Saturday, January 13, 2007

here are a couple of good links to keep you thinking

I'm pretty sure this is all the same user- its interesting work and its has value beyond what you see before you

Terms:, Brunardot, and Pulsoid Theory must be cited.

"Seminal motion is not meant to be a theory; it is an attempt to describe the most fundamental motion. Whatever that motion may be.

Cosmic inertia is an attempt to describe something that differs from Newtonian inertia, which is not a force as it is without acceleration. The literature is rife with citations regarding the accelerating galactic recession. The term cosmic inertia is not a personal theory; it is an attempt to describe, a now commonly, observed phenomenon.

There is room for disagreement as to whether a rationalization of superconductivity, and its ramifications, qualifies for TOE; without more input, I don’t believe its requirements are beyond a concept of hyper-relativity, which is controversial; but, certainly within the literature.

I am quite “aware of the significance of emergent phenomena.” More pointedly, the question is: do I understand emergent phenomena?

Rules and fine print can be difficult to interpret when free expressions of ideas are interchanged. I certainly have no intent beyond intellectual inquiry."Brunardot

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