Santa Barbara screws the pooch again... the Micheal Jackson saga …. This was amazing to watch unfold this morning, once again in kind of a haze, listening to progressive local radio 1490. I focus in on the Sheriffs spokes hole, basically pull out his meager manhood, when asked by the media “boys”, how was it going at Never Land Ranch ?.... Well, after your basic, “we have our heads up our butts” and can't even handle trying to intimidate the local media, much less the national and global horde. I guess, this was another one of their ,“first picnic experiences”, because they could not handle the “News Parking”. Lord , how are we ever going to handle the crowd ??... The problem being it is basically a large parking operation, granted, a large one, but still with a little brains and planning not impossible. Except if you are the “Local Authorities”, now that's a freaking oxymoron for you.
Anyway it was pretty clear the "poor little Sheriff" was in the deep end of the pool and not a swimmer and certainly not a thinker, imagine going down in history being the ass hole in charge of parking, that dropped the ball. This on a freaking ranch in the middle of huge empty spaces. like I said, not so brights, you know, your stupid corporate Masonic Monkey Pajama idiots, shouldn't be surprised that actual work and planning, were not acceptable means to accomplish a task. This is what happens when you put followers in positions that require leadership, which never never happens in government on any level. Leadership unless under the command of “fools” is never allowed to go “unpunished” in this “psychotic imitation corporation”, known as government.
Now the real hero in the story, is the “Governator”, “I'll keep coming back as a very bad actor, if you do not heed my mindless empire building and meddling in the “peas-ant” lives and affairs”. This bucket of slim was going to grease the wheels to make it happen, I'll bet, he asked for too big a cut in the top end and spoiled the deal for the rest of the sycophants. Anyway I'm thinking the “bitch's, Are-nodes” phone lite up like a Christmas tree around noon today. Because, that's when it became clear, the “Staples” center could handle the task, if the poor little “Authorities” in little old “Backwater Santa Barbara”, barely better governed than Baghdad, could not muster the nuts to “get her done”. With in an hour you could see the choppers leaving the scene of Jacksons Ranch. There goes the money honey, which is what everything is about now. This being probably the biggest funeral ever seen, major bucks dropping all over for services and taxes. You could see the locals ordering more of everything, for the coming weekend, it would have been a freaking zoo, but a very well money oiled Zoo. I think I heard (in my mind) the owners of the couple of high end lodges, like the “World renown Bacara “ screaming over the phone, after the Saudi princes, German knights, French fags and British twats started to call and cancel stays. I'll bet, the local limousine and bus lines are not to happy , along with local jewelry and high end shopping venues also specialty service providers ( local hookers) . I'm sure the casino and local hotels near the ranch are really really unhappy, it will take the Local Authorities months before they figure out they lost millions in taxes and extortions through fees, tickets, permits, and local service taxes beds , gas , food , taxis ,booze and on and on and on...... You know what's funny, this stupid sheriff is going to be begging, hat in hand in about sixty days for money, to beef up for the events schedule to come down in September... Do you think they will remember the boy who couldn't get the parking done for a funeral, which tends to be rather sedate and somber. After all ,this was not “Fifty Cent” or “Tupoc” or even “Kid Rock”, no this is a light weight fairy with a mentally fluffy slightly brain dead following. You think the hard cores are going to trust this dweeb (sheriff) when it comes down to anything other than donuts and coffee runs??? This freak is history and he'll never even figure out why, now that's a dude that was born and bred to wear the corporate whore unit symbols, Masonic Monkey Pajamas …. I'll bet even the local cops that would have gotten tons of extra over time and hours are secretly cursing this fool under their breath.

What was really really funny, was watching the local authorities, as they started to figure out the “Jackson's” do not owe this area anything and why should they improve the “Never Land Ranch”. I think that's basically collateral for the business debt of Jackson's legal bills (last time Santa Barbara stepped in it) and other obligations. So in a pathetic attempt too save face, they announced that the fire department had not “heard anything” and it was still up in the “AIR”. Not with their heads up their butts, like the “sheriff”... “Call Me” I'm the “Fire Department” not the idiots with the badges, “badges we don't need no stinking badges” besides we can over rule the cops ( at least they think- they have that power- in reality no- the other "badge Monkeys" carry guns and sticks and they will defiantly beat you to a bloody mess at “their pleasure” ).... Freaking morons who can not handle parking..... Chit we (firebugs) can do it all, you should see how good we are at “PARKING”.....
Call Me ?? ...