Sunday, July 22, 2007

The shadow knows

The shadow knows...

Thanks for forgiving inferior English skills and lack of patients leading to poor editing , I guess it will be the challenge for personnel improvement. Great responses and additions, it's nice to see the passion and interest, the real purpose of the topic is so we are aware of the events that are changing our lives, because often we become aware of the events after they have happened . It is a shame that we have lost the fourth estate, but as long as people such as your selves are willing to make the effort and spend the time to fill the void I'm proud and happy to participate in your fifth estate.

K250 , has provided the perfect transition into the examination of the societal shadow, and perhaps a brief look at our own. The shadow is another metaphor for looking inward or connecting to self, anything of substance caste a shadow, your ego or character will often subliminally attach prejudges to others, but it is a well accepted observation that these are often the character traits that we do not want to examine in our selves. The concept is that the flaws we find in others are the flaws that we do not want to acknowledge in ourselves, this is apparently human nature, and something we all need to work on to continue growth in our search for truth. I'll give you a little poem to help you frame the concept , it should be noted that there are different shadows, your personnel and the societal shadow branches, you have your community , your state, your country and finally the the global shadow. It is the global shadow that most are unaware of and so often miss assigns blame on symptoms, rather then the cause of the sickness.

The range of what we think and do
is limited by what we fail to notice
and because we fail to notice
that we fail to notice
there is little we can do
to change
until we notice
how failing to notice
shapes our thoughts and deeds.

Psychiatrist R. D. Laing

Our nation is defined by more then one border, in fact it is one large geographic circle with natural and unnatural divides. Some borders are controlled or make use of geological barriers like seas ,rivers , lakes, canyons and mountains, others are just straight shots controlled by latitude like the Canadian border. Borders do two things for you , one it allows you to make your own rules or laws, once you cross a border you are under the law of the land so to speak, so borders allow sovereign areas controlled by the government in charge of the population. In our case we like to think our government is by the people for the people, it would be nice if they checked with the people before changing the rules would it not? The second purpose of the border is to allow security for this sovereign area, if you do not have borders you have no hope at security.

An easy way to realize this is to understand who originally lived in this area, native Americans they had territories based on availability to support groups limited by resources that were more then abundant but were plundered by human greed from beyond their natural border the sea. All the nasty tricks they used to plunder the natives are going to be used again on our current society, no one will escape this no matter what you think your social position is, the system was designed to collapse. What ever gains you think you have made in this present society are soon to disappear because they are illusions based on lies. One of the biggest lies is what you call money or currency, which really just represents time, the more money you have the more power you have over your own time and the time of others. This sounds reasonable until you realize that the people with real heart and soul do not compete in this world system only struggle to stay afloat , while others stack the deck and subvert the rules to enrich them selfs a the expense of others, the system was designed for cheaters by cheaters to keep the cheaters in control. I'll give you one warning here the higher on the ladder you think you are THE LONGER AND GREATER THE FALL. You might want to remember the concept above when your standing on your ladder looking down on others thinking about what it is that you dislike about those below you.

The pressure on our borders is real and is not just a southern immigration problem but an all over general problem, mostly caused by our inability to keep our eyes on our own shadows, because if this is a government by the people we are the major cause of most of this migration. People are streaming into this country for mostly one reason, to survive, because things where they live have gotten so bad they can not make a living. We are the source of much of the corruption, our government for years has been applying global pressure through banks, armies, covert actions, assignations, viruses and disease every dirty stinking trick in the book and its all because all our generations, since our constitutional government was formed have failed to keep an eye on our society's shadow. We have allowed our selves to be trapped by the concept that what is good for the rich is ultimately good for us, that money is the basis for good societies, the trickle down theory, and yes that is piss you feel not rain on your heads

I'd like to leave you with one thought, these are humans too. Lets just for one minute propose that things might be different, say maybe we had taken serious steps many years ago to treat our borders as most countries do by fallowing the laws. Maybe we would be paying more in wage cost to pick fruit and maintain our yards and homes, and everyones worth might seem quite high. If our border were sealed and the pressures were still driving people off their home lands because a wealthy oligarchy supported by our wealth, was plundering the poor and the marginalized, and we saw these people starving on the other side would we continue not to look at our shadow. Would most of you insist that something be done to help these poor souls, I think the answer is yes, and I feel extremely sorry for you if you can not understand what I'm trying to tell you. Life as we know it is about to change for all of us weather we want to change or not the system was designed to end this way but the design is meant to make you less human as we go, your goal is to remain human and look inside for truth. Do not react to the symptoms but take actions against the problem, the problem is ours and we have to take control of our future now.

As you wake up to the facts and the problems we are about to face do not lose heart while things appear very dark, there is nothing to fear but fear its self after all we are only dealing with our own shadows. Having more humans who insist on being treated as human can only end up being a blessing. I however have to bring in one more metaphor, and that is the raised dance floor, as the party gets going people dance and as the excitement increases the dancers increase both in numbers and intensity. If you get to many dancers on the floor with to much energy the dance floor will collapse and this will injure many and turn from a party to a nightmare of hurt. Remember we are all stuck on the third rock from the sun, we have never learned to treat each other well maybe its time to look at our own shadows and find out why. The worst part of our collective shadow is our government and we have to take responsibility for this and seize control back from the sick ones who have embedded them selves in the system like ticks. We have some very very sick people running our lives and it's time to stop the madness if you want to change whats happening here you have to stand now.

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1 comment:

Anhk-Lamp said...

sorry to take so long before saying hello: do you remember?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

In the Early 1980’s a stone was discovered.
On it was the name of the person who found the stone as well as the date!

The stone has certain patterns encoded into it making it vary unusual. It is not man-made. “The Stone cut out of the mountain without hands” I do see repeated PATTERNS in this stone and also THE STAR OF DAVID.

It heralds from mans ancient past, here today to ensure a Golden age on Earth.
My research informs that this vary stone was also in our history and there are many references in the texts and scripture that describes it very accurately.

This is the foundation stone said to be in the Temple, The lost word of the masons,
The capstone or Cornerstone of the great pyramid in Egypt, The stone of the deep
Eben shatijha, Shin found at the centre of the world, head of the corner. The tree of life.
The seven branched candle stick.

“To him that overcomes to him will I give of the white stone “ the hidden manna from heaven ( wisdom )”.

Isaiah 28:16
“Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation”.

I am not interested in religion, but freedom from ignorance and the path of truth.
The ancient of days, is the intelligence behind the stone his profile is not mistaken.
This stone will crush the feet of the empire of Man, it will hit the feet of the great statue the
kingdom of man and establish the kingdom of G*D on Earth.

copyright c 2006 all rights reserved
posted by Anhk-Lamp at 10:34 PM

BRAINOIL said...
Thanks for the post I find it very interesting indeed, do you have any links you could share with us? I take the image, to be of the stone in question?

9:14 PM
Anhk-Lamp said...
Yes a part of the stone, can you clarify who / what you represent?
I would like to be clear before I proceed. thanks