Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ghost in the Machine, Arthur Koestler

I have been questioned as to my motives as of late, I suppose many others are having to justify their actions. I make no apology for my attempts to crack a little sense into the mix, I know quite well that we have nothing to hang on to, non of what is past is ours, at least we do not have all the truths. We have been manipulated in many ways, and we have come to the down side of the roller coaster, you might have felt the shift, many had notice that we were approaching the top, but now is a time a quickening decline, its going to get very ugly soon they have no choice and neither do you, it would be a good time to find some of your faith hopefully it is not based on others and on a known religion. I think you can tell people by their fruit, some are working very hard right from the heart, I'm sure Alan Watt is one, he has some new work, you really need to take your own time and find what this man has to offer, I know many things that parallel everything this man has said, he always reminds me of things I've forgotten, things I would be wise to remember considering where I play, his last couple of pieces were jam packed, he really did ring my bell with and If you don't know whom I'm talking about here is his site One thing that Alan tells you over and over do not under estimate the amount of knowledge they have at their figures hidden well , through the kind of deceptions referred to as Machiavellianism. Many areas you might consider safe are very controlled, corruption is every where but you can spot it by a reoccurring idea , the deception is always for the greater good. It is the same story today as yesterday, do not believe it. What is at stake this time is a finally , this shall be done to the death, and is not a joke. Your really going to need to keep your wit, try to keep your humor, it is a sign, primates use it to mark safe feeling, it is relaxing and beneficial to the group, and will relieve built up tension. It would be very wise to control your emotions, and learn to help those around you, even if you think they are not of your group, the first thing they will do is pit pigeon holed groups against one another. Anyway it is biblical , everything has some value left in it , and you have heard it said , the gate is narrow, and a rich man will have a hard time finding the value, but you can find your way by paying heed to the fruit that is produced, remember even J.C. Knocked over a table, when confronted by pure B.S. Work with people who are sharing from the heart learn to see the world from another mans eyes, its called empathy and when you find others who can practice this human attribute, fallow help and defend this ideal, it will save your soul, if not your life. Ask your self why do terrorist pick such stupid targets, or better yet why are some groups targeted, some one is in control and it is not you or I. With the exception of government ass wipes looking over my shoulder, I leave you with this its funny as hell , Billy O lylee, is having trouble with his Bertram Russell program, the hypocrisy is most amazing to watch. And I agree with Ms Miller, you guys way under estimate what eight year olds are thinking, Alan had a good comment on avoiding having your kids drugged, I have no kids or any others to worry about, but I have to say that we are talking about their future, and the world has taught most to be bad parents, in the name of love. We can not expect to live in a world of truth or peace if we keep lying to our selves and our youth (future).

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