat); and of course Randi who seems to be the only media personality that has the time to read the definition of Fascism. Smack in the middle is the tool that is to control the movement of thought FAT HEAD ED. If this guys not Bill Olylees brother he sure wants to be. I was listening to him try to take on a Moslem girl who might have had something worth listening to if the "fat head" wasn't so busy doing his Hannity run em over with gibberish replication (they all fall back on the same control techniques, the weak minded ones). If you listen to this pin head awhile you'll get the game, its almost straight from the MURDOCH play book, you know the one they run on the fair and balanced poohwork. This guy is like the controlled debate, you can't ask any tough questions and if you sound like your going to make ED out to be the poser tool that he is you get run over. This guys easy to understand, he can't let you get any where near the truth about what happened on 911, because if you knew he could not control you and that would make him an ineffective tool, and he would have to suck some other asses to make his bacon. No matter what, this guy is always going to try to pull you back in the game, that is his job, he is not there for debate or truth . He is there so you keep your eye on the poser wrestling match we call government, its an old majik or illusionist stage trick, he keeps you occupied while others are working behind the scenes, and when the surprise is unleashed, he goes imagine that who could have known? The example today was an easy one to spot, we have to stop Iran or they will supply the terrorist!. Really Ed? let me see if I have this right if Iran continues with its nuclear program they will sell terrorist the materials to make a bomb that they will smuggle into the USA. Huuuuummmmmm that seems like a little bit of a run around, because I remember the Russians telling us they lost track of some of their suite case nukes, at least a dozen or so, about 10 years back, so if the terrorist want a bomb why don't they buy one of the ones that's floating free around the planet now. Why go through all that work , is it because our government has already placed these nukes in central locations that will help eliminate the resistance to the NEW WORLD ORDER, whom seem to be the owners of Ed's fat ass. You don't think so? listen to the phases this guy coughs up; level headed squared off, he is down with the idea of the draft so that they get some skin in the game? Right like George W Bush sitting Vietnam out or Chaney with the rich boy deferment, like a draft is going to send the rich to fight, since when? This is the same clown who gave you the other "Bone Head" Kerry to listen to his spew on stay the course, dying for the rich elite is your responsibility.(your patriotic responsibility, are you a nationalist- down with the new corporate Fascist pride- come on you to can be paid to produce bullturds). You notice how people who cry the most about freedom are willing to do the least. This toilet floater has taken at least 15 minutes to focus the few brain cells still stuck from rolling out his empty head, to look in to the 911 events , he couldn't spot anything that raises an eye brow much less trigger electrical synapse to fire brain activity. Why is it that all the "liberal progressive voices " like Colms Franken and Schultz all remind me of "Barny Phief" from Mayberry a couple bricks shy of a load in all aspects. Don Knotts has more balls then any of these NEW WORLD ORDER SLUTS, where is Reverend "Dan" when you need him? TOOL these FOOLS until you get your right to hear the truth, instead of control dialogue, and Fascist cheer leaders.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I guess I really am a blogger

reply to another thread its about caring or carrying
Apathy, is it a question of burn out or knowing when not to fight the tide. I came to the form when searching for “JT” strings and threads, saw one that claimed he was traitor, my self I don’t see the event that way I think there was value left on the table. There are some who care and many who are even being mislead. K250 made an interesting reply to those who care, we are all being used. The border issue has been settled on paper since Terri Schiavo , while they were distracting us with giving the” State” the right to kill those they deem unfit . Bush was playing paper games with the other two amigos, this was announced to the Canadians but not us? They are not going to deal with the border in any real manner other than to get you use to seeing people with automatic weapons, and you better learn to comply else get locked up or die. There is allot of validity to some of the things in this post , they are trying to divide people on this rock through many fronts , population stress and the encouragement of provocateurs , organized gangs and criminals , pushed across the borders just to promote civil unrest and division, but among the poverty classes, which now includes the middle class.
This has been done incrementally over time, like a slow turning wheel, or even like forming a snow ball, it just keeps moving and picking up size, and this will continue until you stop” BUYING IT.” Many people believe it can’t be stopped, we have gutted our spirit and driven our economy into a service nature, we produce very little except BS. We consume even more worthless materials from others like China , who uses slaves and political dissidents to produce cheap and disposable products to keep the sheep happy in their pens while they fatten you up for the kill. The last couple years our economy has been propped up by people taking money out of their houses to improve or move up. This drove the housing and building industries , products and services to keep things going , not to mention the replacement cost to repair all kind of property damage due to mother nature. They left the interest rates low and created a policy of allowing many to barrow way over their means. This is going to leave allot of people up side down, the effect will be even greater division between haves and have nots, it going to get very ugly soon and I encourage you to find HOPE in the fact that you are not alone, many are concerned and what will save us is paying attention to the big picture, who is trying to control you, for what purpose? Don’t judge books by their covers learn to read the other mans heart, try not to go off first learn to laugh it off. This idea of Americans being all heart , is true and there is strength and power that when it comes from the heart can move mountains as long as you guard your mind. The other point that should be remembered is there is strength in numbers, if we have to be forced into a New World Order, don’t you think we should take control of it instead of a Fascist profit before people elite secret clown team, takes the rains.
If the government would just quit stealing our time and wealth we could build a better world. Please think before you vote know who your supporting and why, hold them accountable ask the important questions now before it is to late. Who are their masters and what secret societies and clicks do they hold their allegiance to? What groups do they belong to- you shouldn’t return any incumbents back to their thrones of power, take your government back now, get the money out of government, limit all lobbying to public forms, not back doors, a transparent government FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. You don’t have a government now its time to fix it. Bless you for reading this far, there is a power that answers prayers and it works through us, do not loose hope, its always inside you....... and watch out for NGOs it’s the same game. CFM2 CLIFF NOTE FOR MONKEYS
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