Saturday, November 11, 2006

hope it helps

Where do you find hope? There are many who are awakening, this is happening for several reasons, one is the effort put forth by individual heroes and some groups, these people and groups are trying to put the truth out through a world of corruption . We have sold our souls so to speak , but don't feel bad you can get it back if you please. You might have sold it because you feel it is worthless, its not worthless just sick. The sickness is not even your fault but the result of a very long game of deception and manipulation. We have all been lied to from our first perceptions of life, yes it started when we where little bitty babies, and our parents gave us language, the tool that changes the future. Language only has one use, that is to change the future, starting by knowing the past. You might not believe this but it's true our language was given to control us, our tools to describe this physical formation we call the world , earth or space, have been limited from the start. most of our language and systems were foisted on us from a small group or cabal that has controlled the world from the very beginning, all our language is based on law and the occult. You might not think these are the same but they are and they have used clever tricks to keep you from realizing this.

From the very beginning people have been manipulated into artificial zones known as cities, this was for safety reasons, at least this is what you have been taught, but most the time it is just to control the populations efforts and labors to support this elite cabal that claims the right to decide the destiny of earth. A caste system where there are just enough workers to continue the sciences, so that this elite can become immortal, and never have to lift a finger, because they have studied our psychological responses and can play us like a musical instrument. Oh yes you must become aware we are nothing more then cattle or food for these little deceivers, they feed off our time and energy to promote their agenda, you want to stop or change the direction that the world is going you'll have to unplug. I wish I could say this is easy, but we all know it is not, the controls have been in place for a long time and people don't want to face the awful truths, they would rather hang on to their artificial system then do the work them selfs. If you have been paying attention, you can see were we got our first warning, in the word, whats one of the first group prayers that is answered? You might recall the "Jewish " peoples wanted a king like all the others around them, and gods response, Ok but I warned you? You have heard it before watch what you pray for.

Now I'll come back to the idea of hope, it comes from inside you, when you connect to the truth you will have hope. At first it seems very hopeless and dark but you must be able to pass through this to find true light. The light that is being caste across the planet now is artificial but you can connect with real truth, and real answers if you look in side. You must know your self, because we are connected to truth, and your life experience is to help you confront this truth, you are responsible for your actions. There will be no excuses that you were deceived or just fallowing orders given by the people attempting to bring the world to total submission. You might run up against this idea in your journeys and interaction from other people, you can think of it as the greater good religion of this rock. If you want to know just how far off this idea is from the truth, think of the Aztecs where they would sacrifice them selves in honor, or prisoners and slaves(cattle), for their gods, mostly to insure the future ,good weather, good crops, favors from the gods, the power to war?. You might not realize but your still being sacrificed for the greater good "elites who want to live for ever". You don't think so look at Egypt for a little while, they killed their servants when they died, so they would have service in the after life. The goal has been the same for thousands of years to use science to prolong the lives of the elite and provide the science that allows a small group to control the cattle, which don't even like to be compared to sheep. They have used the same game all through their ages, systems of control, fear is the primary tool, the fear of loosing your life your wealth your family and friends your comfortable system of pleasures, entertainment security.

They have reached a point where science can match their wills, and they have enough science to try and control the whole world. There is just one little problem, individuals with their own souls and light that are not going to cooperate, free thinkers that have been watching and know the plan and the time. The one thing they don't want you to discover is that you have the ability and right to change your future. They are relying on their useful idiots, the ones that would control others to climb the ladder of the pyramids, which will never reach the top, thats why the cap stone is separated, the main portion is controlled by an elite ruling class that has separated them selfs from the masses and given the illusion that if you march up their pyramid you will be close to them, but you will always be separate. This is the biggest lie, they are no better then you or I and in fact are much more dysfunctional, they can't even work for them selfs they need you the useful idiots to service them. The problem now is useful idiots, you need to separate your self from them, allot of people are going to give their lives to save a system that is artificial and is purposely being flipped. While this is going on they will hide in their little caves and underground cities they have prepared for them selfs, they plan on missing the coming storm, the terror they are creating and the cosmic influences that they can not control. The only thing I can tell you that might help you understand is that there is a force that answers prayers, I believe this force is in direct contact with everything that has a soul, it works by whispering to other souls, to teach them to reach out and help others. You need to start listening and feeling with your heart and your gut, your not going to like my example but do you remember WACO and the branch Davidian, do you remember a feeling in the gut that something was terribly terribly wrong, did you feel it? Do you know why you felt it, did it hurt?, god never acts without giving a few warnings, you need to be able to feel what is right and what is wrong, there is no truth to the greater good religion, god respects the individual enough to give all free will, learn to use it or lose it. There are some that will never understand this , they are not willing to admit there is a problem with cold blooded killing of individuals that do not subscribe to their beliefs, there for you wave a flag and claim a right under law, what law? Everything they ever told you was a lie and you should have seen or felt it during Waco , there is no world where that was right for any reason, and you will see it repeated again. What are you going to tell me that David K was a danger to the world because people believed in what he had to say or the way they choose to live, don't you see who the danger to the world is ?

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