Wednesday, October 25, 2006




It's absolutely madding to deal with the human species today , there are so many things that are broken or about to brake , things don't even seem to work on the most basic level. Where I live you can't even drive on the road at certain times, it's amazing the thundering herd the dash to brake lights , the morons that can't drive or can't recognize one way streets, stop signs and lights. Then you have the businesses that you wonder how they can get anything done, I'm mean from fast food, auto parts , gas to the stupid market, its really bad in my neighbor hood. I go to the auto club today to save time, take an offer to renew go cashier she puts my name into computer and tells me to sit and wait for somebody from insurance to deal with me, as I'm sitting there looking at the crowd waiting to take care of DMV matters , which was the reason I wanted to save time. There is the line of faces about six in line at desk another three or four as the door opens and another enters the line to check in. I ponder am I really going to save time, I was a member up till last renewal, I didn't renew because the place kept getting slower and I was getting tired of these idiots trying to pitch me their insurance, which every time I checked was three to four hundred more then I was paying. I'm setting there realizing all I wanted to do was pay my dues, check in , and show an insurance card, that had been holding up a matter. All I have to do is show some DMV authority that I have my insurance card which I've had all along, but misplaced a couple of times . I had renewed on line, insurance cards seem to be some kind of on-line problem, I mean in a day and age where they track your every freaking purchase, on-line transaction, track what you doing practically every minute of the day, you can't get your insurance verified on-line, even if you only deal with your insurance on-line. Progress I'm less then impressed.

Then there's the meter maids busy little bees in our town , which is down with extorting a buck where ever it can, you see it's a business not a city. Basic purpose is to make your life an endless mind numbing choir of moving cars for street sweeping , this is to keep the creeks clean which we have a habit of remodeling. Yep that's right we remodel our creeks , this place is all about remodels. I guess the creeks don't work, water must be having a hard time making it down hill. Actually it's about renaturalizing the creeks, I guess after a couple of hundred years of nature doing its thing it didn't get it quite right. You see we remodel the natural water features, don't get me wrong we got plenty of creeks covered in concrete. Those aren't the problem apparently its the ones mother nature has been in charge of that are the culprits and are destroying our beaches. I guess it must be some kind of special science were you improve what is natural so you don't have to really address the problems. I mean no problem that the freeway drains in to our creeks and bird refugee, I mean street sweeping will fix it even if we don't sweep all the streets, the ones we do kick that dust right up and you can easily wash it off your house and cars right back into the street. Of course its only the poor sections of town that get the special treatment, no parking 1 AM to 4 AM . You know we all got tickets one night I mean every body couple hundred cars , no warning no notice, you see they had put up signs, and stopped for a while to placate the richer areas that were complaining about signs. So I guess they got mad came back to my neighbor hood and unleash the dogs. I fought the tickets (three all my cars were parked in front of my house), you have to jump through five hoops just to get to court, first a couple of letters, which where pretty basic, hey? how about the warning you were suppose to give us, the one you told the paper you where going to do? the one that said you were giving before you gave out tickets, you were going to give us a couple of warnings. Screw that you live on the poor side of town. They used to just play shoot the fish in the barrel, most in the area are poor working class some came out late to move cars .( OOPS shouldn't had that beer, bang big bucks big trouble) or send your buddy or wife who doesn't have papers bang again . This went on for a while, all the peasants scaling around moving their cars and making trouble in the wee hours, it was freaking pathetic a real rulers holiday. I'm starting to really find the freaks in uniform unsettling authoritarians. Make the problem and solve it at the same time, easy pickings and definitely more than happy to service the needs of the city , must feed on poor feed on poor, more more more.

Anyway it pissed me off so I jumped through all the hoops, and got to court. First they try to tell me I'm in the wrong court. Well I got me here this piece of paper, show it to the court guard, yep its like its got this address and court number, oh I guess you weren't expecting me ? Judge looks at me says city is not here, I respond its OK I'll wait had to take the day off for this anyway. So they call around and can't find anyone, their all out to lunch sucking down drinks, can't be bothered to show up. Judge looks at me says your lucky day you win , then adds "usually you wouldn't" , this meat head hasn't even heard what I have to say yet, must think I'm some kind of idiot fighting a parking ticket, hasn't heard shit and knows it all. So I ask to get on the record nope , don't need to, you won. But I want to get on the record! nope he has already ruled I've won and that's it. I mean I might have showed up not looking like I had anything to offer, came in work clothes. I guaranty if I had gotten on the record the city would have some splanin to do. I guess that's why they couldn't show up. I have news paper clippings and clipped notices of record , about 7 code sections, and another 5 subsections all covering the issue, which was the warning, and counted that they broke the laws of the state of California at least three times. There are specific section covering the entire matter including times and zone allowed plus public input and restrictions in residential neighbor hoods.

Well their playing the same game in the harbor and anchorage and this time I'm going to be on the record. Did the California coastal commission think I spent 3 bucks for certified mail for shits and giggles, geez what's up with you clowns ? If I where you I'd at least take the time to respond, and I know there are a few others out there that aren't happy with your dog a pony shows . So ignore me at your own risk I've learned a few things and this is going to be fun. I don't care who I piss off, rules are rules and they apply to your silly ass just like mine . You are willfully committing crimes and endorsing the sale of public property , everything I stated in my first letter to the army corp. of engineers ....and more. YOU WILL SHOW UP ALL OF YOU, stupid is as stupid does. see yawl. PULL your heads out of the sand SANTA BARBARA.

Shout out to Stephanie Miller on KING- "you go with that" nice, agreed- way to stand MOMMA.

And the ED HEAD did OK, at least compared to the morons on the split screen, geez what a looser that clown was, really made Ed look pretty sharp. I didn't realize there were even bigger "BONE" heads....... that cretin gave BILLY OLYLEE credibility.

DEMOCRATS in elections keep your mouth shut so we can get our county back. Let the idiots have the stage they are killing them selves. NANCY PELOSI SHUT YOUR HOLE some of the real conservatives are thinking of going your way but not if your shooting for the same bury your head in the sand bullshit that you've been pulling off, you worthless shill.

Monday, October 02, 2006

TRUTH SPOKEN CLEARLY well spoken , mind candy of truth found in these words.

SANTA BARBARA OCT 5th PROTEST I'm thinking city hall on Thurs Oct 5th - how about you???????