reply to another thread its about caring or carrying
Apathy, is it a question of burn out or knowing when not to fight the tide. I came to the form when searching for “JT” strings and threads, saw one that claimed he was traitor, my self I don’t see the event that way I think there was value left on the table. There are some who care and many who are even being mislead. K250 made an interesting reply to those who care, we are all being used. The border issue has been settled on paper since Terri Schiavo , while they were distracting us with giving the” State” the right to kill those they deem unfit . Bush was playing paper games with the other two amigos, this was announced to the Canadians but not us? They are not going to deal with the border in any real manner other than to get you use to seeing people with automatic weapons, and you better learn to comply else get locked up or die. There is allot of validity to some of the things in this post , they are trying to divide people on this rock through many fronts , population stress and the encouragement of provocateurs , organized gangs and criminals , pushed across the borders just to promote civil unrest and division, but among the poverty classes, which now includes the middle class.
This has been done incrementally over time, like a slow turning wheel, or even like forming a snow ball, it just keeps moving and picking up size, and this will continue until you stop” BUYING IT.” Many people believe it can’t be stopped, we have gutted our spirit and driven our economy into a service nature, we produce very little except BS. We consume even more worthless materials from others like China , who uses slaves and political dissidents to produce cheap and disposable products to keep the sheep happy in their pens while they fatten you up for the kill. The last couple years our economy has been propped up by people taking money out of their houses to improve or move up. This drove the housing and building industries , products and services to keep things going , not to mention the replacement cost to repair all kind of property damage due to mother nature. They left the interest rates low and created a policy of allowing many to barrow way over their means. This is going to leave allot of people up side down, the effect will be even greater division between haves and have nots, it going to get very ugly soon and I encourage you to find HOPE in the fact that you are not alone, many are concerned and what will save us is paying attention to the big picture, who is trying to control you, for what purpose? Don’t judge books by their covers learn to read the other mans heart, try not to go off first learn to laugh it off. This idea of Americans being all heart , is true and there is strength and power that when it comes from the heart can move mountains as long as you guard your mind. The other point that should be remembered is there is strength in numbers, if we have to be forced into a New World Order, don’t you think we should take control of it instead of a Fascist profit before people elite secret clown team, takes the rains.
If the government would just quit stealing our time and wealth we could build a better world. Please think before you vote know who your supporting and why, hold them accountable ask the important questions now before it is to late. Who are their masters and what secret societies and clicks do they hold their allegiance to? What groups do they belong to- you shouldn’t return any incumbents back to their thrones of power, take your government back now, get the money out of government, limit all lobbying to public forms, not back doors, a transparent government FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. You don’t have a government now its time to fix it. Bless you for reading this far, there is a power that answers prayers and it works through us, do not loose hope, its always inside you....... and watch out for NGOs it’s the same game.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8543062527940312132 CFM2 CLIFF NOTE FOR MONKEYS
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