Friday, January 19, 2007

A light house of hope or a beacon of discontent?

A light house of hope or a beacon of discontent?

I suppose I’m some what unsettling as a blogger, you might be concerned about me, maybe the way I think is a little off the line, its OK with me I’m happy I don’t think or sound like most. You shouldn’t worry, I would never go out and try to enforce my point of view with a gun, I would never attack anything or anyone, I would however defend my self, with deadly force if left no other choice. I feel very strongly about free speech and the basic right of human beings. I think if you torture anyone your a criminal and belong in jail with the real human debris, that unfortunately doesn’t believe in not harming others to achieve their goal, be it robbery or extortion, white collar crimes that harm specific groups of people, when ever you cheat the people you should be locked up, I think it is a crime that our government allows individuals to harm large groups of people, then sentences them to a couple months in jail, so that they can enjoy their ill gotten gains once they serve the slap on the wrist sentences and fines. Our government views it quite differently, saying that drug offenders need to do more time then thieves because thieving is the American way, while druggees are causing society to fall apart, I disagree quite strongly with this notion and believe more harm is done to the system by those who abuse it for their own gains, compared to the people who have just given up and tried to unplug from the sickness by hiding in drugs or alcohol. There is a real discontent between what people believe is harmful to our society, generally people who use drugs and alcohol are short changing them selves, many are addicted to a drug not by choice but by genes. In our society it is better to be a predator a pone others stealing their time or wealth and energy, then being some one who is just harming them selfs and those around them that care, or are in their care. If you have kids its is your responsibility to provide a home, as safe place to live and love, its very hard to provide this if you can not love your self enough to walk away from the poisons that bend your mind, that make you unpredictable or unreliable to those who depend on you because they do not have the resources or means to take care of them selfs. Do you think we should be jailing these people or giving them the tools they need to cope with the unequal playing field we have perpetrated on the masses through government and monetary controls. That’s right I said it the government has been set up to provide an unequal field for competition, most of our social ills are do to this fact and none other. We will find out shortly, some of the recent success in congress while it seems helpful will prove to be less then what is expected. This would be a good time to really stand, remember while all the debate gathers time passes and plays are made behind the curtain.

I think every one has just about had enough of the Bush Chaney cabal, hopefully every one has had enough of prisons and torture, because if we don’t shut that down there is no hope for humans and the sick well win. You see I believe we are already in an act of war, a war of the government against the people, actually its more then the government it’s the bankers and global cooperation all owned by the same players. They have used your faith in the system, to keep you from looking at the real goal, you could interpret it as straight out of revelations, why not it is my favorite occult book. My user name implies something, that is I consider the scraps TITOR left on the table were real and have value, I have discussed before how there is always some value even in a lie. I don’t believe everything about JT but I do believe he tried as accurately as he could (with out changing the time line) to pass on a description of what is going to develop right here right now. One thing that used to bother me was the statement JT made concerning the president in 2005 , he stated he thought he was like Abraham Lincoln and was trying to keep the country together. That didn’t exactly seem to be the case, but watching the way things are playing out I find it rather disturbing. One thing, history seems to get convoluted from the truth, one way this happens is through mass media control, if you haven’t noticed Bush Lincoln comparison are definitely a new crop on the control front. You might take note that as we start talking about Lincoln the implications are obvious that our country is headed toward a fractured status, don’t worry don’t panic it's all planned and the papers have been signed. The deal went down in 2004 with the three amigos, Bush ,Fox Mexican President and Canadian prime minister . Papers were signed during the Terry Schivo distraction, another double punch provided by the men of OZ. When history is written it will come out as to be the primary cause of our social destruction which is right around the corner. Remember Bush and Chaney are just pawns on the board they are not the players, they will only be allowed to stay in the game as long as they push the agenda, total control of the population through the problem reaction paradigm. There are prison camps all over the country, FEMA has all the special authority it needs during practically every form of “emergency”, if you not aware of this to bad your listening to Ed Schultz it will rot your brain, just like Rush and Hanity. I’m pretty sure other radio host know this also (REX84) but I hear not one word, with the exception of Randi, that chick is balls to the wall and blows the crap out of most talkers, she works heart and soul , has a reasonable mind and stays focused she is really the only strong voice I hear anymore, I guess I’ll have to go to the web soon. From what I’ve seen we’ll all end up on WWW2 which I guess I have already arrived at, that’s the new government controlled section, oh joy lucky me, I guess I’ve made a bad impression, thank you I’m flattered its nice to see I’m bothering the right people.

Speaking of control lets review a few things again happening right here in California, our governator Arnold is saying the public indifference is responsible for the prison ills. Really let see how that works. in California we are a little progressive and compassionate, we have decided locally that marijuana is a socially acceptable alternative medicine, and in some areas the lowest priority crime. We simply do not want to waste our time or court resources controlling something that should be treated no different then alcohol. The Federal government just can’t rap its small little pea brain around the concept of local governance and just how tired people are of stupid meat heads who create conflict instead of respecting the public right to choose its life styles and cultural values, like personal responsibility and freedom. Nope we have to have idiots from the DEA come and raid our compassionate medical marijuana clubs, we can’t have the people practicing their own form of compassion, they will show you how to “Jackboot” the people and show them their opinion means nothing and the city and state rights are bullshit when it comes to any “johnny Rotten” that wants to throw on a black bullet proof vest, like pot clubs and meth labs are the same thing. You see they just don’t have the brains it takes to understand the concept so you just come in with a heavy hand and have your way, no matter what message that conveys about freedom, and your rights regarding self governance. Hey Arnold Schwarzenegger I say you are a girlie man who can not even stand up for state rights what makes you think you should be allowed to run for president, we should change our laws to let some pussy with shrunken testes and a blank slate for a brain run for president? I’m mean for Christ sake if you can’t fight for your cities rights and state rights why should we believe you have the balls to be our leader, just because your as basic as a box of rocks just like our current leader doesn’t make you any better than the actor in office now. As a matter of fact I believe your just acting like a leader and have absolutely nothing to offer as leadership skills other then the bullshit you have learned to self promote. I expect to hear you on the Fat Head Eds show any day now girlie man. Maybe you two idiots can get together and convince the rest of the country that you have something to offer, while you ignore the CFR and other bone heads, maybe you guys can kick it in the grove, and get in touch with that inner child your dying to drop into Moloch's belly.

So if your paying attention this is not the time to relax, this is a time to stand and demand better, demand answers and start getting people in court, just keep working your way up because the clowns you think are responsible are front men we need to shut down the sickness. If you think I'm wrong there is a nice picture of a security guard in handcuffs over the medical marijuana raid, ask your self what are they trying to say. As you hear words like constitutional crisis, and references to Lincoln watch men in uniforms cuff others in uniforms (mines better then yours attitude), reflect do you really think John Titor lied about the future? JT even told you things that you have not realized, like the fact the coming trouble is based on movements behind the curtain in 2004 and 2005. Get ready to watch what you thought was your government race to the bottom, stay away from any racism or divisions of class, when they try to put you in crisis don't sit back and wait for help, help your selves and others, and if the government steps in like they did in Katrina, tell them to go home. There is an old joke that apparently most have forgotten, “Don't worry I'm with the government and I'm here to help”.

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