ED Schultz , you know I would with out mercy tool this guy, today no, he hit the mark on a couple of important issues and didn’t have to cover any democratic asses, lucky to day we have a large hypocrite republican that bites the dust. The listeners as usual helped quite a bit but Ed did a good job painting the brood and general picture of the republican camp. He also seems to be listening a little better or more, he supports open "mike" and I didn’t catch him trying to herd his callers today, maybe he figured they didn’t need it. He did talk fish today but it was in a political context, and he had some good questions and seemed to genuinely want to know what and why. (even offered to test a fish , good , science not always bad ) Habeas corpus was brought back up and ED did realize that this is a very big issue, he told you the cold hard facts. This is not America anymore, at least not the one that many thousands died defending our rights. Imagine all the fallen soldiers rolling in their graves, for the way the population at large is so self centered, ignorant and lazy when it comes to defending freedom. I guess I would tool Ed a little on one of his later callers , who tried to make ED aware of the "bone head club", but I really think Ed already hangs out at the grove, so you can’t expect him to bite the hand that feeds him. For the caller and others who fallow, keep up the pressure and maybe ED boy will get off his denial ass and start looking at the facts that are freely available to all that have the mind to find out, Bohemian Groove, Franklin sex cover up. Hey ED BOY do you know who KAY GRIGGS is, maybe you should find out, then maybe you’ll be able to talk with some of your more informed listeners.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Air almost America today, Miller funny as usual I’m amazed that we can find humor in this situation, but it is going to be important to be able to laugh off the things you cannot change and work on the ones you can. The Ed Head usual also, not sure if this guy really believes what he’s pumping , maybe he’s just being used but it’s the Order of the Rose camp. He has gotten a bit more careful in his “great work” language but don’t be fooled. Today a woman was on, saying she was just plain tired of what was going on and democrats should “filler buster” (I know that’s not correct but neither is torture) and take a stand . She thought that she should have the right to know who was not defending the constitution, a very sound political point of view. Ed responds with a framing question ignoring what the woman had just said and sets her up like this. “Your a boots on the ground democrat, first time caller and your ready to throw the entire party under the bus for just this one issue? She didn’t realized she had been tooled and framed and said she was a fighter and would stay the course, a good democrat. Nice work bringing the herd back together, don’t you think she had a valid point? Should we know who is representing us and throwing us under the DAMN bus. If your going to play with the fat head keep in mind his goal to keep the wool in your eyes. Why doesn’t some one bring up the world can’t wait issue on Oct. 5th , and see what the man has to say ? I can hear it now stay the course stick with me and my other BONE HEAD friends. You notice how this BOY has great access to some of the biggest stooges in government, why do you think that is??? Oh poor old truck driving EDDIE, no time for tee now but you always have more time to talk sports and food then talking about real issues, DOWN TOWN CIRCUS CLOWN. “ Every second counts” except for the three hours of sleep herding, on the only radio coming close to questioning authority. Tool this idiot off the air before he does real damage you have the right to be heard not herded. I will give Ed this much he does appear to take cold calls on an open “mike” , you can tell because allot of the listeners are much sharper the “Head”. The last caller on the show had a good comment on A. Lincoln, and his biggest regret. Ed stopped and thought about it and realized what a piercing truth it was. Lincoln though his biggest failure was the compromise of HABAS CORPUS- where is the body and why are you holding it? Our do nothing political machine just ran the torture for freedom crap through like it was going through a goose. I don’t care who wins control of our government as long as no one incumbent is returned from all parties they are less then zero’s , I guess this is why The FAT HEAD ED likes the clowns they make him look half way smart.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
in time
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtOoQFa5ug8 plug in at 1.40 you'll get whats going on
you really need to spend some time with Alan Watt cutting through matrix- very good on the spell caste - highly recommend
also Micheal Trasion and 2012 the future of mankind its on google it sure would be nice to See these two play well together you know the concept.
Synonyms: accessory, adjuvant, agreeing, ancillary, associated with, associative, attendant, attending, belonging, coefficient, coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, coincident, coincidental, collateral, complementary, concordant, concurrent, conjoined, connected, contemporaneous, contemporary, coordinate, corollary, coterminous, coupled with, fellow, in tempo, in time, incident, isochronal, isochronous, joint, satellite, synchronal, synchronous, synergetic, synergistic
Antonyms: accidental, chance, unrelated
THE TWIST-- one more hint from my boy J TITOR
did I mention TITOR lied about some things and not others do you know what he lied about........
CFM 3 place your head to your right shoulder. Can you see a LIAR..... no time machine that can reach back 2000 years......hummmmmmmm OPP..... hint hint goose
object width="425" height="350">
I've had to correct all my post today I hope I finally got it write so I to am an idiot but at least I'm trying and this guy being an MBA makes me feel better how about you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTj0FoHA6nA - I know I'll figure the link thing out sooner or later got it right at beginning-
you really need to spend some time with Alan Watt cutting through matrix- very good on the spell caste - highly recommend
also Micheal Trasion and 2012 the future of mankind its on google it sure would be nice to See these two play well together you know the concept.
Synonyms: accessory, adjuvant, agreeing, ancillary, associated with, associative, attendant, attending, belonging, coefficient, coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, coincident, coincidental, collateral, complementary, concordant, concurrent, conjoined, connected, contemporaneous, contemporary, coordinate, corollary, coterminous, coupled with, fellow, in tempo, in time, incident, isochronal, isochronous, joint, satellite, synchronal, synchronous, synergetic, synergistic
Antonyms: accidental, chance, unrelated
THE TWIST-- one more hint from my boy J TITOR
did I mention TITOR lied about some things and not others do you know what he lied about........
CFM 3 place your head to your right shoulder. Can you see a LIAR..... no time machine that can reach back 2000 years......hummmmmmmm OPP..... hint hint goose
object width="425" height="350">
I've had to correct all my post today I hope I finally got it write so I to am an idiot but at least I'm trying and this guy being an MBA makes me feel better how about you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTj0FoHA6nA - I know I'll figure the link thing out sooner or later got it right at beginning-
between the lines
Couple of comments about the JOHN TITOR events. I believe in time travel, I think that what most people believe to be UFOs are really time devices. You should really read titor your self and don’t take it at face value but learn to look at the entire picture, this includes language style, look for things that are broken or shortened. In general your going to have to learn to find answers in what is said verses what is not said, titor was warming you up for the fact that you will only get real information by learning to hear (see- view) or realize what is implied, if you know how titor worked it will help you understand what is coming at you through all media forms. TITOR lied through his teeth on a bunch of real stuff , the question was why, he didn’t need to lie about anything? right?. OK you need a hint - how about you think of one small part of the story the fax to ART BELL (no comment on A.B.......and that should be enough). If you take the time to find the fax and read it , you might realize some things on your own. One thing was this was suppose an after thought from original post, he jumped back to send fax to Art, now the whole time titor is chatting people are begging for a future prediction (near future event to verify story). Titor never gives the crowd what it wants, a lot of people decide this makes him a fake. So TITOR who will not give a future prediction just paints the shadow and a few lines to define it , you don’t think so. If you read the fax answer me one question what was it TITOR said that was a stand out difference in time line-from fax.
JT fax ART smell “Some interesting outcomes of this are; you meet yourself. I have done it often. Even taken a younger version of myself along for a few rides before returning myself to the new timeline and going back to mine.
You can alter history in the new universe
that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. The oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York.
are you getting it yet? remember the paradox...each time you travel you create a new world time line because the machine is now in the time line. Your going to move your past self? To a past or future time this doubles the paradox right?
You might also note the comment on saving information off the “BOX” I have discussed this before you are no longer safe on the web what you think is the web has been mirrored but not quite world wide yet.... the key term being yet. You just need to realize that contact through the web needs to be really through the lines and some people are being tracked more then others, believe me I have nothing to lose and know exactly what is going on here.
there are some who are never going to realize how bad things have gotten until it is way to late, their are people who watch the television and never see between the lines. People who have learned to read between the lines have learned that this applies to all media, because it is all generated for control. If you could teach your self to see through the lines of the titor event you might just be able to figure out what your bible(the WORD) is trying to tell you.
JT fax ART smell “Some interesting outcomes of this are; you meet yourself. I have done it often. Even taken a younger version of myself along for a few rides before returning myself to the new timeline and going back to mine.
You can alter history in the new universe
that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. The oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York.
are you getting it yet? remember the paradox...each time you travel you create a new world time line because the machine is now in the time line. Your going to move your past self? To a past or future time this doubles the paradox right?
You might also note the comment on saving information off the “BOX” I have discussed this before you are no longer safe on the web what you think is the web has been mirrored but not quite world wide yet.... the key term being yet. You just need to realize that contact through the web needs to be really through the lines and some people are being tracked more then others, believe me I have nothing to lose and know exactly what is going on here.
there are some who are never going to realize how bad things have gotten until it is way to late, their are people who watch the television and never see between the lines. People who have learned to read between the lines have learned that this applies to all media, because it is all generated for control. If you could teach your self to see through the lines of the titor event you might just be able to figure out what your bible(the WORD) is trying to tell you.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Micheal T
I think you can see this coming now .... Michael Tsarion gives a talk at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8545585184878490822&q=2012
By the way there are two Alan Watts one has been around a while and is dead (zen side). The other Alan WATT(matrix) is alive and very much active in trying to educate as many as have the mind to listen. I've bought his work and trust me I don't support many so called thinkers and their works, but this guy has "real cliff notes "- I highly recommend your support of his work, this gentle man has a real good handle on everything I've tried to cover in my attempt at throwing cold water in the the faces of the sleeping masses. Don't get lost in who is pulling the string but more why and what your going to do to become unbound and break away from the DEVIants (devil ants) the pale ones.(Kay GRIGGS) There is more fact in mythology then our media today , try not to be pinned by beliefs that are not your own. Use your heart and ask your higher power for the truth and you shall have the tools you need to remain free. We are all trying to apply the breaks to the coming train wreck, dig your mind in now , you can only hide from your self not the world there is no place to run, but places to remain save for a short time. I think democracy is the "devils cry given to us by devi-ants who live inside the earth(Mount Weather)http://www.crystalinks.com/underbases.html ) and they would really like us to bee hav in their bee hive they call the cities of light. Artificial control to steal your time your energy and your mind.
By the way there are two Alan Watts one has been around a while and is dead (zen side). The other Alan WATT(matrix) is alive and very much active in trying to educate as many as have the mind to listen. I've bought his work and trust me I don't support many so called thinkers and their works, but this guy has "real cliff notes "- I highly recommend your support of his work, this gentle man has a real good handle on everything I've tried to cover in my attempt at throwing cold water in the the faces of the sleeping masses. Don't get lost in who is pulling the string but more why and what your going to do to become unbound and break away from the DEVIants (devil ants) the pale ones.(Kay GRIGGS) There is more fact in mythology then our media today , try not to be pinned by beliefs that are not your own. Use your heart and ask your higher power for the truth and you shall have the tools you need to remain free. We are all trying to apply the breaks to the coming train wreck, dig your mind in now , you can only hide from your self not the world there is no place to run, but places to remain save for a short time. I think democracy is the "devils cry given to us by devi-ants who live inside the earth(Mount Weather)http://www.crystalinks.com/underbases.html ) and they would really like us to bee hav in their bee hive they call the cities of light. Artificial control to steal your time your energy and your mind.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
PLAY HOUSE DOWN 1 Titor right Brainoil
Here's to MIKE MALLOY and all the others that suffer corporate manipulation at the hands of PIN HEADS. Corporate shills- are destroying America- another one bites the dust, Your heroes are being silenced don't lose track of the truth- Air America is part of the controlled media game backed with posers like FAT HEAD ED. Pick your own heroes don't let morons run the show, part of the players not the solution. CORPORATE AMERICA YOU WILL NOT SILENCE TRUTH. |
Friday, September 22, 2006
MS. MILLER maybe you could explain one thing- during your show we pretty much realize that everything that comes from the current administration is a lie, you can tell they are lying their lips are moving, they lie about everything except what happened on 911 ???????????????? In high school you might have heard about a concept called potential energy ( that’s the energy supplied by gravity working with mass- it is a simple concept) Now when three buildings are suppose to have been knocked down by two planes, the building falling at the speed of gravity turning to dust indicates an instantaneous release of energy, the buildings seem to have fallen down with no apparent mechanical resistance? this left a heat signature that could be spotted from space not to mention molten steel in the basement.? with no resistance how did this happen? Apparently a group of towel heads in caves have such incredible powers that they can internally control our air space like no other time in history, they made tons of money on stock options, and can control our government so we can not see any of the evidence? Do us a favor and spend more time with your dogs and less with your box o wine. |
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
http://www.worldcantwait.org/ Announcing a Day of Mass Resistance: OCTOBER 5, 2006 BRING THIS TO A HALT! You need to take control of your lives now or lose them- If your having a problem understanding what is going on here try ALAN WATT (MATRIX) http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/ NWO ICKE JONES WATT MAXWELL HILDER MARRS COOPER |
KISS Ten Brainoil TITOR right
NWO , MIND CONTROL , Deception , 6500 years of manipulation and illusions when will we STOP THE INSANITY , Alan Watt , Jordan Maxwell , Alex Jones , Icke , WATCHERS , FREEDOM , LIBERTY OR DEATH , |
Save the BBQ, is a hot progressive issue? Whats the matter truth to hard to handle? Meat heads like ED can't really let you think about truth because he has told you his product comes first - not the truth. KEEP spreading the fertilizer BEAN HEAD you make FOX seem inclusive. NWO , MIND CONTROL While ED head and Miles Obin lyin were telling you any clown could have flown planes into the pentagon and towers they seem to leave quite a few facts unquestioned if these BOYS are skilled observers, we might as while turn the air lines over to PETER PAN and TINKER BELL if we have not already, in the mean time INDY MEDIA is questioning the science of the official propaganda reports , Deception , 6500 years of manipulation and illusions when will we STOP THE INSANITY , Alan Watt(matrix) , Jordan Maxwell , Alex Jones , Icke , WATCHERS , FREEDOM , LIBERTY OR DEATH , TEXE MARRS, Anthony Hilder, Out of Box ,The Prophecy Club, Lone Lantern, Class War, civil war |
Progressive radio it is like watching WWF poser wrestling, the only good parts are the "glow girls" with their brass ovaries, mamma Steff and her voice monkey (Jim Ward - who's been trying his best to break through to the truth, its hard when the whole world still thinks it's flat); and of course Randi who seems to be the only media personality that has the time to read the definition of Fascism. Smack in the middle is the tool that is to control the movement of thought FAT HEAD ED. If this guys not Bill Olylees brother he sure wants to be. I was listening to him try to take on a Moslem girl who might have had something worth listening to if the "fat head" wasn't so busy doing his Hannity run em over with gibberish replication (they all fall back on the same control techniques, the weak minded ones). If you listen to this pin head awhile you'll get the game, its almost straight from the MURDOCH play book, you know the one they run on the fair and balanced poohwork. This guy is like the controlled debate, you can't ask any tough questions and if you sound like your going to make ED out to be the poser tool that he is you get run over. This guys easy to understand, he can't let you get any where near the truth about what happened on 911, because if you knew he could not control you and that would make him an ineffective tool, and he would have to suck some other asses to make his bacon. No matter what, this guy is always going to try to pull you back in the game, that is his job, he is not there for debate or truth . He is there so you keep your eye on the poser wrestling match we call government, its an old majik or illusionist stage trick, he keeps you occupied while others are working behind the scenes, and when the surprise is unleashed, he goes imagine that who could have known? The example today was an easy one to spot, we have to stop Iran or they will supply the terrorist!. Really Ed? let me see if I have this right if Iran continues with its nuclear program they will sell terrorist the materials to make a bomb that they will smuggle into the USA. Huuuuummmmmm that seems like a little bit of a run around, because I remember the Russians telling us they lost track of some of their suite case nukes, at least a dozen or so, about 10 years back, so if the terrorist want a bomb why don't they buy one of the ones that's floating free around the planet now. Why go through all that work , is it because our government has already placed these nukes in central locations that will help eliminate the resistance to the NEW WORLD ORDER, whom seem to be the owners of Ed's fat ass. You don't think so? listen to the phases this guy coughs up; level headed squared off, he is down with the idea of the draft so that they get some skin in the game? Right like George W Bush sitting Vietnam out or Chaney with the rich boy deferment, like a draft is going to send the rich to fight, since when? This is the same clown who gave you the other "Bone Head" Kerry to listen to his spew on stay the course, dying for the rich elite is your responsibility.(your patriotic responsibility, are you a nationalist- down with the new corporate Fascist pride- come on you to can be paid to produce bullturds). You notice how people who cry the most about freedom are willing to do the least. This toilet floater has taken at least 15 minutes to focus the few brain cells still stuck from rolling out his empty head, to look in to the 911 events , he couldn't spot anything that raises an eye brow much less trigger electrical synapse to fire brain activity. Why is it that all the "liberal progressive voices " like Colms Franken and Schultz all remind me of "Barny Phief" from Mayberry a couple bricks shy of a load in all aspects. Don Knotts has more balls then any of these NEW WORLD ORDER SLUTS, where is Reverend "Dan" when you need him? TOOL these FOOLS until you get your right to hear the truth, instead of control dialogue, and Fascist cheer leaders.
Progressive radio it is like watching WWF poser wrestling, the only good parts are the "glow girls" with their brass ovaries, mamma Steff and her voice monkey (Jim Ward - who's been trying his best to break through to the truth, its hard when the whole world still thinks it's flat); and of course Randi who seems to be the only media personality that has the time to read the definition of Fascism. Smack in the middle is the tool that is to control the movement of thought FAT HEAD ED. If this guys not Bill Olylees brother he sure wants to be. I was listening to him try to take on a Moslem girl who might have had something worth listening to if the "fat head" wasn't so busy doing his Hannity run em over with gibberish replication (they all fall back on the same control techniques, the weak minded ones). If you listen to this pin head awhile you'll get the game, its almost straight from the MURDOCH play book, you know the one they run on the fair and balanced poohwork. This guy is like the controlled debate, you can't ask any tough questions and if you sound like your going to make ED out to be the poser tool that he is you get run over. This guys easy to understand, he can't let you get any where near the truth about what happened on 911, because if you knew he could not control you and that would make him an ineffective tool, and he would have to suck some other asses to make his bacon. No matter what, this guy is always going to try to pull you back in the game, that is his job, he is not there for debate or truth . He is there so you keep your eye on the poser wrestling match we call government, its an old majik or illusionist stage trick, he keeps you occupied while others are working behind the scenes, and when the surprise is unleashed, he goes imagine that who could have known? The example today was an easy one to spot, we have to stop Iran or they will supply the terrorist!. Really Ed? let me see if I have this right if Iran continues with its nuclear program they will sell terrorist the materials to make a bomb that they will smuggle into the USA. Huuuuummmmmm that seems like a little bit of a run around, because I remember the Russians telling us they lost track of some of their suite case nukes, at least a dozen or so, about 10 years back, so if the terrorist want a bomb why don't they buy one of the ones that's floating free around the planet now. Why go through all that work , is it because our government has already placed these nukes in central locations that will help eliminate the resistance to the NEW WORLD ORDER, whom seem to be the owners of Ed's fat ass. You don't think so? listen to the phases this guy coughs up; level headed squared off, he is down with the idea of the draft so that they get some skin in the game? Right like George W Bush sitting Vietnam out or Chaney with the rich boy deferment, like a draft is going to send the rich to fight, since when? This is the same clown who gave you the other "Bone Head" Kerry to listen to his spew on stay the course, dying for the rich elite is your responsibility.(your patriotic responsibility, are you a nationalist- down with the new corporate Fascist pride- come on you to can be paid to produce bullturds). You notice how people who cry the most about freedom are willing to do the least. This toilet floater has taken at least 15 minutes to focus the few brain cells still stuck from rolling out his empty head, to look in to the 911 events , he couldn't spot anything that raises an eye brow much less trigger electrical synapse to fire brain activity. Why is it that all the "liberal progressive voices " like Colms Franken and Schultz all remind me of "Barny Phief" from Mayberry a couple bricks shy of a load in all aspects. Don Knotts has more balls then any of these NEW WORLD ORDER SLUTS, where is Reverend "Dan" when you need him? TOOL these FOOLS until you get your right to hear the truth, instead of control dialogue, and Fascist cheer leaders.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I guess I really am a blogger

reply to another thread its about caring or carrying
Apathy, is it a question of burn out or knowing when not to fight the tide. I came to the form when searching for “JT” strings and threads, saw one that claimed he was traitor, my self I don’t see the event that way I think there was value left on the table. There are some who care and many who are even being mislead. K250 made an interesting reply to those who care, we are all being used. The border issue has been settled on paper since Terri Schiavo , while they were distracting us with giving the” State” the right to kill those they deem unfit . Bush was playing paper games with the other two amigos, this was announced to the Canadians but not us? They are not going to deal with the border in any real manner other than to get you use to seeing people with automatic weapons, and you better learn to comply else get locked up or die. There is allot of validity to some of the things in this post , they are trying to divide people on this rock through many fronts , population stress and the encouragement of provocateurs , organized gangs and criminals , pushed across the borders just to promote civil unrest and division, but among the poverty classes, which now includes the middle class.
This has been done incrementally over time, like a slow turning wheel, or even like forming a snow ball, it just keeps moving and picking up size, and this will continue until you stop” BUYING IT.” Many people believe it can’t be stopped, we have gutted our spirit and driven our economy into a service nature, we produce very little except BS. We consume even more worthless materials from others like China , who uses slaves and political dissidents to produce cheap and disposable products to keep the sheep happy in their pens while they fatten you up for the kill. The last couple years our economy has been propped up by people taking money out of their houses to improve or move up. This drove the housing and building industries , products and services to keep things going , not to mention the replacement cost to repair all kind of property damage due to mother nature. They left the interest rates low and created a policy of allowing many to barrow way over their means. This is going to leave allot of people up side down, the effect will be even greater division between haves and have nots, it going to get very ugly soon and I encourage you to find HOPE in the fact that you are not alone, many are concerned and what will save us is paying attention to the big picture, who is trying to control you, for what purpose? Don’t judge books by their covers learn to read the other mans heart, try not to go off first learn to laugh it off. This idea of Americans being all heart , is true and there is strength and power that when it comes from the heart can move mountains as long as you guard your mind. The other point that should be remembered is there is strength in numbers, if we have to be forced into a New World Order, don’t you think we should take control of it instead of a Fascist profit before people elite secret clown team, takes the rains.
If the government would just quit stealing our time and wealth we could build a better world. Please think before you vote know who your supporting and why, hold them accountable ask the important questions now before it is to late. Who are their masters and what secret societies and clicks do they hold their allegiance to? What groups do they belong to- you shouldn’t return any incumbents back to their thrones of power, take your government back now, get the money out of government, limit all lobbying to public forms, not back doors, a transparent government FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. You don’t have a government now its time to fix it. Bless you for reading this far, there is a power that answers prayers and it works through us, do not loose hope, its always inside you....... and watch out for NGOs it’s the same game.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8543062527940312132 CFM2 CLIFF NOTE FOR MONKEYS
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