Thank you for your support and interest in some of my anti propaganda efforts. They are simply to generate thought, I can not control your perception of images or what they might mean to you. What I do instead is provide some basic emotion or narration and place images that relate on different levels. The work is meant to spur your own investigations or allow you to dove tail what you know your selves. Then pondering questions, are there other relations that might not have been noticed or in our subconscious awareness ???. They are not meant as information more as motivation.
Most of us have given up on Google and Youtube because of control issues, most of the time I can not even respond to the flamers, that leave comments because they censor comments.... The following one, censored, essentially a response, not appreciated by the powers that “bee”, They demand to instruct you, on how to behave, to suit their needs …. Oh how freaking special indeed..
“Listen No sweat, I'm sure we are”ALL” trying to break through on different levels …. I probably jumped on you a little hard.. being a little tired of some of the “not so bright” retorts... I do not really play here anymore...I come for specific videos... If you would like a place to chat and retort you can find me at “OUR ROOM for TROLLS @” … You're welcome to post (upload) your videos or link them in Troll Wiki pages.... Peace TR” “”,“”
If you would like to retort or interact , tear me a new hole, or just help others in their search for solutions that generate dangerous minds... You'll find me at Troll_Rooms@ grou.(dot)ps … I invite you all to join.. Your support will be appreciated... I get more hits than interactions because many of my lurkers, are not the “jump in and get her done kind”.... Also the idea and methods behind the site constructions are new and unfamiliar to “NEW BEES”... So I could use a few hard core to help me get “Our Room for Trolls” to deeper more dangerous level of thought....Warning the troll room is not censored or controlled in anyway, so you might have to deal with flamers, my favorite target for tooling …..
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